Publications of Bart Jacobs
You can also see:
- my publications
at DBLP, or
at Google
Scholar, together with citations, h-index etc. Downloads are
available via the links on this page.
- the quantum page with
publications of my ERC Advanced Grant: Quantum Computation, Logic, and
- C. Hijzen, B. Jacobs, R. Jansen, F. van Kampen (eds), Uiterst
Vertrouwelijk. Achter de schermen van de Nederlandse geheime diensten.
B. Jacobs, Structured Probabilitistic
Reasoning. Incomplete
draft, version of August 2024.
- B. Jacobs, Introduction
to Coalgebra. Towards Mathematics of States and
Observations. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016.
An earlier draft version is freely available, so that you can get an impression.
- B. Jacobs, Categorical Logic
and Type Theory, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of
Mathematics 141, North Holland, Elsevier, 1999.
Please contact
Elsevier or Amazon
for information on how to order this book
- E. Dommering,
B. Jacobs, K. Spaink and
D. van Weelden,
Wie is U?, The Next Ten
Years, Deel 5, Nijgh & Van Ditmar/XS4ALL, Amsterdam, 2010.
- B. Jacobs, De Menselijke Maat
in ICT, 2007. Free online book, in Dutch.
- B. Jacobs, Drawing with Distance, Logical Methods in
Computer Science, to appear.
[Arxiv preprint]
- E. Di Lavore, B. Jacobs,
M. Román, A Simple
Formal Language for Probabilistic Decision Problems,
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs, Getting Wiser from Multiple Data: Probabilistic
Updating according to Jeffrey and Pearl, May 2024
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs, Some Probabilistic Riddles and Some Logical
Solutions. In: V. Capretta, R. Krebbers and F. Wiedijk", (eds),
Logics and Type Systems in Theory and Practice, LNCS 14560,
p.101-120, 2024
B. Jacobs, F. van
Kampen, Geheimschrijverij bij De Meijer. Een zijdelingse blik
op de Nederlandse cryptografie. In: C. Hijzen, B. Jacobs,
R. Jansen, F. van Kampen (eds), Uiterst Vertrouwelijk. Achter de
schermen van de Nederlandse geheime diensten.
Querido, p.127-135, 2024.
B. Jacobs, The Authenticity Crisis, Computer Law & Security Review 53,
2024, 105962.
B. Jacobs, F. van
Kampen, A new perspective on Dutch WWI codebreaking with its
ramifications, HistoCrypt
B. Jacobs, R. Jansen,
Hoe hackers vastlopen. Over uitvoeringsproblemen bij hackoperaties van
de politie en van de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten,
Computerrecht 2024/3, p.10-21, 2024.
[Online version] [local
- B. Jacobs, Drawing from an Urn is Isometric. In: N. Kobayashi
and J. Worrell (eds), Foundations of Software Science and
Computation Structures
2024), LNCS 14574, p.101-120, 2024
Opinion articles/columns/letters/blogs
- Correctief referendum draagt niet bij aan een weerbare
- Voorposten in de nationale veiligheid,
- B. Jacobs, R. Jansen,
Factsheet Voorgenomen wijzigingen in de Wet op de Inlichtingen- en
Veiligheidsdiensten 2017, Parlement en Wetenschap, 6 sept. 2024
[KNAW link] [Tweede Kamer link] [Bespreking door Kamer rapporteurs Kathmann en Six Dijkstra]
- Wie heeft er Baat bij Bots?,
- Stux-net-niet,
- B. Jacobs, B. Westerbaan, O. Javed, H. van Stekelenburg,
L. Vervoort, J. den Besten, PubHubs Identity Management,
Journal of Logic and Computation, 2023.
[online version]
- B. Jacobs A Principled Approach to Expectation
Maximisation and Latent Dirichlet Allocation Using Jeffrey's Update
Rule. In: H. Hansen, A. Scedrov, R. de Queiroz (eds),
Logic, Language, Information, and Computation
(WOLLIC 2023),
Springer LNCS 13923, p.256-273, 2023
- B. Jacobs, D. Stein,
Overdrawing Urns using Categories of Signed
Probabilities, Applied Category Theory
EPTCS, 397, p.172-189, 2023.
[doi] [local
- B. Jacobs, D. Stein,
Pearl's and Jeffrey's Update as Modes of Learning in
Probabilistic Programming. In: Mathematical Foundations of
Program Semantics (MFPS 2023),
ENTICS Vol. 3, 2023
- B. Jacobs, Proportionaliteit en Abstractie van Gegevensverwerking, Amuse in Ars Aequi, April 2023, p.246-248.
- L. Botros, M. Brandon, B. Jacobs, D. Ostkamp, H. Schraffenberger,
and M. Venema. PostGuard: Towards easy and secure email
communication. In: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on
Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23), April 23-28, 2023,
Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2023.
- B. Jacobs, Sufficient Statistics and Split Idempotents in
Discrete Probability Theory. In: J. Hsu and C. Tasson (eds),
Mathematical Foundations of Program Semantics
1, 2023
- B. Jacobs, D. Stein,
Counting and Matching. In: B. Klin and E. Pimentel (eds),
Computer Science Logic 2023, LIPIcs 252, 2023
- B. Jacobs, Multisets and Distributions, in Drawing and
Learning. In: A. Palmigiano and M. Sadrzadeh (eds),
Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science
and Beyond, Springer p,1095-1146, 20213
[DOI link]
Opinion articles/columns/letters/blogs
- B. Jacobs, R. Jansen,
in Dutch Intelligence Oversight, at online
magazine About:intel, European
Voices on Surveillance, 27/6/2023.
- B. Jacobs
and M. van
Interview Heb
je een goed idee? Vertel het niet aan Chat-gee-pee-tee!,
4/5/2023. Online
version, behind pay-wall.
- Van ‘nomap’ naar ‘notrain’ en
- Position
paper, by B. Jacobs and R. Jansen, for a roundtable meeting in
Parliament on 5/4/2023, about the new temporary intelligence law for
cyberoperations, 23/3/2023, see also
the video
of the discussion in Parliament, after roughly 54 min.
- 1981. De
logica van een
dubbelvakker, FTR
in 100 verhalen, 22/3/2023.
- Controle Poppenkast,
- B. Jacobs, Urns &
Tubes, Compositionality
4(4), 2022
- B. Jacobs, Basic Combinatorics and Sufficient Statistics for
Mutations on Multiple Datatypes, publicly available at,
- B. Jacobs, R. Jansen,
1935 Ontsluieringen in de Oost. In: Nog meer
wereldgeschiedenis van
Nederland, Ambo
Anthos, 2022, p.532-537.
copy] [book video]
- M. Brandon, H. Schraffenberger, W. Sluis-Thiescheffer, T. van der
Geest, D. Ostkamp, and B. Jacobs, Design Principles for
Actual Security. In: NordiCHI 2022.
[DOI link]
B. Jacobs, A Reconstruction of Ewens' Sampling Formula via Lists of
Coins. In: N. Jansen, M. Stoelinga and P. van den Bos,
(eds) A Journey from Process Algebra via Timed Automata to
Model Learning,
Springer LNCS 13560, p.339-357, 2022.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, Partitions and Ewens Distributions in element-free
Probability Theory, LICS
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, Republicanisme als modern Europees verhaal,
in: R. Tinneveld (ed), Literatuur en recht. Liber Amicorum voor
prof. dr. T.J.M. Mertens, Wolters Kluwer Nederland, p.99-77,
- B. Jacobs, Stick Breaking. In: H. Hansen and F. Zanasi (eds),
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science
(CMCS 2022)
Springer LNCS 13225, p.176-193, 2022.
[DOI link]
Opinion articles/columns/letters/blogs
- Poetin de cloud-killer,
- Onze overheid moet haar kostbare data niet klakkeloos uitleveren aan
Google en Amazon, Volkskrant, 21/9/2022. Follow-up article
maken gehakt van nieuwe cloudkoers kabinet in IT-magazine AG
Connect, 22/9/2022.
- Kamer
en media, bestrijd ondermijning van de wetenschap door politici,
Volkskrant, 2/6/2022, about anti-science aggression in
parliament, signed by 300 scientists.
- Reactie
Tijdelijke wet onderzoeken AIVD en MIVD naar landen met een offensief
cyberprogramma, 13/4/2022, together
with R. Jansen,
online consultation for new law for cyber investigations of
intelligence organisations.
