The Little Man Computer animation refered to on these pages has been made by the Learning Technology Development Unit at The University of Hertfordshire. It is available from CAS. You will have to register as a member of CAS, but this is free and designed to ensure access is restricted to users engaged in education.

The Little Man Computer - Overview

The Little Man Computer - Overview

The little man computer is a model designed to assist in the understanding of the fetch/execute cycle, through the visualization of elements of the computer architecture that would normally remain hidden.

We hope that by using this tool, you will be able to form a better understanding of the five basic components of a processor and the ways in which they interact, as each instruction is carried out.

This is augmented by the capability to get the little man to 'test' you to see if you have learned the paths that he takes on his day to day routine. By visualizing the components, and their interactions, we hope that you can gain a fuller understanding of the fetch/execute cycle.


Download The Little Man Computer for Windows


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The Little Man Computer animation refered to on these pages has been made by the Learning Technology Development Unit at The University of Hertfordshire. It is available from CAS. You will have to register as a member of CAS, but this is free and designed to ensure access is restricted to users engaged in education.