- Yivi's attribute-based authentication, internal
seminar Cybernetica, Tallinn, Estonia,
25 feb. 2025.
- PubHubs, een community
netwerk gebaseerd op publieke waarden,
Pvda-Groenlinks Digital
Summit, Rotterdam, 30 nov. 2024.
- Some Probabilistic Riddles and Some Logical Solutions,
Geuvers-Fest, on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Herman Geuvers,
Nijmegen, May 29, 2024
- Drawing from an Urn is Isometric, Conference on
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
2024), Luxemburg, April, 9-11, 2024
- Pearl's & Jeffrey's update rules in probabilistic
learning, Causal Cognition in Humans and Machines
Oxford, 11-12 jan. 2024
- De grote drie in de vroeg twintigste-eeuwse Nederlandse crypto,
NISA/iHub Symposium, Radboud University Nijmegen, 15 sept. 2023
- Academic Sovereignty and Autonomy,
Let's talk Data Autonomy! event, Groningen, 8 march 2023.
- Digital Sovereignty and
Identity, PROMIS
symposium, Open University, 23 oct. 2021.
- De logica van het leren, online KNAW-meeting
De Logica van AI, 22 april 2021.
[video, in Dutch, own presentation starting at 42 min.]
- Learning along a Channel: the Expectation part of Expectation-Maximisation, Mathematical Foundations of Program Semantics
MFPS XXXV, London, 3-7 june, 2019.
- Electronic identities in Europe,
Institution, London, 21/2/2019.
[slides] [video]
- IRMA in de zorg. Op weg naar een authenticatie doorbraak,
Chipsoft's Samen naar beter
zorg Festival, Amersfoort, 17/1/2019.
- About
Self-Sovereignty, PI.lab yearly
meeting, Utrecht, 14/12/2018.
- What is probabilistic conditioning?, Artifical
Intelligence Seminar Good Afternoon, Nijmegen, 6/12/2018.
- Het identiteitsplatform IRMA als voorbeeld van value-driven
design, Vereniging voor Ethici Nederland
Amsterdam, 9/11/2018.
- Categorical aspects of Parameter Learning,
Erato MMSD group,
Tokyo, 24/10/2018.
[slides] [Arxiv preprint]
- An Update on Updating, Invited talk
at Quantum
Interaction workshop, Nice, 4/9/2018.
[slides] [video]
- Coalgebras and Kleisli Maps for Probability, Invited talk
at Coalgebra
Now workshop at FLOCS'18, Oxford, 8/7/2018.
- Attribute-based Authentication and Signing with IRMA,
School on real-world crypto and privacy, Sibenik, Croatia, 15/6/2018.
- Lower and Upper Conditioning in Quantum Bayesian
Theory, MURI Annual Project Review: Semantics and
Structures for Higher-Level Quantum Programming Languages,
Simons Institute Berkelely, Dec. 15, 2017.
- Attribute-based Authentication and Signing with IRMA, Google mobile payment group, San Francisco, Dec. 14, 2017.
- A Channel-Based Perspective on Conjugate Priors, Logical
Structures in Computation
Reunion Workshop, Simons Institute Berkelely, Dec. 11-14, 2017.
[slides] [Arxiv preprint]
- Computer Security and Privacy in Finance, at
Symposium Geld verandert organised
by Thijmgenootschap, Utrecht, 25/11/2017.
- ICT, Privacy en
Onderwijs, Stedelijk
Gymnasium Nijmegen, 22/11/17.
- Attribute-based Authentication and Signatures, Dcypher meeting, Utrecht, 4/10/2017.
[slightly extended version]
- Zorg voor Privacy!, RadboudUMC Grand Round, Nijmegen, 18 Sept. 2017.
- Formal Semantics of Influence in Bayesian Reasoning,
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2017), Aalborg, 21-25 Aug, 2017.
- Disintegration, REPAS (REliable and Privacy-Aware
systems) Workshop, Ljubljana, 13 june 2017.
- A Note on Distances between Probabilistic and Quantum
distributions, Mathematical Foundations of Program Semantics
MFPS XXXIII, Ljubljana, 12-16 june, 2017.
- Privacy and Politics, conference Legal Valley, Arnhem, 7 March 2017.
- De publieke zaak in de digitale wereld (Public interests in
the digital world), meeting of
the Pirate Party of the Netherlands,
Delft, 28 jan. 2017.
- Polymorphic Encryption and Pseudonymisation (PEP), version of feb. 2017.
- Affine Monads and Side-Effect-Freeness, Coalgebraic
Methods in Computer Science
(CMCS), 2-3 April 2016,
- eID-developments, PI.lab yearly meeting 2015, Utrecht, 11
dec. 2015.