B. Jacobs, F. Zanasi
and A. Kissinger,
Causal inference via string diagram surgery: A diagrammatic
approach to interventions and counterfactuals. Mathematical
Structures in Computer Science, 31(5), p.553-574, 2021.
[DOI link]
- Y. Hu, F. van
den Broek,
B. Jacobs, P. Wolters,
Attribuut-gebaseerde elektronische handtekeningen en de
eIDAS-verordening. In: P. Wolters, R. Hermans, A. Janssen,
P. Ortolani (red.), Digitalisering en conflictoplossing (Serie
Onderneming & Recht), Deventer: Wolters Kluwer 2021, p.293-315.
- B. Jacobs, Apps tegen Corona. In: M. van den Brink,
O. Hekster en G. van der Wilt (eds), Een gezonde samenleving -
Wetenschappelijke perspectieven in tijden van crisis, Prometheus,
[ book
- C. Bulten,
B. Jacobs, C. Jansen, Cybersecurity:
Chefsache?!, Ondernemingsrecht 2021/79, p.475-480, 2021.
- J. Rot,
B. Jacobs, P. Levy, Steps
and Traces. In: Journal of Logic and Computation 31(6),
p.1482-1525, 2021.
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs, Learning from What's Right and Learning from
What's Wrong. In: A. Sokolova (ed), Mathematical Foundations of
Program Semantics
(MFPS 2021),
EPTCS, 351, p.116-133, 2021.
- B. Jacobs, Multinomial and Hypergeometric distributions in
Markov Categories. In: A. Sokolova (ed), Mathematical Foundations
of Program Semantics
(MFPS 2021),
EPTCS, 351, p.98-115, 2021.
- B. van Gastel, B. Jacobs, J. Popma, Data Protection Using
Polymorphic Pseudonymisation in a Large-Scale Parkinson's Disease
Study. In Journal of Parkinson's Disease, 2021.
[online version]
- B. Jacobs, From Multisets over Distributions to Distributions
over Multisets, LICS
[Arxiv preprint]
- H. Geuvers,
B. Jacobs, Relating Apartness and Bisimulation. Logical Methods in
Computer Science, 17(3), 2021.
[LMCS journal version]
- B. Jacobs
and F. Zanasi,
The Logical Essentials of Bayesian Reasoning. In: G. Barthe and
J.-P. Katoen and A. Silva (eds), Foundations of Probabilistic
Programming, Cambridge
Univ. Press, p.295-331, 2021.
[Arxiv preprint]
Opinion articles/columns/letters/blogs
- Digitale Duurzaamheid,
- Open source als strategisch instrument,
- Podcast
interview De
cyberverzekering vanuit civielrechtelijk perspectief about the PhD
of Nynke
Brouwer, 18/10/2021.
- Digitale identiteit als Nederlandse troefkaart in Europa,
- Cowboy Spionnen,
- Respecteer
Encryptie, public
statement signed by many asking the Dutch cabinet to stimulate the
use of encryption, not to weaken it, 10/3/2021.
- Digitale Pandemie,
Commissioned reports
- A. Hoffman, B. Jacobs, B. van Gastel, H. Schraffenberger,
T. Sharon and B. Pas, Towards a seamful ethics of Covid-19 contact
tracing apps. In: Ethics and Information Technology, 2020.
B. Jacobs, P. Boncz,
D. Mekić, Een App als
Digitaal Hulpmiddel. Achtergronden bij traceren en informeren,
concept manuscript, 2 juni 2020.
- B. Jacobs, Maximator: European signals intelligence
cooperation, from a Dutch perspective. Intelligence and National
Security, 35(5), p.1-10, 2020.
B. Jacobs, S. Staton,
De Finetti's construction as a categorical limit. In:
Petriçan and J. Rot (eds) Coalgebraic Methods in Computer
Science (CMCS 2020) Springer LNCS 12094, p.90-111, 2020.
[DOI link]
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs
and H. Schraffenberger,
Friction for Privacy. Why privacy by design needs user experience
design. European Cyber Security Perspectives 2020, p.12-14.
copy] [online booklet]
- B. Jacobs, A Channel-Based Perspective on Conjugate Priors.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 30(1), p.44-61, 2020.
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs and Bram Westerbaan,
Distances between States and between Predicates. Logical
Methods in Computer Science, 16(1), 2020
Opinion articles/columns/letters/blogs
- Ontwakende Europese digitale soevereiniteit,
iBestuur, 24/12/2020.
- Bescherm onze gezondheid, maar bescherm ook onze
joint declaration
about proximity tracing apps, 8/4/2020.
- Met een app weer naar buiten,
- Arjen Kamphuis en de publieke zaak in de digitale wereld,
22/1/2020. The same text was published by the investigative
programme Argos, 24/1/2020.
- B. Jacobs, De patiënt is niet autonoom. in:
M. van Houdenhoven and J.-H. Zwaveling (eds), Data dilemma's in de
zorg. Op weg naar betere oplossingen in het belang van de patiënt,
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2019, p. 57-67.
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs, Kom op voor de publieke zaak in de digitale
wereld. in: M. van Houdenhoven and J.-H. Zwaveling (eds), Data
dilemma's in de zorg. Op weg naar betere oplossingen in het belang van
de patiënt, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2019, p. 127-135.
[local copy]
- J. van Dijck
and B. Jacobs, Electronic identity services as
sociotechnical and political-economic constructs,
New Media and Society
Volume 22(5), 2019.
- B. Bloem et al., The Personalized Parkinson Project:
examining disease progression through broad biomarkers
in early Parkinson's
disease, BMC
Neurology, 19:160, 2019.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, The Mathematics of Changing one's Mind, via
Jeffrey's or via Pearl's update rule, Journal of Artifical
Intelligence Research (JAIR) 65,
p.783-806, 2019.
[Journal version]
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs, Learning along a Channel: the Expectation part
of Expectation-Maximisation. In: B. König (ed), Mathematical
Foundations of Program Semantics
2019), ENTCS 347, p.143-160, 2019.
[doi] [local copy]
- B. Jacobs
and D. Sprunger, Neural
Nets via Forward State Transformation and Backward Loss
Transformation. In: B. König (ed), Mathematical Foundations of
Program Semantics
2019), ENTCS 347, p.161-177, 2019.
[doi] [Arxiv preprint]
- K. Cho, B. Jacobs,
Disintegration and Bayesian Inversion via String Diagrams,
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 29(7), p.938-971, 2019.
[doi] [Arxiv preprint]
B. Jacobs, F. Zanasi
and A. Kissinger,
Causal Inference by String Diagram Surgery. In: M. Bojanczyk and
A. Simpson (eds), FoSSaCS 2019, Springer LNCS 11425, p.313-329,
2019. Journal version to appear in: Mathematical Structures in
Computer Science.
[DOI link]
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs and J. Popma, Medical research, Big Data and the need for privacy by design,
Big Data and Society, 2019
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, Lower and Upper Conditioning in Quantum Bayesian
Theory, Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic
(QPL 2018),
EPTCS 287, p. 225-238, 2019.
[Online copy] [Arxiv preprint]
- P. Wolters
and B. Jacobs, The security of access to accounts under the
PSD2, Computer Law & Security Review 35(1), p. 29-41, 2019.
[DOI link]
Opinion articles/columns/letters/blogs
- Teken tegen nepnieuws,
9/12/2019. This same column
is re-published
at NetKwesties,
- 'Kies decentraal inlogmiddel voor burgers',
iBestuur, open letter to junior minister Raymond Knops,
- Praktijklessen voor datakluizen,
- G. van Heerdt, B. Jacobs, T. Kappé and A. Silva,
Learning to Coordinate. In: F. de Boer and M. Bonsangue and J. Rutten (eds),
It's All About Coordination -- Essays to Celebrate the
Lifelong Scientific Achievements of Farhad Arbab,
Springer LNCS 10865, p.139-159, 2018
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, Categorical Aspects of Parameter Learning
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs, A Channel-based Exact Inference Algorithm for
Bayesian Networks
[Arxiv preprint]
- P. Wolters
and B. Jacobs, De toegang tot betaalrekeningen onder PSD2
, Ondernemingsrecht 2018/38.
- B. Jacobs and Bram Westerbaan,
A Note on Distances between Probabilistic and Quantum
distributions. In: A. Silva (ed), Mathematical Foundations of
Program Semantics (MFPS
2017), ENTCS 336, p. 173-185, 2018.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, P. Levy
and J. Rot, Steps and Traces,
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS 2018), LNCS
11202, p.122-143, 1998. An extended version is published
in Journal of
Logic and Computation, 2021.
