Fall Semester 2006, Wednesdays 10.00-13.00.
Radboud University, Huygens Building 3.054,
Toernooiveld 1, Nijmegen
20.09.2006 Week 1 Excercises
Untyped theory: conversion, reduction, Church numerals, A_+, A_*, A_exp. (5: Sct. 2.2).
Typed theory: Typing a la Curry (1: Ch. 5; 2: Sct. 1.1).
27.09.2006 Week 2 Excercises
Untyped theory: Representing arbitrary computable functions (5: Sct. 2.2). Fixed-points. (5: Sct. 2.1.)
Typed theory: Typing algorithm. (2: 2.3.6-2.3.16; it is less difficult than it looks!)
Inhabitation algorithm for typing a la Curry (2: Sct. 1.2).
04.10.2006 Week 3 Excercises
Untyped theory: eta-reduction (2: 1.1.5). Coding and reflection (4: Sct. 5).
Typed theory: eta-expansion (2: Sct. 1.2).
11.10.2006 Week 4 test 1
Untyped theory: second fixed-point theorem (6: Thm. 6.5.9), Scott's theorem (6: Thm. 6.6.2);
Church-Rosser theorem (1: Ch 4).
Typed theory: Church typed terms. (2: Sct 1.1).
18.10.2006 Week 5 Excercises
(Un)typed theory: Proof of the Church-Rosser theorem. (1: Ch. 4).
Typed theory: Generation Lemma; Subject reduction (2: 2.1).
25.10.2006 Week 6 Excercises
(Un)typed theory: lambda-I-calculus (6: Sct 2.2), strong normalization (6: Def. 3.1.22), head nf. (6: Def. 8.1.7-9)
Typed theory: Intersection types. Systems K, CD and BCD (3: Exc. 15.5.2, Sct 15.1, 15.2, Ch 14).
01.11.2006 Week 7 Excercises
Typed theory: Intersection types; filters; models. (3: Ch. 14, CH. 15, Ch. 16).
15.11.2006 Week 8 test 2
Continuation of last week. (3: Selection from Ch. 17, Selection from Ch. 18).
22.11.2006 Week 9 Exercises
Continuation of last week.
29.11.2006 Week 10 Exercises
Final about filter models. Reducibility between simple types (2: Section 3.4).
06.12.2006 Week 11 Exercises
Reduction of types to the top-type (0->0->0)->0->0.
13.12.2006 Week 12 test 3
The hierarchy of types under reducibility.
Reader untyped theory (table of contents to follow). Reader typed theory (table of contents to follow).1. Introduction to Lambda Calculus. Lecture notes Barendregt-Barendsen.
2. Simply Typed Lambda Calculus Forthcoming book on typed lambda calculus, Part I.
3. Lambda Calculus with Intersection Types Forthcoming book on typed lambda calculus, Part III.
4. Reflection and its use, with an emphasis on lambda calculus Lambda calculus for biologists.
5. Untyped Lambda Calculus Lambda calculi with types, HBK of Logic in Computer Science II.
6. The Lambda Calculus, Its Syntax and Semantics, Elsevier, 1984.