[Handout slides, for printing]
[Presentation slides, for animation]
- Privacy-friendly Attribute-Based Authentication, NII
Shonan meeting on: Logic and Verification Methods in Security and
Privacy, Oct. 26-29,
2015, Shonan, Japan.
- Identity is so
overrated, Hogan Lovells
Vrouwennetwerk, Amsterdam, 8 oct. 2015.
- A Recipe for State and Effect Triangles, Conference on
Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science
(CALCO 2015), Nijmegen, 24-26
June 2015.
- Effectus Theory, and Beyond, Amsterdam Quantum Logic
Workshop 2015 (link),
7-8 May, 2015.
- Secure self-enrolment via token step-up. IRMA meeting, Surnet, Utrecht, 16 jan. 2015.
- Public and Private Roles in a National e-Identity
Infrastructure, Privacy and Identity Lab
(PIlab.nl) yearly event, Amsterdam,
12 dec. 2014.
- Big Data, Small Data, and Digital Care, KPN, The Hague, 27 oct. 2014.
- Attributes in Action: Next generation of Electronic Idenitity
Management, Trusted Cyber Collaboration Workshop
(TSCP), 24-26 Sept. 2014, Washington.
- Quantum predicates and instruments, Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS XXX), Cornell University, 12-15 June 2014.
- Perspectives on Categorical Quantum
Logic, Prakash Fest: a
conference in honour of Prakash Panangaden, on the occasion of his
60th birthday, Oxford, 13-25 May 2014.
- Lectures on Kadison
Duality, Spring
School on Quantum Structures in Physics and Computer Science,
Mathematical Institute, Oxford, 19-22 May 2014.
- Dijkstra Monads in Monadic Computation, Coalgebraic
Methods in Computer Science
(CMCS 2014). April 5-6,
2014, Grenoble.
- Measurable Spaces and their Effect Logic, Logic in
Computer Science
(LICS 2013). June
25-28, 2013, New Orleans, USA.
- Coalgebra and Quantum computation, Invited presentation in
the MFPC-LICS Special Session on Coalgebra, Mathematical Foundations
of Programming Semantics
2013), New Orleans, June 23-25, 2013.
- On Block Structures in Quantum Computation, Mathematical
Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS 2013), New Orleans, June 23-25, 2013.
- Grand Changes brought about by Computer Technology,
8th International IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity
Management for Emerging Services and Technologies
17-21 June, 2013 in Berg en Dal, the Netherlands.
- Computer Security. An interdisciplinary Field, Invited
presentation at the research day of
the Nijmegen School of Management, 5
June 2013, Nijmegen
- IRMA Math, Invited lecture on national Kaleidoscoop
meeting form mathematics students in NL, 17 May 2013, Nijmegen
- Towards Practical Attribute-Based Identity Management: the
IRMA Trajectory, Invited Keynote at: Policies & Research in
Identity Management (IdMan
2013), 8-9 April 2013, Royal Holloway.
[IRMA webpage]
- Cyber Security and Privacy, as part of the panel
discussion Building The Digital Fortress: A Toolkit For Cyber
Security, chaired by Sophie in 't Veld, Brussels, 23/1/2013.
video of the whole panel discussion]
- Attribute-based Authentication, Govcert Symposium 2011, Rotterdam,
16 nov. 2011.
- Cryptografie: ontwikkelingen en valkuilen bij gebruik,
lecture given by Eric Verheul,
on an adaptation of the signing set-up used by Certificate Authorities.
- Introduction to Coalgebra, five lecture series at 16th
Estonian Winter School in Computer
Science EWSCS
2011, Estonia, 28/2 - 4/3, 2011.
[Slides][EWSCS website]
- Privacy and Security Issues in e-ticketing, Invited talk
at Workshop on
Foundations of Security and
Privacy FCS-PrivMod
2010, Edinburgh, 14-15 July 2010.
- Road Pricing Architectures, SURFnet and SURFibo two-day security
conference, The Hage, 4-5 feb. 2010.
A poll was held at the conference, where the audience (about 130
people) could express their preference for particular architectures
and approaches. The outcome of the poll has been added (later) in the
margin of the last slide with the questions.
- Security and Privacy Issues in Embedded Systems,
Bits and Chips Embedded Systems
Symposium, Evoluon, Eindhoven, 12 nov. 2009.
- Security and Privacy Issues in Electricity Metering
(with Marko van Eekelen),
Govcert Symposium, Rotterdam,
6-7 okt. 2009.