[DOI link] [local
- R. Adams and
B. Jacobs, A Type Theory for Probabilistic and Bayesian Reasoning.
In: T. Uustalu (ed), 21st Int. Conf. on Types for Proofs and
Programs (TYPES 2015), LIPIcs 69, p.1:1-1:34, 2018.
link] [Arxiv
Opinion articles/columns/letters/blogs
- Wet DO: achterhaald en nodeloos duur,
- Contributed essay Je geld of je data!, together with
Marcel Becker, in weekend supplement Letter en Geest of
national newspaper Trouw, 24/6/2017.
[Online copy] [local pdf copy]
- AVG & eID,
- Guest column Een blockchain aan je been in: SURF
magazine, March 2018
online copy].
- Podcast Het
woord is aan de Goeroe, on BNR
Nieuwsradio, 20/2/2018.
- Gespetter en gesputter met de AVG,
- B. Jacobs. Quantum effect logic in cognition.
Journ. Math. Psychology 81, 2017, p. 1-10.
[online copy]
- B. Jacobs, Vertrouwen en Authenticatie. In:
S. Bartels, C. Jansen, B. Schuijling, N. Vermunt (eds.),
Vertrouwen in het burgelijke recht. Liber amicorum
prof. mr. S.C.J.J. Kortmann, Wolters Kluwer 2017, p. 239-245.
- B. Jacobs, Hyper Normalisation and Conditioning for Discrete
Probability Distributions. Logical Methods in Computer Science
13(3:17), 2017.
[Arxiv preprint]
- E. Verheul and
B.Jacobs, Polymorphic Encryption and Pseudonymisation in Identity
Management and Medical Research. Nieuw Archief voor
Wiskunde NAW, 5/18,
nr. 3, 2017, p. 168-172.
[local copy]
- G. Alpár,
F. van den Broek,
B. Hampiholi,
B. Jacobs, W. Lueks,
S. Ringers. IRMA: practical,
decentralized and privacy-friendly identity management using
smartphones. 10th Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing
Technologies (HotPETs 2017), Minneapolis, USA, 2017.
[local copy]
B. Jacobs, F. Zanasi,
A Formal Semantics of Influence in Bayesian Reasoning. In: K. Larsen,
H. Bodlaender and J.-F. Raskin (eds), Mathematical Foundations of
Computer Science (MFCS),
LIPIcs 83, p.21:1-21:14, 2017.
[LIPIcs link]
[local copy]
- K. Cho, B. Jacobs, The
EfProb Library for
Probabilistic Calculations. In: F. Bonchi and B. König
(eds), CALCO 2017.
LIPIcs 72, 25:1-7, 2017 (Calco Tools session).
[CALCO version]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs, From Probability Monads to Commutative Effectuses.
In: Journ. of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
94, p.200-237.
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs, A Recipe for State-and-Effect Triangles. Logical
Methods in Computer Science, 13(2), 2017
[LMCS journal version]
conference version]
Opinion articles/columns/letters/blogs
- Reason yourself out of blockchains,
- PSD2, een Europese strategische blunder,
- Zonder privacy is er geen vrijheid, in national
newspaper Trouw, 22/4/2017.
copy] [locale pdf copy] [originele, iets langere versie, op Netkwesties, of locaal] [slides, in het engels]
- Marcel Becker and Bart Jacobs, Kijk uit, nepnieuws!, in
national newspaper Trouw, 14/1/2017.
[Online copy] [local pdf copy]
- B. Jacobs and J. Mandemaker and R. Furber, The
Expectation Monad in Quantum Foundations. In:
Information and Computation, 250, p. 87-114.
- F. van den Broek,
B. Hampiholi, B. Jacobs,
Securely derived identity credentials on smart phones via
self-enrolment. In: G. Barthe and E. Markatos and P. Samarati (eds.),
12th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management
(STM 2016), Springer LNCS
9871, p.106-121, 2016
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- F.D. Garcia,
B. Jacobs, The Fall of a Tiny Star. In: P. Ryan and D. Naccache and
J.-J. Quisquater (eds.), The New Codebreakers - Essays
Dedicated to David Kahn on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday,
Springer LNCS 9100, p.69-87, 2016
[DOI link]
- W. Hino,
H. Kobayashi, I. Hasuo and B. Jacobs. Healthiness from Duality. Logic in Computer Science
(LICS) 2016.
[Arxiv preprint]
- E. Verheul, B. Jacobs, C. Meijer, M. Hildebrandt and
J. de Ruiter, Polymorphic Encryption and Pseudonymisation for
Personalised Healthcare, whitepaper, 2016.
[eprint link]
[PEP project page]
- B. Jacobs and Fabio Zanasi,
A predicate/state transformer semantics for Bayesian
learning. In: L. Birdedal (ed), Mathematical Foundations of
Program Semantics (MFPS
2016), ENTCS 325, p.185-200, 2016.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs, Effectuses from Monads. In: L. Birdedal (ed),
Mathematical Foundations of Program Semantics
(MFPS 2016),
ENTCS 325, p.169-183, 2016.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs
and C. Löding
(eds), Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
(FoSSaCS 2016), Springer LNCS 9634, Berlin, 2016.
- B. Jacobs, Affine Monads and Side-Effect-Freeness, In: I. Hasuo
(ed.), Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS 2016),
Springer LNCS 9608, p.53-72, 2016.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs and J. Mandemaker, Relating Operator Spaces via
Adjunctions. In: J. Chubb, V. Harizanov, and
A. Eskandarian (eds.), Logic and Algebraic Structures in Quantum
Computing, Lect. Notes in Logic 45, Cambridge
Univ. Press, p.123-150, 2016.
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs, Select while you collect. Over de voorgestelde
interceptiebevoegdheden voor inlichtingen- en
veiligheidsdiensten, Nederlands Juristen Blad
(NJB), afl. 4, p.256-261, 19 Jan. 2016 (in Dutch).
[local copy]
Opinion articles/columns/letters
- N. van Eijk and Bart Jacobs and many other, Open brief aan
Tweede Kamer: Onvoldoende waarborgen in nieuwe nationale
veiligheidswet, 13/12/2016. [link]
- P. van Koppen and B. Jacobs, Het Tapsysteem in Nederland en
de Teeven-Tap, open letter to the Minister of Justice about phone
tapping, 10
feb. 2015. [copy]
of the minister]
- B. Jacobs, Aftercare for the Internet of Things. In: CSR
Magazine 2, published by
the Dutch Cyber Security
Council, p.61-62, Jan. 2016.
[CSR Maganzine]
- K. Cho, B. Jacobs,
Bas Westerbaan,
Bram Westerbaan, An
introduction to Effectus Theory, 2015.
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs, A. Silva, and
A. Sokolova, Trace
Semantics via Determinization. Journ. of Computer and System Sciences
81(5), p.859-789, 2015.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- K. Cho, B. Jacobs,
, Bas Westerbaan,
Bram Westerbaan,
Quotient-Comprehension Chains. In: C. Heunen, P. Selinger and
J. Vicary (eds): Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on
Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2015), Oxford, U.K., July 15-17, 2015,
EPTCS 195, p.136-147.
- R. Furber and
B. Jacobs, Towards a Categorical Account of Conditional Probability.
In: C. Heunen, P. Selinger and J. Vicary (eds): Proceedings of the
12th International Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2015),
Oxford, U.K., July 15-17, 2015, EPTCS 195, p.179-195.
- B. Jacobs, New Directions in Categorical Logic, for Classical,
Probabilistic and Quantum Logic. In: Logical Methods in Computer
Science 11(3), p.1-76, Oct. 2015.
[LMCS version]
- R. Furber and
B. Jacobs, From Kleisli categories to commutative C*-algebras:
Probabilistic Gelfand Duality. In: Logical
Methods in Computer Science 11(2), p.1-28, June 2015.
[LMCS version]
- B. Hampiholi,
G. Alpár,
F. van den Broek,
B. Jacobs. Towards practical Attribute-Based Signatures. In:
R.S. CHakraborty and P. Schwabe and J. Solworth (eds),
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Security,
Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering
(SPACE 2015),
Jaipur, India, Springer LNCS 9354,
p.310-328, 2015.
- B. Hampiholi,
B. Jacobs. Trusted self-enrolment of attribute-based credentials on
mobile phones. IFIP Summer
School on Privacy and Identity Management 2015, Edinburgh, 2015.
