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Matrixrekenen (IPC017), lectures, 3rd quarter, Spring 2016
This page contains specific information about the 2016 course and lectures (for general information, see IC studiegids). Please don't forget to register in blackboard for this course, in order to receive email announcements. However, all relevant course information will be provided here (and not in blackboard).
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Students in Michiel de Bondt's werkcollege should now go to (HG00.086) every Friday, as this is being combined with Sander's. Please keep handing in work to Michiel if you were before. |
For exercises, see the: exercise page.
All students who registered with the online form have now been assigned a workcollege. Find your name in this list. Please go to the group you are assigned to. If you have not registered, contact me or Herman as soon as possible!
Prerequisites consist of (secondary) school mathematics. It is your own responsability to be properly prepared. You can find an overview of the relevant topics as:
- Wim Gielen's syllabus (in Dutch)
- or the online version, which is still in preparation.
Course material consists of:
- Linear algebra booklet by Bernd Souvignier (in Dutch).
- Slides. (see below)
Lectures will be given by Aleks Kissinger (in English), and occasionally Herman Geuvers (in Dutch). The course material will be mostly in English.
- Lectures with be on Tuesdays 10:45-12:30 in the Huygens building, room HG00.304.
- First lecture: February 2
- Last lecture: March 22
- No lecture on February 9, on account of Carnival
Werkcollege's take place every Friday, from February 5 until March 18. There is no werkcollege on 12/2, nor will there be a final werkcollege on 25/3.
Unless otherwise stated, work should be handed on every Monday by 12pm sharp to the box of your teacher on the ground floor of Mercator 1. Exercises will generally be marked and returned to you at the werkcollege on Friday. The werkcollege's are:
- Sander Uijlen <>. Friday 10:45-12:30 (HG00.086)
- Bart Gruppen. <>. Friday 10:45-12:30 (HG01.028)
- Abdullahi Ali. <>. Friday 10:45-12:30 (HG00.310)
- Michiel de Bondt. <>. Friday 10:45-12:30 (HG00.086)
The Exam will be on April 4, with a vragenuur planned on April 1.
Lectures and slides (topics subject to change)
- Lecture 1, Tuesday 2/2
- Topic: introduction to linear equations, solving systems of linear equations, matrix and augmented matrix, Gauss-Jordan-elimination
- Slides: pdf
- Lecture 2, Tuesday 16/2
- Topic: solutions of a set of (non)homogeneous equations, pivot, (in)consistency, vectors, (in)dependence of vectors
- Slides: pdf
- Lecture 3, Tuesday 23/2
- Topic: vector spaces, basis and dimension, linear maps and matrices, matrix operations: addition, scalar multiplication, transpose, matrix-vector multiplication.
- Slides: pdf
- Lecture 4, Tuesday 1/3
- Topic: matrix multiplication, matrix inverse, solving systems by inverse, kernel and image of a linear map.
- Slides: pdf
- Lecture 5, Tuesday 8/3
- Topic: Inverses, determinant, transformation of bases.
- Slides: pdf
- Lecture 6, Tuesday 15/3
- Topic: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, iterated matrix multiplication, equilibrium division of a Markov process.
- Slides: pdf
- Lecture 7, Tuesday 22/3
- Topic: Length of a vector, inner product, angle and distance between vectors, orthogonality and orthonormal bases, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation.
- Slides: pdf
- Question time, Friday 1/4.
- Topics: Question time, assignment 7.
Your final grade f for this course will be composed from your assignment grade a and the (written) exam grade e:
- Both a and e must be 5 or higher to pass the course. Then your grade f is a/10 + e with a maximum of 10.
- weekly exercises are to be handed in: your answers will be marked each week, and at the end of the course we compute the average of your marks; this average will constitute the assignment grade a. You must submit individually (not in pairs), see the exercise page for the exercises;
- a single written exam on April 4 constitutes your exam grade e and will make up the major part of your final grade.
If you fail, you can do a retry of the written exam later on. If you fail once again, you will have to redo the whole course (including exercises) next year.
All students who have already done the exam for this course twice, unsuccesfully, will be required to do the following before they obtain the right to do the exam again:
- Talk to the study advisor; it is advised to contact him/her as soon as possible to schedule a meeting.
- Attend all lectures and exercise courses
- Hand in all exercises.