module newsGroups


//    In this example newsgroups are created and maintained

//    User 0 is the manager of the newsgroup who can create new newgroups

//    All other users can subscribe to such a newsgroup, commit a message or read news

// (c) mjp 2007


import StdEnv, iTasks, iDataTrivial, iDataFormlib

import iTaskUtil


derive gForm      []

derive gUpd       []


:: NewsGroups     :== [GroupName]               // list of newsgroup names

:: GroupName      :== String                    // Name of the newsgroup

:: NewsGroup      :== [News]                    // News stored in a news group

:: News           :== (Subscriber,Name,Message) // id, name, and message of the publisher

:: Subscriber     :== Int                       // the id of the publisher

:: Name           :== String                    // the login name of the publisher

:: Message        :== String                    // the message

:: Subscriptions  :== [Subscription]            // newsgroup subscriptions of user

:: Subscription   :== (GroupName,Index)         // last message read in corresponding group

:: Index          :== Int                       // 0 <= index < length newsgroup


nmessage = 5


Start world = doHtmlServer (singleUserTask -1 True (assignWork True welcome account myWork)) world



=     [ Txt "This is an iTask demo showing how newsgroups can be created and maintained.",Br,Br

      , Txt "Only the site manager can add newsgroups.",Br

      , Txt "Any member can subscribe to a newsgroup, and read or commit news",Br,Br

      , Txt "Now please login if you are a member or make an account and become a member...",Br,Br]

      ?>> OK


account v = return_V Void


myWork acc=:(name,unid,_)

| unid == 0 = foreverTask (newsManager acc)     // for the root

| otherwise = foreverTask (newsReader  acc)     // all others


newsManager acc

=     chooseTask [("newGroup",  addNewsGroup -||- editTask "Cancel" Void)

                  ,("showGroup", showGroup)

                  ,("readNews",  newsReader acc)




      =                       [Txt "Define name of new news group:",Br,Br]

?>> editTask "Define" ""

=>> \newName  ->  readNewsGroups      

=>> \oldNames ->  writeNewsGroups (removeDup (sort [newName:oldNames]))

#>>               return_V Void


      =     (readNewsGroups =>> PDMenu) #>> return_V Void


PDMenu list

=                       []

?>> editTask "OK" (PullDown (1,100) (0,list))

=>> \value ->     return_V (toInt value,toString value)


newsReader acc=:(name,unid,_)

=     chooseTask [("subscribe", subscribeNewsGroup unid -||- editTask "Cancel" Void)

                  ,("showNews", readNews unid)



      subscribeNewsGroup :: Subscriber -> Task Void

      subscribeNewsGroup me

      =                       readNewsGroups

=>> \groups    -> PDMenu groups 

=>> \(_,group) -> addSubscription me (group,0)

#>>               [Txt "You have subscribed to news group ", B [] group,Br,Br]

?>> OK


      readNews :: Subscriber -> Task Void

      readNews me

      =                       readSubscriptions me

=>> \mygroups ->  PDMenu ([group \\ (group,_) <- mygroups] ++ ["Cancel"])

=>> \(_,group) -> readNews` group


            readNews` "Cancel"      =     [Txt "You have not selected a newgroup you are subscribed on!",Br,Br]

?>> OK

            readNews` group   =     [Txt "You are looking at news group ", B [] group, Br, Br]

                                    ?>>   foreverTask

                                          (                 readIndex me  group

=>> \index ->           readNewsGroup group

=>> \news  ->           showNews index (news%(index,index+nmessage-1)) (length news)

                                                            ?>>   chooseTask

                                                                        [("<<",readNextNewsItems me (group,index) (~nmessage) (length news))

                                                                        ,("update", return_V Void)

                                                                        ,(">>", readNextNewsItems me (group,index) nmessage (length news))

                                                                        ,("commitNews",commitItem group me)




                                          editTask "leaveGroup" Void


      readNextNewsItems :: Subscriber Subscription Int Int -> Task Void

      readNextNewsItems  me (group,index) offset length

      # nix = index + offset

      # nix = if (nix < 0) 0 (if (length <= nix) index nix)

      = addSubscription me (group,nix) #>> return_V Void                     


      commitItem :: GroupName Subscriber -> Task Void

      commitItem group me

      =                                   [Txt "Type your message ..."]

                                          ?>> editTask "Commit" (TextArea 4 80 "") <<@ Submit

=>> \(TextArea _ _ val) ->    readNewsGroup  group

=>> \news ->                  writeNewsGroup group (news ++ [(unid,name,val)])

#>>                           [Txt "Message commited to news group ",B [] group, Br,Br]

?>> OK


OK :: Task Void

OK = editTask "OK" Void


// displaying news groups


showNews ix news nrItems = [STable [Tbl_Border 1, Tbl_Bgcolor (`Colorname Blue)]   

                              [     [B [] "Message nr:", B [] "By:", B [] "Contents:"]

                              :     [     [Txt (showIndex nr),Txt name,Txt (toString info)]

                                           \\ nr <- [ix..] & (who,name,info) <- news





      showIndex i = ((i+1) +++> " of ") <+++ nrItems


// reading and writing of storages


newsGroupsId ::  (DBid NewsGroups)

newsGroupsId = mkDBid "newsGroups"


readerId :: Int -> (DBid Subscriptions)

readerId I = mkDBid ("reader" <+++ i)


groupNameId :: String -> (DBid NewsGroup)

groupNameId name = mkDBid ("NewsGroup-" +++ name)


readNewsGroups :: Task NewsGroups

readNewsGroups = readDB newsGroupsId


writeNewsGroups :: NewsGroups -> Task NewsGroups

writeNewsGroups newgroups = writeDB newsGroupsId newgroups


readSubscriptions :: Subscriber -> Task Subscriptions

readSubscriptions me = readDB (readerId me)


writeSubscriptions :: Subscriber Subscriptions -> Task Subscriptions

writeSubscriptions me subscriptions = writeDB (readerId me) subscriptions


addSubscription :: Subscriber Subscription -> Task Subscriptions

addSubscription me (groupname,index)

# index     = if (index < 0) 0 index

=                             readSubscriptions  me

=>> \subscriptions ->   writeSubscriptions me [(groupname,index):[(group,index) \\ (group,index) <- subscriptions | group <> groupname]]


readIndex :: Subscriber GroupName -> Task Index

readIndex me groupname

=                             readSubscriptions me

=>> \subscriptions ->   return_V (hds [index \\ (group,index) <- subscriptions | group == groupname])


      hds [x:xs] = x

      hds [] = 0


readNewsGroup :: GroupName -> Task NewsGroup

readNewsGroup groupname = readDB (groupNameId groupname)


writeNewsGroup :: GroupName NewsGroup -> Task NewsGroup

writeNewsGroup groupname news = writeDB (groupNameId groupname) news