- B. Jacobs and
Bram Westerbaan,
An Effect-theoretic Account of Lebesgue Integration. In: D. Ghica (ed),
MFPS 2015, ENTCS 319,
p.239-253, 2015.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, A Recipe for State-and-Effect Triangles. In: L. Moss
and P. Sobocinski (eds.), CALCO
2015. LIPIcs 35, p.116-129, 2015. Winner of the best presentation
journal version]
- B. Jacobs, Dijkstra and Hoare monads in monadic computation,
Theoretical Computer Science 604, p.30-45, 2015.
[DOI link] [online version]
- B. Jacobs, De overheid als verschaffer en beschermer van
identiteiten. Regelmaat 30, Afl. 1, 2015, p.37-44.
- B. Jacobs, Bas Westerbaan,
Bram Westerbaan, States of
Convex Sets, In: A. Pitts (ed.), FoSSaCS 2015, Springer LNCS 9034,
p.87-101, 2015.
[DOI link]
Opinion articles/columns/letters
B. Jacobs Klantverraders,
blog on PI.lab, 13 dec. 2015.
B. Jacobs Een
Assessment van een Privacy Impact Assessment: Idensys onder de
loep, blog on PI.lab, 9
nov. 2015.
B. Jacobs, Het
internet der ondingen, 30 sept. 2015.
B. Jacobs, Preface
to: Marcel
Becker, Ethiek
van de digitale media (Boom 2015), blog
on PI.lab, 6 sept. 2015.
B. Jacobs, Fittie
Met BuZa, blog on PI.lab, 19 april
- B. Jacobs
and H. Bos, Responsible
Disclosure and Repair. In: CSR Magazine 1, published by
the Dutch Cyber Security
Council, p.29-30, April 2015.
[CSR Maganzine]
- B. Jacobs, Vluchtig en Stelselmatig. Een bespreking van interceptie door inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten, NJB blog, 5 feb. 2015.
- B. Jacobs, Bayesian Networks as Coalgebras,
- B. Jacobs, A. Silva,
Automata Learning: A Categorical Perspective. In: F. van Breugel,
E. Kashefi, C. Palamidessi, J. Rutten (eds.), Horizons of the Mind. A
Tribute to Prakash Panangaden, Springer LNCS 8464, p.384-406, 2014.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, Two of the Grand Changes through Computer and Network
Technolog. In: M. Hansen and J.-H. Hoepman and
R. Leenes and D. Whitehouse (eds.), Privacy and
Identity Management for Emerging Services and
Technologies, Springer IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Techn. 421,
p.1-11, 2014.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs, A. Silva,
Initial Algebras of Terms, with binding and algebraic structure. In:
C. Casadio, B. Coecke, M. Moortgat, P. Scott (eds.),
Categories and Types in Logic, Language, and Physics, Springer LNCS 8222,
p.211-234, 2014.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, Dijkstra Monads in Monadic Computation. In: M. Bonsangue (ed),
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science
(CMCS 2014), Springer LNCS 8446,
p.135-150, 2014.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs, De DDoS Paradox. Ontsluiten door Afsluiten,
Nederlands Juristen Blad (NJB),
afl. 32, p.2191-2795, 20 sept. 2013 (in Dutch).
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs, Wat ben je? In: M. Geels and T. van Opijnen,
Nederland in Ideeën, Maven Publishing, 2013, p.261-264.
copy] [IRMA card website]
- B. Jacobs, Bases as Coalgebras. Logical
Methods in Computer Science 9(3), sept. 2013.
[LMCS version]
conference version]
- B. Jacobs, On Block Structures in Quantum
Computation. In: D. Kozen and M. Mislove (eds),
Mathematical Foundations of Program Semantics
2013), ENTCS 298, p.233-255, 2013.
[DOI link]
- I. Hasuo,
K. Cho, T. Kataoka, and
B. Jacobs. Coinductive Predicates and Final Sequences in a
Fibration. In: D. Kozen and M. Mislove (eds), Mathematical Foundations
of Program Semantics
2013), ENTCS 298, p.197-214, 2013.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, Dagger Categories of Tame Relations. Logica
Universalis 7(3), p.341-370, 2013.
[DOI link]
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs, Measurable Spaces and their Effect Logic.
Logic in Computer Science
(LICS 2013).
- D. Coumans and
B. Jacobs. Scalars, monads, and categories. In: C. Heunen and
M. Sadrzadeh and E. Grefenstette (eds), Quantum Physics and
Linguistics. A Compositional, Diagrammatic Discourse. Oxford
Univ. Press, 2013, p.184-216.
[Arxiv preprint]
- F.D. Garcia,
E. Verheul and B.Jacobs.
Cell-based Privacy-Friendly Roadpricing. In:
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65, Issue
5, 2013, p.774-785.
[DOI link]
- R. Furber and
B. Jacobs, From Kleisli categories to commutative C*-algebras:
Probabilistic Gelfand Duality. In: R. Heckel and S. Milius (eds),
Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science
(CALCO'13) Springer
LNCS 8089, p. 141-157, 2013.
[extended LMCS journal version]
- G. Alpár and
B. Jacobs. Credential Design in Attribute-Based Identity
Management. In: R. Leenes and E. Kosta (eds), Bridging distances
in technology and
regulation, 3rd
TILTing Perspectives Conference, 2013, p.189-204.
[local copy]
- G. Alpár and
B. Jacobs. Towards Practical Attribute-Based Identity Management:
The IRMA Trajectory. In: S. Fischer-Hübner, E. de Leeuw and
C. Mitchell (eds), Policies and Research in Identity Management: Third
IFIP WG 11.6 Working Conference
(Idman 2013), IFIP Adv. in
Inf. and Comm. Techn., Vol. 396, Springer, 2013, p.1-3.
this keynote] [IRMA
- B. Jacobs, Attributen in plaats van Identiteiten,
1/2013, p.29-35 (Dutch language introduction about the
IRMA project).
[local copy]
Opinion articles/columns/letters
- B. Jacobs, Digitaal tafelzilver beter beveiligen tegen
afluisteren in newspaper Trouw,
This opinion article is based on a topical lecture (in Dutch) about
the Snowden affair, on 29/10/2013, see
the YouTube
- B. Jacobs, Laat weten wat je
monitort. In:
FD Outlook, sept. 2013, p. 36-37.
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs
and J. Mandemaker, The
Expectation Monad in Quantum Foundations. In
Elect. Proc. in
Theor. Comp. Sci. Vol. 95, 2012, p.143-182: proceedings of Quantum
Physics and Logic QPL 2011.
[extended journal version]
- B. Jacobs, Policeware, Nederlands Juristen Blad
(NJB), afl. 39, p.2761-2764, 9 nov. 2012
(in Dutch).
[local copy]
- F.D. Garcia,
E. Verheul and B.Jacobs.
Cell-based Privacy-Friendly Roadpricing. To appear in:
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2012.
- F.D. Garcia,
E. Verheul and B.Jacobs.
Cell-based Roadpricing. In: S. Petkova-Kikova, A. Pashalidis,
G. Pernul (eds.), EuroPKI 2011, Springer LNCS 7163, p.106-122, 2012.
[DOI link]
[local copy][Euro-PKI'11 link]
- B. Jacobs and J. Mandemaker, Coreflections in Algebraic Quantum Logic.
Foundations of Physics, 10 May 2012.
[DOI link]
First appearance in: Informal proceedings of Quantum Physics and
2010), May 29-30, Oxford.
[QPL 2010 version]
- B. Jacobs, Bedwelmende zelfontplooiing (in Dutch). In:
T. Kwakkelstein, A. van Dam en A. van Ravenzwaaij (eds),
Van verzorgingsstaat naar waarborgstaat. Nieuwe kansen voor overheid en
samenleving, Boom, 2012, p. 85-97.
- R. Atkey,
N. Ghani, B. Jacobs, and
P. Johann,
Fibrational Induction Meets Effects. In: L. Birkedal (ed.),
2012, Springer LNCS 7213, 2012, p.42-57.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, A. Silva, and
A. Sokolova, Trace
Semantics via Determinization. In: L. Schröder and D. Patinson
(eds), Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science
(CMCS 2012), Springer LNCS
7399, 2012, p.109-129.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
Opinion articles/columns/letters
- B. Jacobs and J. Rutten, An
introduction to (co)algebras and (co)induction. In: D. Sangiorgi and
J. Rutten (eds), Advanced topics in bisimulation and coinduction,
p.38-99, 2011. (This chapter is a modest update of the 1997
tutorial paper.)
