Tom Heskes.
Transition times in self-organizing maps.
Biological Cybernetics,
@ARTICLE{hes92f, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 1996, TITLE = {Transition times in self-organizing maps}, JOURNAL = {Biological Cybernetics}, VOLUME = {75}, PAGES = {49-57}, URL = {} }
Tom Heskes and Wim Wiegerinck.
A theoretical comparison of batch-mode, on-line, cyclic, and almost cyclic learning.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
@ARTICLE{hes94c, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Wim Wiegerinck}, YEAR = 1996, TITLE = {A theoretical comparison of batch-mode, on-line, cyclic, and almost cyclic learning}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks}, VOLUME = 7, PAGES = {919-925}, URL = {}, PS = {} }
Wim Wiegerinck and Tom Heskes.
How dependencies between successive examples affect on-line learning.
Neural Computation,
@ARTICLE{wie95a, AUTHOR = {Wim Wiegerinck and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 1996, TITLE = {How dependencies between successive examples affect on-line learning}, JOURNAL = {Neural Computation}, VOLUME = {8}, PAGES = {1743-1765}, PS = {} }
Tom Heskes,
Bert Kappen,
Anno van Dijken,
and Harry Otten.
Voorspelling van verkoop en inzet van personeel.
Technical report,
SNN, Nijmegen and Meteo Consult, Wageningen,
Study for Vendex (in Dutch).
@TECHREPORT{vendex1996, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Bert Kappen and Anno van Dijken and Harry Otten}, TITLE = {Voorspelling van verkoop en inzet van personeel}, NOTE = {Study for Vendex (in Dutch)}, YEAR = 1996, INSTITUTION = {SNN, Nijmegen and Meteo Consult, Wageningen} }