Opdracht 1

This assignment aims at getting acquainted with basic subjects of image processing and implementations thereof with the aid of image processing software packages. This assignment has to be done by each individual student.

CImg packet

We use the CImg library and the there mentioned ImageMagick software packet.

Install CImg version 1.1.8 and test everything on your favorite system.


Develop a program that reads the color images, as given below, and convert them into gray value images, where the background gets the value 255 (white), the red object gets 0, the green object gets 64 and the blue object gets 128. Try to find a method that works for all the images without setting a parameter per image. This looks easy, but is rather difficult.


Your report should contain:

The report (without the full code) should be in MSWord or PDF with a maximum of 8 pages.

Email code and report to me in zip format.

The images





Changed on 5 february 2007 by Theo Schouten.