[CUP book website]
[chapter copy]
- F.D. Garcia and
B. Jacobs, Privacy-friendly Energy-metering via Homomorphic
Encryption. In: J. Cuellar, J. Lopez, G. Barthe and A. Pretschner
(eds), Security and Trust Management (STM'2010), 2011, Springer LNCS
6710, p.226-238.
[local copy]
[DOI link]
- M. Hildebrandt and B. Jacobs, De computer heeft gelijk.
In: P. van Kempen and A. Machielse and H. Sackers and P. Vegter
(eds), Levend Strafrecht. Strafrechtelijke vernieuwingen in een
maatschappelijke context. Liber amicorum Ybo Buruma, Kluwer,
Deventer, p. 255--269, 2011.
- J.-H. Hoepman and B. Jacobs,
Privacy: code in context. In: V. Frissen, L. Kool, and M. van Lieshout (eds),
De Transparante Samenleving. Jaarboek ICT en Samenleving 2011,
Media Update, Gorredijk, p. 237-252, 2011.
- B. Jacobs and R. Wichers
Schreur. Logical Formalisation and Analysis of the Mifare Classic
Card in PVS. In: M. van Eekelen and H. Geuvers and J. Schmaltz and
F. Wiedijk (eds), Interactive Theorem Proving, Springer LNCS 6898,
p.3-17, 2009. © Springer-Verlag
link][Earlier Technical report ICIS-R10002]
- B. Jacobs, Bases as Coalgebras. In: A. Corradini, B. Klin and
C. Cirstea (eds), Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO'11) Springer LNCS 6859,
p.237-252, 2011.
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs and Erik
Poll, Biometrics and Smart Cards in Identity Management. In:
S. van der Hof and M. M. Groothuis (eds), Innovating
Government. Normative, policy and technological dimensions of modern
government, p.419-439, T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer, 2011.
- B. Jacobs, Probabilities, Distribution Monads, and Convex Categories.
Theoretical Computer Science 412(28), 2011, p.3323-3336.
Festschrift in Honour of Jan Bergstra
- B. Jacobs, Autonomie en Transparantie (in Dutch). In:
M. Kowalski and M. Meeder (eds.), Contraterrorisme en Ethiek, Boom,
2011, p.56-68.
- I. Hasuo and
B. Jacobs. Traces for Coalgebraic Components.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 21, 2011, p.267-320.
- B. Jacobs, Coalgebraic Walks, in Quantum and Turing Computation.
In: M. Hofmann (ed.),
2011, Springer LNCS 6604,
p.12-26, 2011. © Springer-Verlag
- B. Jacobs. Involutive Categories and Monoids, with a GNS-correspondence.
Foundations of Physics, 8 Sept. 2011.
[DOI link]
First appearance in: Informal proceedings of Quantum Physics and
2010), May 29-30, Oxford.
2010 version] [Arxiv
- C. Heunen
and B. Jacobs, Quantum logic in dagger kernel categories.
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2009), ENTCS 270(2), p.79-103, 2011.
[DOI link]
[The extended journal version actually appeared earlier, in: Order
27(2), p.177-212, 2010.
DOI link]
Opinion articles/columns/letters
- B. Jacobs, Het elektronisch patiëntendossier vanuit
informatiebeveiligingsperspectief. In: G. Munnichs, M. Schuijff en
M. Besters (red.), Databases Over ICT-beloftes, informatiehonger en
digitale autonomie. Rathenau Instituut,
2010, p. 44-52.
[copy (English version)]
[copy (Dutch version, entire report)]
- B. Jacobs and
A. Sokolova,
Exemplaric Expressivity of Modal Logics.
Journal of Logic and
Computation 20(5), p.1041-1068, 2010.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs, Convexity, Duality, and Effects. In: C.S. Calude and
V. Sassone (eds.), Theoretical Computer Science. 6th IFIP TC 1/WG 2.2
International Conference, TCS
2010, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,
2010, Volume 323, Springer Boston, p.1-19.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
[Older, now obsolete, arxiv preprint]
- J.-H. Hoepman,
B. Jacobs, P. Vullers.
Privacy and Security Issues in e-Ticketing -- Optimisation of Smart
Card-based Attribute-proving In: V. Cortier, M. Ryan and V. Shmatikov
(eds), Workshop on Foundations of Security and Privacy, FCS-PrivMod
2010, Edinburgh, UK, July 14-15, 2010. Proceedings. July 2010
- B. Jacobs, Orthomodular lattices, Foulis Semigroups and
Dagger Kernel Categories. Logical
Methods in Computer Science 6(2), june 2010.
[LMCS link]
- B. Jacobs, Predicate Logic for Functors and Monads.
- I. Hasuo
and B. Jacobs, Milad
Niqui, Coalgebraic Representation Theory of Fractals. In:
P. Selinger (ed.), Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
XXVI), ENTCS, 2010.
- B. Jacobs, Architecture is Politics: Security and Privacy Issues in
Transport and Beyond. In: S. Gutwirth and Y. Poullet and P. De Hert (eds.),
Data Protection in a Profiled World, Springer 2010, p.289-299.
- C. Heunen
and B. Jacobs, Quantum logic in dagger kernel categories. Order 27(2),
p.177-212, 2010.
[DOI link]
[Arxiv preprint]
- B. Jacobs, From Coalgebraic to Monoidal Traces. In:
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'10), ENTCS 264, p.125-140, 2010.
[local copy]
[DOI link]
- L. Batina, J.-H. Hoepman, B. Jacobs, W. Mostowski, and P. Vullers. Developing efficient
blinded attribute certificates on smart cards via pairings. In:
D. Gollmann and J.-L. Lanet, editors, Smart Card Research and Advanced
Applications, 9th IFIP WG 8.8/11.2 International Conference, CARDIS
2010, Springer LNCS 6035, p.209-222.
[local copy]
[DOI link]
Opinion articles/columns/letters
- B. Jacobs
and I. Hasuo,
Semantics and Logic for Security Protocols, Journal of Computer
Security 17(6), 2009, p.909-944.
[DOI link]
copy] [ accompanying PVS sources]
- I. Hasuo,
C. Heunen, B. Jacobs and A. Sokolova, Coalgebraic
Components in a Many-Sorted Microcosm. In: A. Kurz and A. Tarlecki,
Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO'09) Springer LNCS 5728,
p.64-80, 2009. © Springer-Verlag
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs and A. Sokolova, Traces, executions and schedulers, coalgebraically. In: A. Kurz and A. Tarlecki,
Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO'09) Springer LNCS 5728,
p.206-221, 2009. © Springer-Verlag
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs and W. de Jonge,
Safety in Numbers - Road Pricing beyond 'Thin' and 'Fat',
In: Thinking Highways
(Europe/RoW edition), Vol. 4, No. 3 (Sep/Oct 2009), p. 84-87.
- B. Jacobs, Keeping our Surveillance Society Non-Totalitarian.
In: Amsterdam Law Forum
Vol. 1, no. 4, p. 19-34, 2009.
- B. Jacobs and W. Pieters,
Electronic Voting in the Netherlands: From Early Adoption to Early
Abolishment. In: Foundations of Security Analysis and Design V: FOSAD
2007/2008/2009 Tutorial Lectures. LNCS 5705, p. 121-144, 2009.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- H. Tews, B. Jacobs,
Performance issues of Selective Disclosure and Blinded Issuing
Protocols on Java Card. In: O. Markowitch et al.,
Information Security Theory and Practice. LNCS 5746, p. 95-111, 2009.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- B. Jacobs, C. Heunen,
I. Hasuo,
Categorical semantics for arrows. Journal
of Functional Programming, volume 19 (3-4), p.403-438.
[DOI link]
- M. Coster, B. Jacobs, K. Landsman, De overval:
Fox-IT. Nieuw Archief
voor Wiskunde, 5/10, nr.2, june 2009.
- W. de Jonge and B. Jacobs,
Privacy-friendly Electronic Traffic Pricing via Commits. In:
P. Degano, J. Guttman, and F. Martinelli (Eds.): FAST 2008, LNCS 5491,
p. 143-161, 2009. Proceedings of the workshop Formal Aspects in Security and
Trust (FAST), Malaga, oct. 2008.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs and B. Schouten, Biometrics
and their use in e-passports. Image and
Vision Computing, Volume 27(3), 2009, p.305-312
[DOI link]
Opinion articles/columns/letters
- B. Jacobs, De Voorspelde Mens. In: L. Consoli and R. Hoekstra
(ed.), Technologie en
Mensbeeld, Valkhof Pers, 2008, p.52-60.