- Keeping our Surveillance Society Non-Totalitarian (in dutch),
Fox-IT 10 year celebration,
Maarssen, 3/9/2009
[Accompanying paper]
- EPD, privacy en security (in dutch),
Symposium Elektronisch Zorg Dossier (EZD), Vianen, 25/3/2009
- Computers, Privacy
and Data Protection, Brussels, 16-17/1/2009.
- Privacy en identity management (in dutch),
TNT Post business-seminar, Kasteel Wittenburg, Wassenaar, 10/12/08.
- Geheim!, Parallelle Werelden bijeenkomst van NWO EW,
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam, 8/12/08.
- Privacy-friendly Electronic Traffic Pricing via Commits
Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2008), Malaga, Spain,
- Practical Issues in Electronic Voting
Invited lecture
at Fosad 2008
summer school, Bertinori, Italy.
- Smart Cards in Public Transport: the Mifare Classic
Talk given at various occasions.
- Reactief en Proactief Gebruik van Informatie
Talk at a
meeting about privacy and information in criminal law of the student
association N.C.S.V. Dr. Nico
Muller on 19/2/08.
- A Security Review of the Biometric Passport (together with Ronny Wichers Schreur)
LaQuSo symposium at Eindhoven, 24 nov. 2005.
Earlier versions of this talk were delivered at
day at Nijmegen, 25 june 2005, and computer security colloquium at
Standford University 15 june 2005,
A minor update, with fewer technical details, and a bit about
identity management was delivered at Tilburg Institute for Law,
Technology, and Society (TILT), Tilburg, 15 feb. 2006.
- Select before you Collect
Govcert Symposium,
The Hague, 9 sept. 2005,
- Security through Openness
Symposium of the Open Standard Open Source Programme
(OSOSS), Rotterdam, 4 nov. 2004.
- Counting Votes with Formal Methods
10th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology And Software
Technology (AMAST'2004), 16 july 2004.
[The Java + JML open source files of the ``KOA'' project mentioned
in this talk are available via
- Is remote voting far from reliabl?
Congres Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Burgerzaken, Noordwijkerhout, 22 april 2004.
- Trace Semantics for Coalgebras
Coalgebraic Methods in
Computer Science (CMCS) 2004, Barcelona, 27-29 march 2004.
- Relating two Approaches to Coinductive Solution of Recurisve Equations
Coalgebraic Methods in
Computer Science (CMCS) 2004, Barcelona, 27-29 march 2004.
- Computer Security Basics
UCI Beveiligingssymposium
De Zwakste Schakel, Nijmegen, 23 march 2004.
- Java Program Verification at Nijmegen
Language and Inference Technology (LIT) seminar,
Univ. of Amsterdam 20 feb. 2004.
Selected, earlier talks
- FMOODS 2003, Paris, 19-21 nov. 2003.
Title: Java's Integral Types in PVS
- IFIP Working Group 1.3 meeting in Menorca (Spain), 3 june 2003.
Title: Java Program Verification Challenges
(See also the associated Technical report.)
- (in Dutch) Docentendag bij negende facultaire lustrum, 28 nov. 2002.
Title: Wie ben jij, en wat ga jij daar doen?
- Seminar talk, Kiel, 24 may 2002.
Title: Java Program Verification for Smart Cards
IPA Springdays on security, April 18-20 2001, Heeze, the Netherlands.
Title: Verification of Cryptographic Protocols
Workshop on Structure Preserving Relations,
March 12-14, 2001, ETL Osaka, Japan
Title: Assertional and Behavioural Refinement in
Coalgebraic Specification
- Java Card Workshop, Cannes, 14 september 2000.
Title: Formal Specification and
Verification of JavaCard's Application Identifier Class
- Ifip WG1.3
Meeting, Stanford, June 2000.
Title: Specification and Verification of the JavaCard API.
- CMCS'00
(Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science) at
Berlin (Germany), march, 2000.
Title: Towards a Duality Result in Coalgebraic
Modal Logic.
(Logic, Universal Algebra, Theoretical Computer Science) at
Johannesburg (South Africa), dec. 1999.
Title: Exercises in Coalgebraic Specification.
Fall days on: Component-based Software development, at
Dordrecht (The Netherlands), nov. 99. Title:
Specification and Verification for
Classes and Components.
- IFIP WG 1.3
(Foundations of System Specification) at
Bonas (France), 13-14 sept. 99.
Workshop on Categorical Models of Concurrency, Dresden 14-16 okt. 99.
Title: Coalgebras and Temporal Logic.
Last modified: Wed Feb 1 15:27:12 MET 2006