Research Projects of Frits Vaandrager

One of my long term research objectives is to help to give the new discipline of (computer based) system engineering a sound mathematical basis.

I have a strong interest in the development and application of theory, (formal) methods and tools for the specification and analysis of computer based systems. In particular, I am interested in automata learning, model checking, real-time embedded systems, and distributed algorithms and protocols.

For more information on my research, see the description of the research programme of the Software Science group.

Current Projects

  1. NWO ENW M2 project EVI, 2025-2029.
  2. TKI HTSM project ExSyn, 2025-2029.
  3. NWO KIC project Find2Fix, 2025-2029.

Past Projects

  1. NWO TOP project 612.001.852 Grey-box learning of Interfaces for Refactoring Legacy Software (GIRLS), 2019-2024.
  2. NWO/TTW project 13859 Supersizing Model-Based testing (SUMBAT), from August 15, 2015, to November 1, 2019.
  3. NWO/TTW perspectief project 12693 Robust design of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), from 2014 until September 1, 2019 (with several partners).
  4. RU Faculty of Science project "On the quality of hypotheses in active automata learning", from February 1, 2015, to January 31, 2019 (together with Bas Terwijn en Alexandra Silva).
  5. NWO/EW project 628.001.009 Learning Extended State Machines for Malware Analysis (LEMMA) (together with Sicco Verwer), from October 2013 to March 2018.
  6. NWO/EW project 612.001.216 Active Learning of Security Protocols (ALSeP), from November 2013 to October 2017.
  7. STW project Integrating Testing And Learning of Interface Automata (ITALIA) (together with Jan Tretmans). From 2012 to March 2016.
  8. DFG/NWO bilateral cooperation project ROCKS: Rigorous Dependability Analysis using Model Checking Techniques for Stochastic Systems.
  9. NWO/EW project 612.064.811 Formal Verification of Deadlock Avoidance Mechanisms (with Julien Schmaltz)
  10. ESI project Octopus
  11. EU FP7 project QUASIMODO
  12. NWO/EW project 612.064.610 Abstraction Refinement for Timed Systems (ARTS)
  13. KWR project FATs Domino "Automatic test case generation and test execution for software and System-on-Chip platform development in printers and copiers using model based testing (FATs Domino)" (together with J. Tretmans, P. Koopman and Oce). From January 2010 - December 2010.
  14. NWO/EW project 612.000.103 Fault-tolerant Real-time Algorithms Analyzed Incrementally (FRAAI) (with Jozef Hooman)
  15. KWR project FATs Domino
  16. DFG/NWO bilateral cooperation project Validation of Stochastic Systems (VOSS2)
  17. NWO Focus project Advancing the Real use of Proof Assistants (ARPA) (with Herman Geuvers)
  18. ESI project Beyond the Ordinary: Design of Embedded Real-time Control (BODERC)
  19. EU IST project IST-2001-35304 Advanced Methods for Timed Systems (AMETIST) (coordinator) (Final Project Report)
  20. PROGRESS project TES4999: Verification of Hard and Softly Timed Systems (HaaST)
  21. DFG/NWO bilateral cooperation project 600.050.011.01 Validation of Stochastic Systems (VOSS)
  22. Esprit LTR project 26270 Verification of Hybrid Systems (VHS)
  23. GBE/SION project 612-10-003 Validation of Programmable Logic Controllers
  24. GBE/SION project 612-14-004 Stepwise Refinement of Hybrid Systems, from April 1997 - April 2001. Proposal, Publications, Final report.
  25. Philips course From PhD in Sciences to Researcher in Computer Science, from 31-08-1998 to 01-06-2000
  26. Philips project Specification, Testing and Verification of Software for Technical Applications
  27. SION project 612-33-006 Testing and Verification of Timed systems
  28. SION project 612-316-125 Checking Verifications of Concurrent Systems with Type Theory Tools
  29. EC HCM network EXPRESS
  30. Esprit BRA project Calculi and Algebras of Concurrency: Extensions, Tools and Applications (CONCUR2), September 1992 - August 1995.
  31. RACE project no. 2076, Broadband Object-Oriented Service Technology (BOOST). April 1992 - December 1994.
  32. RACE project no. 1046, Specification and Programming Enviroment for Communications Software (SPECS). March 1988 - June 1990, April 1992 - December 1992.
  33. Esprit BRA project 3006, Theories of Concurrency: Unification and Extension (CONCUR). March 1990 - June 1990.
  34. Esprit project 1283, VDM Specification for the Interface of the Portable Common Tool Environment (VIP). November 1986 - December 1988.
  35. Esprit project 432, An Integrated Formal Approach to Industrial Software Development (METEOR). July 1985 - October 1989.