Xenomai  3.0.5
* Copyright (C) 2009 Philippe Gerum <rpm@xenomai.org>.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
* XDDP-based RT/NRT threads communication demo.
* Real-time Xenomai threads and regular Linux threads may want to
* exchange data in a way that does not require the former to leave
* the real-time domain (i.e. secondary mode). Message pipes - as
* implemented by the RTDM-based XDDP protocol - are provided for this
* purpose.
* On the Linux domain side, pseudo-device files named /dev/rtp<minor>
* give regular POSIX threads access to non real-time communication
* endpoints, via the standard character-based I/O interface. On the
* Xenomai domain side, sockets may be bound to XDDP ports, which act
* as proxies to send and receive data to/from the associated
* pseudo-device files. Ports and pseudo-device minor numbers are
* paired, meaning that e.g. port 7 will proxy the traffic for
* /dev/rtp7. Therefore, port numbers may range from 0 to
* All data sent through a bound/connected XDDP socket via sendto(2) or
* write(2) will be passed to the peer endpoint in the Linux domain,
* and made available for reading via the standard read(2) system
* call. Conversely, all data sent using write(2) through the non
* real-time endpoint will be conveyed to the real-time socket
* endpoint, and made available to the recvfrom(2) or read(2) system
* calls.
* In addition to sending datagrams, real-time threads may stream data
* in a byte-oriented mode through the proxy as well. This increases
* the bandwidth and reduces the overhead, when a lot of data has to
* flow down to the Linux domain, if keeping the message boundaries is
* not required. The example code below illustrates such use.
* realtime_thread-------------------------------------->----------+
* => get socket |
* => bind socket to port 0 v
* => write scattered traffic to NRT domain via sendto() |
* => read traffic from NRT domain via recvfrom() <--|--+
* | |
* regular_thread--------------------------------------------------+ |
* => open /dev/rtp0 | ^
* => read traffic from RT domain via read() | |
* => echo traffic back to RT domain via write() +--+
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <rtdm/ipc.h>
pthread_t rt, nrt;
#define XDDP_PORT 0 /* [0..CONFIG-XENO_OPT_PIPE_NRDEV - 1] */
static const char *msg[] = {
"Surfing With The Alien",
"Lords of Karma",
"Banana Mango",
"Psycho Monkey",
"Luminous Flesh Giants",
"Moroccan Sunset",
"Satch Boogie",
"Flying In A Blue Dream",
"Summer Song",
"Speed Of Light",
"Crystal Planet",
"Raspberry Jam Delta-V",
"Clouds Race Across The Sky",
"Engines Of Creation"
static void fail(const char *reason)
static void *realtime_thread(void *arg)
struct sockaddr_ipc saddr;
int ret, s, n = 0, len, b;
struct timespec ts;
size_t streamsz;
char buf[128];
* Get a datagram socket to bind to the RT endpoint. Each
* endpoint is represented by a port number within the XDDP
* protocol namespace.
if (s < 0) {
* Tell the XDDP driver that we will use the streaming
* capabilities on this socket. To this end, we have to
* specify the size of the streaming buffer, as a count of
* bytes. The real-time output will be buffered up to that
* amount, and sent as a single datagram to the NRT endpoint
* when fully gathered, or when another source port attempts
* to send data to the same endpoint. Passing a null size
* would disable streaming.
streamsz = 1024; /* bytes */
ret = setsockopt(s, SOL_XDDP, XDDP_BUFSZ,
&streamsz, sizeof(streamsz));
if (ret)
* Bind the socket to the port, to setup a proxy to channel
* traffic to/from the Linux domain.
* saddr.sipc_port specifies the port number to use.
memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr));
saddr.sipc_family = AF_RTIPC;
saddr.sipc_port = XDDP_PORT;
ret = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr));
if (ret)
for (;;) {
len = strlen(msg[n]);
* Send a datagram to the NRT endpoint via the proxy.
* The output is artificially scattered in separate
* one-byte sendings, to illustrate the use of
for (b = 0; b < len; b++) {
ret = sendto(s, msg[n] + b, 1, MSG_MORE, NULL, 0);
if (ret != 1)
printf("%s: sent (scattered) %d-bytes message, \"%.*s\"\n",
__FUNCTION__, len, len, msg[n]);
/* Read back packets echoed by the regular thread */
ret = recvfrom(s, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, NULL, 0);
if (ret <= 0)
printf(" => \"%.*s\" echoed by peer\n", ret, buf);
n = (n + 1) % (sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]));
* We run in full real-time mode (i.e. primary mode),
* so we have to let the system breathe between two
* iterations.
ts.tv_sec = 0;
ts.tv_nsec = 500000000; /* 500 ms */
clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, &ts, NULL);
return NULL;
static void *regular_thread(void *arg)
char buf[128], *devname;
int fd, ret;
if (asprintf(&devname, "/dev/rtp%d", XDDP_PORT) < 0)
fd = open(devname, O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0)
for (;;) {
/* Get the next message from realtime_thread. */
ret = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (ret <= 0)
/* Echo the message back to realtime_thread. */
ret = write(fd, buf, ret);
if (ret <= 0)
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct sched_param rtparam = { .sched_priority = 42 };
pthread_attr_t rtattr, regattr;
sigset_t set;
int sig;
sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM);
sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&rtattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&rtattr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&rtattr, SCHED_FIFO);
pthread_attr_setschedparam(&rtattr, &rtparam);
errno = pthread_create(&rt, &rtattr, &realtime_thread, NULL);
if (errno)
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&regattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&regattr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&regattr, SCHED_OTHER);
errno = pthread_create(&nrt, &regattr, &regular_thread, NULL);
if (errno)
sigwait(&set, &sig);
pthread_join(rt, NULL);
pthread_join(nrt, NULL);
return 0;