Jozef Hooman
(prof.dr. J.J.M. Hooman)
Research interests:
The ComMA approach for modeling and analysis of interface specifications, supported by tooling of
the open source project CommaSuite of the Eclipse foundation.
Co-simulation of discrete-time and continuous-time models using CoHLA.
Domain Specific Languages.
Model-based development of embedded systems.
Formal specification and compositional verification of distributed real-time and fault-tolerant systems.
Combinations of industrial modeling languages with formal methods.
Publications: A number of publications is
available on-line;
the full list is available in pdf format.
Selected completed research projects:
NWO-TTW project Robust Motion Control - part of Perspectief Programme Robust design of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) [Final report CPS]
- Allegio: Composable Embedded Systems for Healthcare, COMMIT project
- Artemis Innovation Pilot Project Crystal (CRitical sYSTem engineering AcceLeration) on interoperable
tools and techniques for the development of safety-critical embedded systems
Care4Me: Cooperative Advanced REsearch for Medical Efficiency, ITEA project
- Trader: Reliability by Design, with NXP Semiconductors as carrying industrial partner
- Boderc: Beyond the Ordinary: Design of Embedded Real-time Control, with Oc Technologies as carrying industrial partner
- Ideals: Evolvability, with ASML as carrying industrial partner
- Omega: Correct Development of Real-Time Embedded Systems, EU-IST project