Publications of Patrick van Bommel
The practice of enterprise modeling. P van Bommel, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, SJ Overbeek, HA Proper, J Barjis (editors). Springer, 2010. LNBIP 68.
Enterprise information systems. P van Bommel, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers (editors). SIKS, The Netherlands, 2009.
Transformation of knowledge, information and data - theory and applications. P van Bommel (editor). IGI global, USA, 2005.
Information modeling for internet applications. P van Bommel (editor). IGI global, USA, 2003.
Database optimization - an evolutionary approach. P van Bommel. PhD thesis, University of Nijmegen, 1995.
Journal articles
Decomposition and conceptualization to support system dynamics behavior Modeling. FP Tulinayo, TP van der Weide, P van Bommel. Complex systems informatics and modeling quarterly 15, 2018.
A situational method for creating shared understanding on requirements for an enterprise architecture. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper, JBF Mulder. International journal of cooperative information systems 27(4), 2018.
Static and dynamic aspects of application domains - an inductively defined modeling technique that allows decomposition. TP van der Weide, FP Tulinayo, P van Bommel. Complex systems informatics and modeling quarterly 7, 2016.
Supplementing enterprise architecture approaches with support for executing collaborative tasks. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper. International journal of cooperative information systems 22(2), 2013.
Enhancing the system dynamics modeling process with a domain modeling method. FP Tulinayo, P van Bommel, HA Proper. International journal of cooperative information systems 22(2), 2013.
From a system dynamics causal loop diagram to an object-role model. FP Tulinayo, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Journal of digital information management 10(3), 2012.
A standard language for service delivery - enabling understanding among stakeholders. SJ Overbeek, MFWHA Janssen, P van Bommel. Computer standards and interfaces 34(4), 2012.
Designing, formalizing and evaluating a flexible architecture for integrated service delivery. SJ Overbeek, MFWHA Janssen, P van Bommel. Service oriented computing and applications 6(3), 2012.
Elementary patterns for converting textual and visual formalisms based on set theory and ORM. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel. Journal of digital information management 9(2), 2011.
Definition and validation of requirements for collaborative decision-making in enterprise architecture creation. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper. International journal of cooperative information systems 20(1), 2011.
Statics and dynamics of cognitive and qualitative matchmaking in task fulfillment. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Information sciences 181(1), 2011.
An evaluation instrument for collaborative processes. J Nabukenya, P van Bommel, HA Proper, GJ de Vreede. Group decision and negotiation 18, 2009.
Embedding knowledge exchange and cognitive matchmaking in a dichotomy of markets. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Expert systems with applications 36(10), 2009.
Checking the quality of medical guidelines using automated reasoning tools. A Hommersom, PJF Lucas, P van Bommel. Theory and practice of logic programming 8(5), 2008.
Matching cognitive characteristics of actors and tasks in information systems engineering. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Knowledge-based systems 21(8), 2008.
On the quality of resources on the web - an information retrieval perspective. B van Gils, HA Proper, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Information sciences 177(21), 2007.
Information coverage in advisory brokers. P van Bommel, HA Proper, TP van der Weide. Journal of intelligent systems 22(11), 2007.
Typing and transformational effects in complex information supply. B van Gils, HA Proper, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. International journal of cooperative information systems 16(2), 2007.
Value and the information market. P van Bommel, B van Gils, HA Proper, M van Vliet, TP van der Weide. Data and knowledge engineering 61(1), 2007.
A method for incorporating user modelling. PT de Vrieze, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Journal of digital information management 4(2), 2006.
Measuring the incremental information value of documents. TP van der Weide, P van Bommel. Information sciences 176(2), 2006.
Adaptation in multimedia systems. PT de Vrieze, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide, J Klok. Multimedia tools and applications 25(3), 2005.
Conceptual model of information supply. B van Gils, HA Proper, P van Bommel. Data and knowledge engineering 51, 2004.
Bible information modelling. P van Bommel. Journal of digital information management 1(2), 2003.
Combining boolean logic and linguistic structure. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Information and software technology 43, 2001.
Matching index expressions for information retrieval. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Information retrieval 2(4), 2000.
Nesting and defoliation of index expressions for information retrieval. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Knowledge and information systems 2(1), 2000.
Meaning extraction from a Peircean perspective. JJ Sarbo, JI Farkas, F Grootjen, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Journal of computing anticipatory systems 6, 2000.
