Building Distributed Co-simulations using CoHLA
Thomas Nägele,
Jozef Hooman and Jack Sleuters
Proceedings 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2018), pages 342-346, 2018.
The construction of a co-simulation for large cyber-physical systems can be very time consuming.
We have defined a domain specific language called CoHLA that facilitates this
construction based on the standards FMI and HLA.
Scalability of this approach is investigated by the application to Internet of
Things (IoT) systems.
Because of the repetitive nature of these systems, we developed a separate
domain specific language that allows the user to describe the system and
easily generate a co-simulation definition for CoHLA.
Additionally, we extended CoHLA to speed up the co-simulation execution by distributing
the simulation across multiple nodes.
This method also allows
the co-simulation to be executed in the cloud easily.