Call for Contributions

7th Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs - FTfJP'2005

in conjunction with ECOOP 2005 July 25 or 26, Glasgow, Scotland

Formal techniques can help analyze programs, precisely describe program behavior, and verify program properties. Newer languages such as Java and C# provide good platforms to bridge the gap between formal techniques and practical program development, because of their reasonably clear semantics and standardized libraries. Moreover, these languages are interesting targets for formal techniques, because the novel paradigm for program deployment introduced with Java, with its improved portability and mobility, opens up new possibilities for abuse and causes concern about security.

Work on formal techniques and tools for programs and work on the formal underpinnings of programming languages themselves naturally complement each other. This workshop aims to bring together people working in both these fields, on topics such as:

Contributions (of up to 10 pages) are sought on open questions, new developments, or interesting new applications of formal techniques in the context of Java or similar languages. Contributions should not merely present completely finished work, but also raise challenging open problems or propose speculative new approaches. We particularly welcome contributions that simply suggest good topics for discussion at the workshop, or raise issues that you feel deserve the attention of the research community.

Contributions will be formally reviewed, for originality, relevance, focus of the workshop, and the potential to generate interesting discussions.

The workshop is intended for around 20 participants. The workshop will be organized into four or more sessions, each initiated by a presentation of few related position papers by the respective participants, or the introduction of a topic by a single speaker, and followed by discussions.

A special journal issue is planned to collect selected contributions as has been done for the previous FTfJP workshops.

Contributions must be pdf format and must be accompanied by a plain-text abstract. They should be sent to Francesco Logozzo ( by May 10, 2005.

Important dates

submission of contribution   May 10, 2005
notification June 10, 2005
worskhop July 25 or 26, 2005

Program Committee

John Boyland University of Wisconsin, USA
Silvia Crafa University of Padua, Italy
Susan Eisenbach Imperial College, UK
Cormac Flanagan University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
John Hatcliff Kansas State University, USA
Joe Kiniry University College Dublin, Ireland
Luigi Liquori INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Francesco Logozzo (co-chair) École Polytechnique , France
David Naumann Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Jan Vitek (chair) Purdue University, USA