Ranking strategies for navigation based query formulation. FC Berger, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Journal of intelligent information systems 12(1), 1999.
The incremental searcher satisfaction model for information retrieval. TP van der Weide, TWC Huibers, P van Bommel. Computer journal 41(5), 1998.
Conceptual modelling based design of object-oriented databases. G Kovacs, P van Bommel. Information and software technology 40(1), 1998.
From conceptual model to object-oriented database via intermediate specification. G Kovacs, P van Bommel. Acta cybernetica 13, 1997.
Augmenting a characterization network with semantic information. FC Berger, P van Bommel. Information processing and management 33(4), 1997.
Object-oriented modelling based on logbooks. P van Bommel, PJM Frederiks, TP van der Weide. Computer journal 39(9), 1996.
Database design by computer aided schema transformations. P van Bommel. Software engineering journal 10(4), 1995.
Experiences with EDO - an evolutionary database optimizer. P van Bommel. Data and knowledge engineering 13, 1994.
Transformation of database populations and operations from the conceptual to the internal level. P van Bommel, G Kovacs, A Micsik. Information systems 19(2), 1994.
Genetic algorithms for optimal logical database design. P van Bommel, CB Lucasius, TP van der Weide. Information and software technology 36(12), 1994.
A randomised schema mutator for evolutionary database optimisation. P van Bommel. Australian computer journal 25(2), 1993.
Reducing the search space for conceptual schema transformation. P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Data and knowledge engineering 8, 1992.
Uniquest - determining the semantics of complex uniqueness constraints. TP van der Weide, AHM ter Hofstede, P van Bommel. Computer journal 35(2), 1992.
Semantics and verification of object-role models. P van Bommel, AHM ter Hofstede, TP van der Weide. Information systems 16(5), 1991.
Articles in Dutch journals
Systeem voor cognitieve afstemming. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Ego 7(3), 2008.
Intelligente kennisuitwisseling - grondslagen en toepassingen. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper, DBB Rijsenbrij. IT monitor 10, 2006.
Information retrieval - een uitdagend onderzoeksgebied. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Informatie professional 3(10), 1999.
De elektronische informatiemakelaar. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide, TWC Huibers. Informatie professional 2(11), 1998.
Ondersteuning voor psychologen en psychiaters. TM Houben, P van Bommel, JAJ van de Berg. Psychologie en computers 15(3), 1998.
Chapters in books
Modeling and describing an ontological knowledge framework for integrated public service delivery. SJ Overbeek, MFWHA Janssen, P van Bommel. In: service intelligence and service science. IGI global, 2011.
Concepts and strategies for quality of modelling. P van Bommel, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper, J Roelofs. In: innovations in information systems modeling - methods and best practices. IGI global, 2008.
Foundations and applications of intelligent knowledge exchange. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper, DBB Rijsenbrij. In: handbook of research on virtual workplaces and the new nature of business practices. IGI global, 2008.
On the use of object-role modelling for modelling active domains. P van Bommel, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper, TP van der Weide. In: research issues in systems analysis and design, databases and software development. IGI global, 2007.
A fundamental view on the act of modeling. HA Proper, P van Bommel, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, TP van der Weide. In: advances in systems modelling and ICT applications 2. Fountain publishers, 2006.
Overview of data model transformations. P van Bommel. In: transformation of knowledge, information and data. IGI global, 2005.
Generic model for database driven web sites. P van Bommel. In: information modeling for internet applications. IGI global, 2003.
Linguistically-motivated information retrieval. AT Arampatzis, TP van der Weide, CHA Koster, P van Bommel. In: encyclopedia of library and information science 69. Marcel Dekker inc, 2000.
Characterization hierarchy containing augmented characterizations. FC Berger, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. In: encyclopedia of microcomputers 24. Marcel Dekker inc, 1999.
Database design modifications based on conceptual modelling. P van Bommel. In: information modelling and knowledge bases 5. IOS press, 1994.
Conference articles
CCL - a lightweight ORM embedding in Clean. B Lijnse, P van Bommel, R Plasmeijer. OTM confederated international conferences, Rome, 2012. LNCS 7567.
Grounded system dynamics - a procedure for underpinning system dynamics with a domain modeling method. PF Tulinayo, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Working conference on the practice of enterprise modelling, Oslo, 2011. LNBIP 92.
