Proving with Computer Assistance 2IMF15


Herman Geuvers:

Location and time

The course will be given live on


We assume that you are familiar with a bit of logic, especially natural deduction and preferably (untyped) lambda calculus.


System we will use

We will be using the Proof Assistant Coq (soon to be renamed to Rocq) in this course.

Some useful links

The course by week

I am not yet sure if the course will be recorded. If not, recordings of a previous year will provided on Canvas. This year's course will roughly have the same content. NB. The schedule may be subject to changes! Especially the slides and exercises may be adapted as we go along the course.


The mark for the course is determined by the 2 marks you will get for the two items listed below. For the retake exam ("Hertentamen"), all guidelines above apply with the following dates/deadlines: NB. You can choose to only retake one part of the exam, so only the Written exam, or only the Coq assignment. In any case: register for the retake!

Coq Assignments

Deadline: Sunday April 13; do the assignment in couples deliver your assignment by mail to the teacher.

Here is a page about the of Coq assignment. (Look here for some additional comments regarding the use of lists.) To complete the Coq assignment follow these steps:

A couple of remarks concerning the report:

herman at cs dot ru dot nl