- F. Garcia,
G. de Koning Gans, R. Muijrers,
P. van Rossum,
R. Verdult, R. Wichers Schreur
and B. Jacobs, Dismantling Mifare Classic.
In: Proceedings of ESORICS 2008, LNCS 5283, Springer, 2008, p.97-114.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- I. Hasuo,
B. Jacobs
and A. Sokolova, The
Microcosm Principle and Concurrency in Coalgebra. Foundations of
Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2008). LNCS
4962, Springer, p.246-260.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- M. van Eekelen, O. Shkaravska, R. van
Kesteren, B. Jacobs, Erik
Poll and S. Smetsers.
AHA: Amortized Heap Space Usage Analysis. Project Paper. In:
M. Morazán and H. Nillsson (eds). Trends in Functional
Programming volume 8 (Selected Papers of the Eighth Symposium on
Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2007), 2008. pp. 36-53.
- B. Jacobs, Coalgebraic trace semantics for combined possibilitistic
and probabilistic systems. Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'08), ENTCS 203(5), p.131-152, 2008.
[local copy]
[DOI link]
Commissioned reports
- B. Jacobs, S. Nouwt (from TILT), A. de Bruijn, O. Vermeulen,
R. van der Knaap, C. de Bie (all 4 from PwC), Beveiligingeisen ten aanzien
van identificatie en authenticatie voor toegang zorgconsument tot het
Elektronisch Patiëntendossier (EPD), report commissioned
by the ministry of Health, dec. 2008.
[letter by
- F. Garcia, B. Jacobs,
W. Teepe, E. Verheul,
Privacybescherming Anders Betalen voor Mobiliteit, research
report commissioned by RDW about
road pricing, april 2008.
- E. Hubbers, B. Jacobs,
B. Schoenmakers,
H. van Tilborg,
B. de Weger,
Description and Analysis of the RIES Internet Voting System,
Version 1.0, June 24, 2008.
Opinion articles/columns/letters
- B. Jacobs and T. Uustalu,
Semantics of Grammars and Attributes via Initiality. In:
E. Barendsen, et al. (eds), Reflections on Type Theory, Lambda Calculus,
and the Mind. Essays Dedicated to Henk Barendregt on the Occasion of
his 60th Birthday, p.181-196, Dec. 2007.
[Proceedings webpage]
- I. Hasuo,
B. Jacobs
and A. Sokolova,
Generic Trace Semantics via
Coinduction. Logical
Methods in Computer Science, 3(4:11), 2007.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs and M. Jochems, DigiD en Privacy, Automatisering Gids 42, 10/07.
- H. Meijer and J.-H. Hoepman, B. Jacobs and E. Poll, Computer security
through correctness and transparancy. In: K. de Leeuw, J. Bergstra
(eds.), The
History of Information Security, Elsevier 2007, p.637--653.
- F. Korthals Altes et al., Stemmen met Vertrouwen, report of the
national advice
committee on the organisation of voting in the Netherlands,
sept. 2007.
[Dutch copy]
[English summary]
[English copy]
[French summary]
[Picture of report presentation]
- B. Jacobs, W. Teepe,
Over vermogen en onvermogen, Privacy en Informatitie
(P&I), Nr. 4,
aug. 2007, p.142-146. (in dutch)
The three reports discussed in the paper are: Data
voor Daadkracht, Van
privacyparadijs tot controlestaat? Misdaad- en terreurbestrijding. in
Nederland aan het begin van de 21ste eeuw en Stemmachines
een verweesd dossier
- J.-H. Hoepman, B. Jacobs,
Increased security through open source, Communications of the ACM 50(1),
2007. p.79-83.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs,
S. Smetsers,
R. Wichers Schreur,
Code-carrying theories, Formal Aspects of Computing
19(2), p.191-203, 2007.
[DOI link]
B. Jacobs, I. Hasuo,
and T. Uustalu, Categorical
Views on Computations on Trees. In: L. Arge, C. Cachin,
T. Jurdzinski, A. Tarlecki (eds.), Proc. of 34th Int. Coll. on
Automata, Languages and Programming
(ICALP 2007),
Track B. LNCS 4596, p.619-630. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
Opinion articles/columns/letters
- B. Jacobs, Stemlessen. In: Het geweten van de elektronische overheid.
Vijf jaar (2002-2007),
lustrumbundel, dec. 2007, p.100.
- B. Jacobs and F. Korthals
Altes, Vertrouw
op het high-techpotlood in: NRC
Handelsblad, 3/10/2007.
- B. Jacobs, W. Teepe, Raar dat stemhulp alles van u weet in: Volkskrant, 5/03/07.
As a result of this article the national privacy commissioner (College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens)
has decided to start an investigation into the privacy management of
the voting advice site Stemwijzer,
see for instance this news
- J.-H. Hoepman,
E. Hubbers, B. Jacobs,
M. Oostdijk, and
R. Wichers Schreur.
Crossing Borders: Security and Privacy Issues of the European
In 1st Int. Workshop on Security,
Kyoto, Japan, October 23-24 2006. Springer LNCS 4266, p.152-167.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, A Bialgebraic Review of Deterministic Automata,
Regular Expressions and Languages.
In: K. Futatsugi, J.-P. Jouannaud, J. Meseguer (Eds.),
Algebra, Meaning and Computation: Essays dedicated to Joseph A.
Goguen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday.
Springer LNCS 4060, p.375-404, 2006. ©
[DOI link]
[Earlier Technical report ICIS-R05003]
- B. Jacobs
and I. Hasuo,
Freyd is Kleisli, for
Arrows. In: eWiC proceedings of:
Workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming
- B. Jacobs, Distributive laws for the Coinductive Solution of
Recursive Equations,
Information and
Computation 204(4), 2006, p.561-587.
[DOI link]
[local copy]
- C. Heunen
and B. Jacobs, Arrows, like Monads, are Monoids. ENTCS proceedings
(volume 158) of MFPS 22.
- I. Hasuo,
B. Jacobs
and A. Sokolova,
Generic Trace Theory. ENTCS proceedings (volume
164-1)of CMCS
- B. Jacobs, J. Rusby, PVS. In:
F. Wiedijk, The Seventeen Provers of the World, Springer LNAI 3600,
p.24--27, 2006.
Opinion articles/columns
- Spoken column
from a discussion evening in political and cultural centre De Balie, Amsterdam 17 nov. 2006.
- B. Jacobs, Stemcomputer
vraagt om fraude in national newspaper NRC Handelsblad (and also in the
companion paper,
- B. Jacobs, Biometrische
gegevens horen niet in Databank in: Volkskrant, 28/02/06.
- J.-H. Hoepman and
B. Jacobs, E-passports
without the big picture, on:, 20/02/06.
- B. Jacobs, Burger
moet geen gelabeld vee worden, in: Reformatorisch Dagblad, 17/02/06.
- B. Jacobs, Select before you Collect
Ars Aequi, jaargang 54, dec. 2005,
p.1006-1009 (in Dutch).
- E. Hubbers,
B. Jacobs, and W. Pieters.
RIES - Internet Voting in Action.
In: R. Bilof (ed.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual
International Computer Software and Applications Conference,
p.417-424. IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
- C.-B. Breunesse,
B. Jacobs,
N. Cataño
M. Huisman,
Formal Methods for Smart Cards: an experience report.
of Computer Programming 55 (2005), p.53-80.
[DOI link]
- I. Hasuo,
B. Jacobs, Context-free Languages via Coalgebraic Trace Semantics.
In: J.L. Fiadeiro, N. Harman, M. Roggenbach, J. Rutten (Eds.),
Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science
(CALCO'05) Springer LNCS 3629,
p.213--231, 2005. © Springer-Verlag
[DOI link] [Technical
report ICIS-R05004 ]
- B. Jacobs, W. Pieters and
M. Warnier,
Statically checking confidentiality via dynamic labels.
In the proceedings of the Workshop on
Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS'05)
- E. Hubbers, B. Jacobs,
W. Pieters,
RIES - Internet Voting in Action.
Technical Report NIII-R0449, Institute for Computing and Information
Sciences, University of Nijmegen.
- B. Jacobs, ‘Vakmanschap van overwegend belang binnen informatiebeveiliging’, Questafette
in the magazine Informatiebeveiliging, nr. 6, 2004, p.4-5.
- B. Jacobs, E. Poll,
Java Program Verification at Nijmegen: Developments and Perspective.