Applying soft systems methodology in enterprise architecture creation workshops. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Workshop on enterprise modelling and information systems architectures, Hamburg, 2011.
On supporting collaborative problem solving in enterprise architecture creation. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Working conference on practice-driven research on enterprise transformation, Delft, 2010. LNBIP 69.
Towards a theory on collaborative decision making in enterprise architecture. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Conference on global perspectives on design science research, St Gallen, 2010. LNCS 6105.
Realizing integrated service delivery through a language for collective understanding of business rules. SJ Overbeek, MFWHA Janssen, P van Bommel. International symposium on semantic web rules, Washington, 2010. LNCS 6403.
Integrating system dynamics with object-role modeling and petri nets. PF Tulinayo, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Workshop on enterprise modelling and information systems architectures, Ulm, 2009.
Towards integrated public service delivery based on an ontological framework. SJ Overbeek, MFWHA Janssen, P van Bommel. Mediterranean conference on information systems, Athens, 2009.
Complementing system dynamics with object-role modeling. PF Tulinayo, A Grossler, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, P van Bommel. System dynamics conference, Albuquerque, 2009.
Quality enhancement in creating enterprise architecture. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Industrial track of conference on advanced information systems engineering, Amsterdam, 2009. LNBIP 28.
An ontological framework for integrated public service delivery. SJ Overbeek, MFWHA Janssen, P van Bommel. Workshop of conference on advanced information systems engineering, Amsterdam, 2009.
Integrating markets to bridge supply and demand for knowledge intensive tasks. SJ Overbeek, MFWHA Janssen, P van Bommel. Conference on electronic commerce and web technologies, Linz, 2009. LNCS 5692.
A theory-driven design approach to collaborative policy making processes. J Nabukenya, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Hawaii international conference on system sciences, Hawaii, 2009.
Repeatable collaboration processes for mature organizational policy making. J Nabukenya, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Collaboration researchers international workshop on groupware, Omaha, 2008. LNCS 5411.
Information systems engineering supported by cognitive matchmaking. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Conference on advanced information systems engineering, Montpellier, 2008. LNCS 5074.
Method engineering as game design - an emerging HCI perspective on methods and CASE tools. SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, P van Bommel, A Jarvinen. Workshop of conference on advanced information systems engineering, Montpellier, 2008.
Matching cognitive characteristics of actors and tasks. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper, DBB Rijsenbrij. Conference on cooperative information systems, Vilamoura, 2007. LNCS 4803.
Accessibility of e-government web sites for people with disabilities in Uganda. R Baguma, P van Bommel, T Wanyama. Computer science and ICT conference, Nairobi, 2007.
Visualizing formalisms with ORM models. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper, DBB Rijsenbrij. Workshop of OTM federated conferences, Vilamoura, 2007. LNCS 4805.
Characterizing knowledge intensive tasks indicating cognitive requirements. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper, DBB Rijsenbrij. Conference on situational method engineering, Geneva, 2007.
Towards a method for collaborative policy making. J Nabukenya, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Conference on situational method engineering, Geneva, 2007, poster paper.
Architecture principles - a regulative perspective on enterprise architecture. P van Bommel, PG Buitenhuis, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper. Workshop on enterprise modelling and information systems architectures, St Goar, 2007.
Relating visual disability and the web. R Baguma, P van Bommel, T Wanyama, P Ogao. Conference on internet technologies and applications, Wrexham, 2007.
Web accessibility in Uganda - a study of webmaster perceptions. R Baguma, P van Bommel, T Wanyama, P Ogao. Conference on computing and ICT research, Kampala, 2007.
QoMo - a modelling process quality framework based on SEQUAL. P van Bommel, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper, TP van der Weide. Workshop of conference on advanced information systems engineering, Trondheim, 2007.
Collaborative IT policy making as a means of achieving business-IT alignment. J Nabukenya, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Workshop of conference on advanced information systems engineering, Trondheim, 2007.
Knowledge discovery and exchange. SJ Overbeek, P van Bommel, HA Proper, DBB Rijsenbrij. Conference on web information systems and technologies, Barcelona, 2007.
Quality makes the information market. B van Gils, HA Proper, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conference on cooperative information systems, Montpellier, 2006. LNCS 4275.
