28/11/2017: I am no longer maintaining this website. As of January 2018, I will join CWI (Amsterdam) as a Researcher.
Mathys Rennela |
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Mathys P.A. Rennela, B.A., M.Phil., M.Sc. Research Assistant Radboud University Digital Security Group Institute for Computing and Information Sciences Funded by the ERC Advanced Grant QCLS (Quantum Computation, Logic, and Security) Under the joint supervision of: Pr. Bart Jacobs (Radboud University) dr. Sam Staton (Oxford University) Contact info |
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Mathys Rennela and Sam Staton.
Classical control, quantum circuits and linear logic
in enriched category theory.
Submitted as an extended journal version of our MFPS XXXIII paper
for a special issue of LMCS, 2018. [arXiv]
Mathys Rennela.
The conception of truth in game semantics and linear logic.
Accepted for presentation at IHPST (Paris), 2012.
Augmented version translated in English, 2017. [preprint]
Robin Kaarsgaard and Mathys Rennela.
Categorical models of reversible computing.
Submitted, 2017. [preprint]
Mathys Rennela and Sam Staton.
Classical control and quantum circuits in enriched category theory.
Accepted for MFPS XXXIII, 2017. [pre-proceedings]
Mathys Rennela.
Convexity and Order in Probabilistic Call-by-Name FPC.
Submitted, 2016. [arXiv]
Robert Furber, Mathys Rennela and Sam Staton.
Infinite-dimensionality in quantum foundations:
W*-algebras as presheaves over matrix algebras.
Accepted for QPL'16, 2016. [journal] [preprint]
Iordanis Kerenidis, Mathieu Laurière, François Le Gall and Mathys Rennela.
Information cost of quantum communication protocols.
Quantum Information and Computation, Vol.16 No.3-4, March 1, 2016. [journal]
Mathys Rennela and Sam Staton.
Complete positivity and natural representation of quantum computations.
Accepted for MFPS XXXI, 2015. [journal]
Iordanis Kerenidis, Mathieu Laurière, François Le Gall and Mathys Rennela.
Privacy in Quantum Communication Complexity.
Accepted for QIP'15 & TQC'15 (poster), 2015. [arXiv]
Mathys Rennela.
Towards a Quantum Domain Theory:
Order-Enrichment and Fixpoints in W*-Algebras.
Accepted for MFPS XXX, 2014. [journal]
Mathematics: Domain theory, Operator theory, Category theory
Computer Science: Semantics of high-level programming languages, Quantum Computing, Communication, and Algorithms
Master thesis on Operator Algebras in Quantum Computation.
Under the supervision of Bart Jacobs.
In partial fulfillement of the MPRI master (Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot). 2013.
Master thesis on The Fifth-Generation Computing project (french).
Under the supervision of Annick Horiuchi.
In partial fulfillment of the LOPHISS-SC2 master (Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot). 2012.
Survey on Information Causality (french).
Under the supervision of Iordanis Kerenidis. 2012.
Category theory 2013-2014 (Radboud University).
Programming project 2011-2013 (Paris Diderot University).
Python 2011-2012 (Paris Diderot University).
Reviewer for: QPL'15, QPL'16, LMCS, LORI-VI, CALCO'17, APLAS'17.
Bourse de mobilité
State merit-based scholarship for a research internship at the University of Tokyo.
Summer 2012, Ministry of Education.
Bourse au mérite
State merit-based scholarship for undergraduate students.
2008-2011, Ministry of Education.
Music blogging for De School and Drowned in Sound