In: K. Futatsugi and F. Mizoguchi and N. Yonezaki (Eds.),
Software Security -- Theories and Systems
Springer LNCS 3233, p.134--153, 2004. ©
[DOI link]
[Technical report NIII 3018]
- E. Hubbers, B. Jacobs,
Stemmen via internet geen probleem, Automatisering Gids on 15
okt. 2004.
- J. Hughes and B. Jacobs,
Simulations in Coalgebra.
Theoretical Computer Science, 327(1-2) p.71-108, 2004
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, Ongebreidelde functionaliteit grootste vijand
beveiliging, Automatisering Gids on 24
sept. 2004.
- B. Jacobs, C. Marche and
N. Rauch,
Formal verification of a commercial smart card applet with multiple tools.
In: C. Rattray and S. Maharaj and C. Shankland (Eds.),
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology
Springer LNCS 3116, p.21--22 2004. ©
[DOI link]
- E. Hubbers,
B. Jacobs, J. Kiniry,
M. Oostdijk,
Counting votes with formal methods.
In: C. Rattray and S. Maharaj and C. Shankland (Eds.),
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology
Springer LNCS 3116, p.241-257 2004. ©
[DOI link]
[local copy]
[The Java + JML open source files of the ``KOA'' project mentioned
in this abstract are available via
- B. Jacobs, Frits Vaandrager,
Onderzoeksagenda remt innovatief onderzoek. Automatisering Gids on 9 July 2004.
- B. Jacobs, Relating two Approaches to Coinductive Solution of
Recurisve Equations. In:
J. Adámek and S. Milius (eds), Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS) 2004,
Notes in Theor. Comp. Sci. 106, 2004.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, Trace Semantics for Coalgebras, In:
J. Adámek and S. Milius (eds), Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS) 2004,
Notes in Theor. Comp. Sci. 106, 2004.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs,
Weakest Precondition Reasoning for Java Programs with JML Annotations.
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 58, p.61-88.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs,
M. Oostdijk,
M. Warnier,
Source Code Verification of a Secure Payment Applet,
of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 58 p.107-120.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs, J. Kiniry,
M. Warnier, Java
Program Verification Challenges. In: F. de Boer, M. Bonsangue,
S. Graf, W.-P. de Roever (Eds.), Formal Methods for Components and
Objects (FMCO 2002)
Springer LNCS 2852, p.202-219, 2003. ©
Technical Report NIII-R0310, Institute for Computing and Information
Sciences, University of Nijmegen.
[DOI link]
- J.-H. Hoepman and
B. Jacobs, Open source software. Bron van vertrouwen, I&I, 21(6), 2003 p.12-19.
- J.-H. Hoepman and
B. Jacobs, Elektronisch handtekening. Wie tekent ervoor?, I&I, 21(3), 2003, p.8-9.
See also the resulting Editorial
comment (hoofdartikel, © NRC) in
the national newspaper NRC of sept.
2, 2003.
- B. Jacobs Informatici moeten meer optreden in de media.
In: Automatisering Gids on 23 may 2003
[copy] [picture © Automatisering Gids]
- B. Jacobs, De Computer de Wet Gesteld, Inaugural Speech,
16 may 2003, ISBN 90 901 6917 2.
- B. Jacobs, Java's Integral Types in PVS. In: E. Najim,
U. Nestmann, P. Stevens (Eds.), Formal Methods for Open Object-Based
Distributed Systems (FMOODS
2003) Springer LNCS 2884, p.1-15, 2003. ©
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs and E. Poll,
Coalgebras and monads in the semantics of Java.
Theoretical Computer Science, 291/3 p.329-349, 2003.
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs,
The temporal logic of coalgebras via Galois algebras
Mathematical Structure in Computer Science 12, p.875-903, 2002.
[Reprint available on request.]
Technical Report CSI-R9906, Computing Science Institute,
University of Nijmegen.
- C.-B. Breunesse,
B. Jacobs and
J. van den Berg,
Specifying and verifying a decimal representation in Java for Smart
In: H. Kirchner and C. Ringeissen (Eds.),
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST'02),
Springer LNCS 2422, p.304-318, 2002.
© Springer-Verlag
- J. Hughes and B. Jacobs,
Factorization systems and fibrations: Toward a fibred Birkhoff
variety theorem,
Notes in Theor. Comp. Sci. 69, 2002.
(Special issue on the conference
of CTCS 2002)
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs,
Comprehension for Coalgebras
Notes in Theor. Comp. Sci. 65-1, 2002.
(Special issue on the workshop
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS 2002))
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs,
Exercises in Coalgebraic Specification
In: R. Backhouse, R. Crole and J. Gibbons (eds.)
Algebraic and Coalgebraic Methods in the Mathematics of Program Construction
(Springer LNCS 2297, 2002), p.237-280.
© Springer-Verlag
(Manuscript for the proceedings of the
Mathematics for Information Technology
summer school, Oxford, 10-14 April 2000.)
[postscript copy] [pdf copy]
- B. Jacobs,
JavaCard Program Verification
In: R.J. Boulton and P.B. Jackson (eds.),
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2001),
(Springer LNCS 2152, 2001), p.1-3.
© Springer-Verlag
- J. van den Berg,
B. Jacobs,
E. Poll,
Formal Specification and Verification of JavaCard's
Application Identifier Class
In: I. Attali and Th. Jensen (eds.),
Java on Smart Cards: Programming and Security
(Springer LNCS 2041, 2001) p.137-150.
© Springer-Verlag
Proceedings of the Java Card 2000 Workshop
- B. Jacobs, H. Meijer and
E. Poll,
VerifiCard: A European Project for Smart Card Verification.
In: Newsletter 5 of the Dutch Association for Theoretical Computer Science
(NVTI), 2001
- B. Jacobs,
Many-Sorted Coalgebraic Modal Logic: a Model-theoretic Study
Theoret. Informatics and Applications 35(1) (2001) p.31-59.
[Reprint available on request.]
- J. van den Berg, B. Jacobs,
The LOOP compiler for Java and JML
In: T. Margaria and W. Yi (eds.), Tools and Algorithms for
the Construction and Analysis of Software (TACAS),
(Springer LNCS 2031, 2001) 299--312.
© Springer-Verlag
- B. Jacobs, E. Poll
A Logic for the Java Modeling Language JML
In: H. Hussmann (ed.), Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
(FASE), (Springer LNCS 2029, 2001), p.284-299.
© Springer-Verlag
- E. Poll,
J. van den Berg,
B. Jacobs,
Formal Specification of the JavaCard API in JML: the APDU class.
Computer Networks 36(4) (2001) p.407-421.
[copy of technical report]
- B. Jacobs,
A Formalisation of Java's Exception Mechanism
In: D. Sands (ed.), Programming Languages and Systems (ESOP),
(Springer LNCS 2028, 2001), p.284-301.
© Springer-Verlag
- J. Rothe,
B. Jacobs, H. Tews,
The Coalgebraic Class Specification Language CCSL.
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 7(2), 2001.
M. Huisman,
B. Jacobs,
J. van den Berg,
A case study in class library verification:
Java's vector class.
Software Tools for Technology Transfer 3(3), 2001, p.332-352.
Available as Technical Report CSI-R0007, Computing Science Institute,
University of Nijmegen.
- E. Poll,
J. van den Berg,
B. Jacobs, Formal Specification of the JavaCard API in JML: the APDU class
Computer Networks 36(4), 2001, p.407-421.
(An earlier version is available as
Techn. Rep. CSI-R0005,
Computing Science Institute, Univ. Nijmegen, 2000.)
- G.T. Leavens,
K.R.M. Leino,
E. Poll,
C. Ruby,
and B. Jacobs.
JML: notations and tools supporting detailed design in Java. To
appear in OOPSLA 2000 Companion,
Minneapolis, Minnesota. ACM, 2000, p.105-106.
Also Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University,
TR #00-15, August 2000
- B. Jacobs, Object-oriented hybrid systems of coalgebras plus
monoid actions. Theor. Comput. Science 239 (2000), p.41-95.
[Reprint available on request.]
- M. Huisman,
B. Jacobs,
Inheritance in Higher Order Logic: Modeling and Reasoning.
In: M. Aagaard and J. Harrison (eds.)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics
Springer LNCS 1869, p.301-319, 2000.
© Springer-Verlag
- E. Poll,
J. van den Berg,
B. Jacobs,
Specification of the JavaCard API in JML
In: J. Domingo-Ferrer and D. Chan and A. Watson (eds.),
Smart Card Research and Advanced Application
(IFIP Cardis 2000)
(Kluwer Acad. Publ. 2000), p.135--154
- B. Jacobs,
Towards a Duality Result in the Modal Logic of Coalgebras.