Giving meaning to enterprise architectures. P van Bommel, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper, TP van der Weide. Workshop of OTM federated conferences, Montpellier, 2006. LNCS 4278.
Exploring modelling strategies in a meta-modelling context. P van Bommel, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper, TP van der Weide. Workshop of OTM federated conferences, Montpellier, 2006. LNCS 4278.
On the use of object-role modelling to model active domains. P van Bommel, SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper, TP van der Weide. Workshop of conference on advanced information systems engineering, Luxembourg, 2006.
Model transformations in the medical imaging domain. R Roddeman, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Workshop of conference on model driven architecture, Nurnberg, 2005.
The information market - its basic concepts and its challenges. P van Bommel, B van Gils, HA Proper, M van Vliet, TP van der Weide. Conference on web information systems engineering, New York, 2005. LNCS 3806.
A history-based algebra for quality-checking medical guidelines. AJ Hommersom, PJF Lucas, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conference on artificial intelligence in medicine, Aberdeen, 2005. LNAI 3581.
Automated theorem proving for quality-checking medical guidelines. AJ Hommersom, PJF Lucas, P van Bommel. Workshop of conference on automated deduction, Tallinn, 2005.
Towards an information market paradigm. P van Bommel, B van Gils, HA Proper, ED Schabell, M van Vliet, TP van der Weide. Forum of conference on advanced information systems engineering, Porto, 2005.
Transformation selection for aptness-based web retrieval. B van Gils, HA Proper, P van Bommel, PT de Vrieze. Australasian database conference, Sydney, 2005.
A generic adaptivity model in adaptive hypermedia. PT de Vrieze, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conference on adaptive hypermedia, Eindhoven, 2004. LNCS 3137.
Transformations in information supply. B van Gils, HA Proper, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Workshop of conference on advanced information systems engineering, Riga, 2004.
Generic engine for user model based adaptation. PT de Vrieze, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Workshop on user interfaces, Vienna, 2004.
Towards a two-dimensional framework for user models. PT de Vrieze, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide, J Klok. Workshop of conference on object-oriented information systems, Geneva, 2003.
Towards a general theory for information supply. B van Gils, HA Proper, P van Bommel. Conference on human-computer interaction, Crete, 2003.
Profile - a multidisciplinary appraoch to information discovery. J Simons, AT Arampatzis, BCM Wondergem, LRB Schomaker, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide, CHA Koster. Workshop of conference on advanced information systems engineering, Stockholm, 2000.
Term selection for filtering based on distribution of terms over time. AT Arampatzis, TP van der Weide, CHA Koster, P van Bommel. Conference on computer-assisted information retrieval, Paris, 2000.
An evaluation of linguistically-motivated indexing schemes. AT Arampatzis, TP van der Weide, CHA Koster, P van Bommel. Colloquium on information retrieval research, Cambridge, 2000.
Choices in multimedia representations. P van Bommel, G Kovacs. Congress on terminology and knowledge engineering, Innsbruck, 1999.
Meaning extraction from a Peircean perspective. JJ Sarbo, JI Farkas, F Grootjen, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conference on computing anticipatory systems, Liege, 1999.
Cumulative duality in designing information brokers. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conference on database and expert systems applications, Vienna, 1998. LNCS 1460.
Opportunities for electronic commerce in agent-based information discovery. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conference on electronic commerce, Hamburg, 1998.
Agents in cyberspace - towards a framework for multi-agent systems in information discovery. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TWC Huibers, TP van der Weide. Colloquium on information retrieval research, Grenoble, 1998.
Domain knowledge in preferential models. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TWC Huibers, TP van der Weide. Baltic workshop on databases and information systems, Riga, 1998.
Multimedia information filtering on the world wide web. P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. World automation congress, Anchorage, 1998.
Multimedia document retrieval using information modelling. P van Bommel. Basis for panel discussion of world automation congress, Anchorage, 1998.
Towards an agent-based retrieval engine. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TWC Huibers, TP van der Weide. Colloquium on information retrieval research, Aberdeen, 1997.
Personalized search support for networked document retrieval using link inference. FC Berger, P van Bommel. Conference on database and expert systems applications, Zurich, 1996. LNCS 1134.
Syntax-directed information filtering. P van Bommel, CHA Koster, TP van der Weide. Workshop on expert systems, Paris, 1995.
