by Engelbert Hubbers, Bart Jacobs, Berry Schoenmakers, Henk van Tilborg and Benne de Weger
Description and Analysis of the RIES Internet Voting System (Engelbert Hubbers, Bart Jacobs, Berry Schoenmakers, Henk van Tilborg and Benne de Weger), Technical report EiPSI-0801, Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information, 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Engelbert Hubbers and Bart Jacobs and Berry Schoenmakers and Henk van Tilborg and Benne de Weger},
title = "{Description and Analysis of the RIES Internet Voting System}",
year = 2008,
month = {June},
institution = {Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information},
number = {EiPSI-0801},
type = {Technical Report},
pdf = EHUPUB#{RIES_descr_anal_v1.0_June_24.pdf}