Notes in Theor. Comp. Sci. 33, 2000.
(Special issue on the workshop
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS 2000))
- B. Jacobs,
E. Poll,
A Monad for Basic Java Semantics.
In: T. Rus (ed),
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST'00),
Springer LNCS 1816, p.150-164, 2000.
© Springer-Verlag
(An earlier version is available as
Techn. Rep. CSI-R9926,
Computing Science Institute, Univ. Nijmegen, 1999.)
- J. van den Berg,
M. Huisman,
B. Jacobs,
E. Poll,
A Type-Theoretic Memory Model for Verification of
Sequential Java Programs. In: In D. Bert, C. Choppy, and P.D. Mosses
(eds.), Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, Springer
LNCS 1827, 2000, p.1-21.
© Springer-Verlag
- M. Huisman,
B. Jacobs, Java Program Verification via a
Hoare Logic with Abrupt Termination. In: T. Maibaum (ed),
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE'00),
Springer LNCS 1783, p.284-303, 2000.
© Springer-Verlag
(An earlier version is available as
Techn. Rep. CSI-R9912,
Computing Science Institute, Univ. Nijmegen, 1999.)
- B. Jacobs,
Coalgebras in Specification and Verification for
Object-Oriented Languages. In: Newsletter 3 of the
Dutch Association for Theoretical Computer Science
(NVTI), 1999, p.15-27.
- U. Hensel
and B. Jacobs,
Coalgebraic Theories of Sequences in PVS.
Journal of Logic and Computation 9(4), 1999, p.463-500.
[postscript copy] [pdf copy]
The paper describes a fully formalised and verified coalgebraic
theory of sequences in the prototype verification system PVS.
The PVS sources are available.
- B. Jacobs, Abstracte Programmeerkunst, Over de
grenzen van het weten. Jaarboek 1999, Vereniging van
- B. Jacobs,
J. van den Berg,
M. Huisman,
M. van Berkum,
U. Hensel,
H. Tews,
Reasoning about Java Classes
(Preliminary Report). Object-Oriented Programming Systems,
Languages and Applications, ACM Press, p.329-340, 1998.
- U. Hensel,
M. Huisman,
B. Jacobs,
H. Tews,
Reasoning about Classes in Object-Oriented
Languages: Logical Models and Tools. In: Ch. Hankin (ed),
European Symposium on Programming, LNCS 1381, p.105-121, 1998.
© Springer-Verlag
(An earlier version is available as Technical Report
CSI-R9718, Computing Science Institute, University of
- B. Jacobs,
Coalgebraic Reasoning about Classes in Object-Oriented
Notes in Theor. Comp. Sci. 11, 1998.
(Special issue on the workshop
Coalgebraic Methods in
Computer Science (CMCS 1998))
[DOI link]
- C. Hermida and B. Jacobs,
Structural induction and coinduction in a fibrational
setting, Information and Computation 145 (1998), p.107-152.
[Reprint available on request.]
- B. Jacobs and J. Rutten,
A Tutorial on (Co)Algebras and (Co)Induction. EATCS Bulletin
62, 1997, p.222-259.
[postscript copy] [pdf copy]
- B. Jacobs,
Invariants, Bisimulations and the Correctness of
Coalgebraic Refinements. In: M. Johnson (ed),
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, LNCS 1349,
p.276-291, 1997.
© Springer-Verlag
- U. Hensel
and B. Jacobs,
Proof Principles for Iterated Datatypes.
In: E. Moggi and G. Rosolini (eds), Category Theory and Computer Science,
LNCS 1290, p.220-241, 1997.
© Springer-Verlag
- B. Jacobs, Behaviour-Refinement of Coalgebraic Specifications
with Coinductive Correctness Proofs.
In: M. Bidoit and M. Dauchet (eds.)
TAPSOFT'97: Theory and Practice of Software Development
Springer LNCS 1214, p.787-802, 1997.
- B. Jacobs,
Coalgebraic specifications and models of
deterministic hybrid systems.
In: M. Wirsing and M. Nivat (eds.)
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST),
Springer LNCS 1101, 1996, p.520-535.
[copy] (july 1996)
- B. Jacobs,
Inheritance and cofree constructions.
In: P. Cointe (ed.) European Conference on
object-oriented programming
(Springer LNCS 1098, Berlin, 1996) 210 - 231.
- B. Jacobs,
Objects and classes, co-algebraically.
In: B. Freitag, C.B. Jones, C. Lengauer, and H.-J. Schek (eds)
Object-Orientation with Parallelism and Persistence
Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1996, p. 83--103.
- B. Jacobs,
On Cubism.
Journ. of Functional Programming 6, p.379-391, 1996.
- B. Jacobs,
Mongruences and cofree coalgebras.
In: V.S. Alagar and M. Nivat (eds.)
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology
(AMAST 1995)
Springer LNCS 936, 1995, p.245-260.
- C. Hermida and B. Jacobs,
Fibrations with indeterminates: Contextual and Functional
Completeness for Polymorphic Lambda Calculi.
Math. Struct. in Comp. Sci. 5 (4) (1995), 501 - 531.
[Reprint available on request.]
- C. Hermida and B. Jacobs,
An algebraic view of structural induction.
In: L. Pacholski and J. Tiuryn (eds.)
Proceedings Computer Science Logic 1994
(Springer LNCS 933, Berlin 1995), 412 - 426.
- M. Bonsangue,
B. Jacobs and J. Kok,
Duality beyond Sober Spaces: Topological Spaces and
Observation Frames
Theor. Comp. Sci. 151 (1) (1995), 79 - 124.
- B. Jacobs,
Parameters and Parametrization in Specification,
using distributive categories.
Fundamenta Informaticae 24 (3) (1995), 209 - 250.
- B. Jacobs,
Subtypes and bounded quantification from a fibred
Notes in Theor. Comp. Sci. 1 (Proceedings of
Mathematical Foundations of Program Semantics, New Orleans,
April 1995.)
[DOI link]
- B. Jacobs,
Coalgebras and Approximation.
In: A. Nerode and Yu. V. Matiyasevich (eds.)
Logical Foundations of Computer Science,
St. Petersburg, (Springer LNCS 813, Berlin 1994), 173 - 183.
- B. Jacobs,
Semantics of Weakening and Contraction.
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 69 (1994), 73 - 106.
- B. Jacobs and
T. Melham,
Translating Dependent Type Theory into Higher Order Logic.
In: M. Bezem and J.F. Groote (eds.)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications,
Utrecht, (Springer LNCS 664, Berlin, 1993), 209 - 229.
- B. Jacobs,
Semantics of Lambda-I and of other
``substructure'' Lambda Calculi.
In: M. Bezem and J.F. Groote (eds.)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications,
Utrecht, (Springer LNCS 664, Berlin, 1993), 195-208.
- B. Jacobs,
Comprehension Categories and the Semantics of Type Dependency.
Theor. Comp. Sci. 107 (1993), 169 - 207.
- B. Jacobs,
Simply Typed and Untyped Lambda Calculus Revisited.
In: M.P. Fourman, P.T. Johnstone and A.M. Pitts (eds.)
Applications of Category Theory in Computer Science
(LMS 177, Camb. Univ. Press, 1992), 119 - 142.
- B. Jacobs,
I. Margaria and
M. Zacchi
Filter lambda models with Polymorphic Types.
Theor. Comp. Sci. 95 (1) (1992), 143 - 158.
- B. Jacobs,
Semantics of the second order Lambda Calculus.
Math. Struct. in Comp. Sci. 1 (1991), 327 - 360.
- B. Jacobs,
Categorical Type Theory
PhD. Thesis, University of Nijmegen, 1991.
- B. Jacobs,
E. Moggi and
Th. Streicher
Relating Models of impredicative Type Theories.
In: D.H. Pitt et al., (eds.),
Category Theory and Computer Science
(Springer LNCS 530, Berlin, 1991), 197 - 218.
- B. Jacobs,
On the Semantics of second order Polymorphic
Lambda Calculus: form Bruce-Meyer-Mitchell models to Hyperdoctrine
models and vice-versa.
In: D.H. Pitt et al., (eds.),
Category Theory and Computer Science
(Springer LNCS 389, Berlin, 1989), 198 - 212.
- B. Jacobs,
The Inconsistency of Higher Order Extensions of
Martin-Lof's Type Theory.
Journ. Phil. Log. 18 (1989), 399 - 422.
Publications of the whole department are accessible via the
metis database.
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