Pool heuristics in evolutionary database optimization. P van Bommel, CB Lucasius, TP van der Weide. Conference on information systems and management of data, Madras, 1994.
Implementation selection for object-role models. P van Bommel. Conference on object-role modelling, Magnetic Island, 1994.
Towards database optimization by evolution. P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conference on information systems and management of data, Bangalore, 1992.
Articles in local conferences
Applying soft systems methodology in enterprise architecture creation workshops. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Extended abstract, conference on enterprise information systems, Delft, 2011.
Basic properties of class hierarchies regarding probability distributions. W Quan, P van Bommel, PJF Lucas. Benelux conference on artificial intelligence, Ghent, 2011.
Challenges of involving stakeholders when creating enterprise architecture. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Conference on enterprise information systems, Eindhoven, 2010.
Requirements for collaborative decision making in enterprise architecture. A Nakakawa, P van Bommel, HA Proper. Conference on enterprise information systems, Nijmegen, 2009.
Argumentation systems for history-based construction of medical guidelines. AJ Hommersom, PJF Lucas, P van Bommel. Belgian-Dutch conference on artificial intelligence, Brussels, 2005.
Profile-based retrieval on the world wide web. B van Gils, HA Proper, P van Bommel, E Schabell. Conferentie informatiewetenschap, Eindhoven, 2003.
Query by navigation on the world wide web. BCM Wondergem, M van Uden, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conferentie informatiewetenschap, Utrecht, 2000.
Query languages for unstructured text. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Online conference, Rotterdam, 2000.
Construction and applications of the association index architecture. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conferentie informatiewetenschap, Antwerp, 1998.
An electronic commerce paradigm for agent-based information discovery. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TWC Huibers, TP van der Weide. Conferentie Informatiewetenschap, Eindhoven, 1997.
Linguistic variation in information retrieval and filtering. AT Arampatzis, P van Bommel, CHA Koster, TP van der Weide. Conferentie Informatiewetenschap, Eindhoven, 1997.
Towards database optimization by evolution. P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conference on computing science in The Netherlands, Utrecht, 1991.
Articles on education
Uitdagend onderwijs in een gesimuleerde bedrijfsomgeving. P van Bommel, M Weerts. Congres stimulansen tot studeren, Rotterdam, 1998.
Educational flow in computing science courses. P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. Conference on applied informatics, Eger-Noszvaj, 1997.
Modern universitair informatica onderwijs. P van Bommel, TJ van Weert. Nationaal informatica onderwijs congres, Den Haag, 1997.
Other publications
Multifunctionele chipkaarten vanuit informatiekundig perspectief. P van Bommel. Chipcards 6, 1997.
Designing a workbench kernel. P van Bommel. Masters thesis, University of Nijmegen, 1989.
Unpublished technical reports
Effective and efficient descriptors for information discovery. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. CSI-R9911.
Best first search techniques in document processing applications. PA Jones, P van Bommel, CHA Koster, TP van der Weide. CSI-R9902.
Critical reference counting. PA Jones, CHA Koster, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. CSI-R9825.
Association index architecture for information brokers. BCM Wondergem, P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. CSI-R9820.
A clinical information system for psychiatry. JE Schuur, P van Bommel, FG Zitman. CSI-R9801.
Towards a clinical information system for psychiatry. JE Schuur, P van Bommel, FG Zitman. CSI-N9801.
Stratified recursive backup for best first search. PA Jones, P van Bommel, CHA Koster, TP van der Weide. CSI-R9720.
Designing advanced databases using dependency graph conducted schema transformation algorithm. G Kovacs, P van Bommel. CSI-N9703.
Conceptual graphs as a basis for verification, matching, and similarity in the context of information system development. P van Bommel, TP van der Weide. CSI-N9701.
Overview of F-logic from database transformation perspective. G Kovacs, P van Bommel. CSI-N9607.
Using graph rewrite rules in MISS. JWGM Hubbers, P van Bommel. CSI-N9604.
Profile - a proactive information filter. E Hoenkamp, LRB Schomaker, P van Bommel, CHA Koster, TP van der Weide. CSI-N9602.
Markov chain fundamentals for data schema transformations. P Toonen, P van Bommel. CSI-R9505.
A view algebra for object-role models. P van Bommel. CSI-R9407.