Opdracht 2
This assignment aims at making a setup for taking specified images with a webcam and
processing them in a certain way to achieve a certain goal.
This assignment has to be done in groups of 2 students.
The final goal is to convert the above image into a "top" view.
Make the above setup on a simular scale, using the facilities of the ITT/SOS lab (HG 02.068).
Take a number of 640x480 images suitable to experimental determine the relation between Z and y,
including some indication about the error.
Take further with that setup a number of 640x480 images (like the one on the right):
- with easy recognizable objects (not too small, uniform color different from the color of the floor
and the wall behind, not overlapping)
- with a bit more difficult to detect objects, with more color and/or texture variation
- with some overlapping objects of different color
- Derive the relation between Z and y from theory.
- Determine the relation experimentally.
- Develop and implement an algorithm to detect the objects on the easy images
- Test it our on the other images, observe the problems
- Describe the design of an algorithm to determine where we are interested in:
the contact lines of objects with the floor.
- A 15 minutes presentation of what you have achieved
- A report
- There is a key procedure for the lab, give your name and student number to me
- Ask me or Harco Kuppens for any needed material
- Contact me for any questions you have.
- It is not forbidden to discuss this assigment amoung the groups.
Changed on 8 march 2006 by Theo Schouten.