Tom Heskes and Jeroen Coolen.
Learning in two-layered networks with correlated examples.
Journal of Physics A,
@ARTICLE{hes97a, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Jeroen Coolen}, YEAR = 1997, TITLE = {Learning in two-layered networks with correlated examples}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Physics A}, VOLUME = 30, PAGES = {4983-4992}, URL = {}, PS = {} }
Piėrre van de Laar,
Tom Heskes,
and Stan Gielen.
Task-dependent learning of attention.
Neural Networks,
@ARTICLE{laa96, AUTHOR = {Pi{\"e}rre van de Laar and Tom Heskes and Stan Gielen}, YEAR = 1997, TITLE = {Task-dependent learning of attention}, JOURNAL = {Neural Networks}, VOLUME = {10}, PAGES = {981-992}, PS = {}, URL = {} }
Tom Heskes.
Balancing between bagging and bumping.
In M. Mozer,
M. Jordan,
and T. Petsche, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9,
pages 466-472,
MIT Press.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes96b, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 1997, TITLE = {Balancing between bagging and bumping}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9}, EDITOR = {Mozer, M. and Jordan, M. and Petsche, T.}, PUBLISHER = {MIT Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, PAGES = {466-472}, PS = {}, PDF = {} }
Tom Heskes.
Practical confidence and prediction intervals.
In M. Mozer,
M. Jordan,
and T. Petsche, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9,
pages 176-182,
MIT Press.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes96c, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 1997, TITLE = {Practical confidence and prediction intervals}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9}, EDITOR = {Mozer, M. and Jordan, M. and Petsche, T.}, PUBLISHER = {MIT Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, PAGES = {176-182}, PS = {}, PDF = {} }
Tom Heskes,
Wim Wiegerinck,
and Bert Kappen.
Practical confidence and prediction intervals for prediction tasks.
In Bert Kappen and Stan Gielen, editors,
Neural Networks: Best Practice in Europe,
pages 128-135,
World Scientific, Singapore.
@INPROCEEDINGS{heskes97, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Wim Wiegerinck and Bert Kappen}, TITLE = {Practical confidence and prediction intervals for prediction tasks}, BOOKTITLE = {Neural Networks: Best Practice in Europe}, PAGES = {128-135}, YEAR = 1997, EDITORS = {Bert Kappen and Stan Gielen}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific, Singapore} }
Piėrre van de Laar,
Stan Gielen,
and Tom Heskes.
Input selection with partial retraining.
In W. Gerstner,
A. Germond,
M. Hasler,
and J. Nicoud, editors,
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN'97,
pages 469-474,
@INPROCEEDINGS{laa97b, AUTHOR = {Pi{\"e}rre van de Laar and Stan Gielen and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 1997, TITLE = {Input selection with partial retraining}, BOOKTITLE = {Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN'97}, EDITORS = {Gerstner, W. and Germond, A. and Hasler, M. and Nicoud, J.}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, PAGES = {469-474}, PS = {} }
Tom Heskes,
Bert Kappen,
Menno Mimpen,
Anno van Dijken,
and Harry Otten.
Voorspelling van frisdrankenverkoop.
Technical report,
SNN, Nijmegen and Meteo Consult, Wageningen,
Study for Riedel (in Dutch).
@TECHREPORT{riedel1997, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Bert Kappen and Menno Mimpen and Anno van Dijken and Harry Otten}, TITLE = {Voorspelling van frisdrankenverkoop}, NOTE = {Study for Riedel (in Dutch)}, YEAR = 1997, INSTITUTION = {SNN, Nijmegen and Meteo Consult, Wageningen} }
Piėrre van de Laar and Tom Heskes.
Neural networks for resistivity tool response modelling.
Technical report,
SNN, Nijmegen,
Study for KSEPL-SIEP (Shell).
@TECHREPORT{ksepl1997, AUTHOR = {Pi{\"e}rre van de Laar and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Neural networks for resistivity tool response modelling}, NOTE = {Study for KSEPL-SIEP (Shell)}, YEAR = 1997, INSTITUTION = {SNN, Nijmegen} }
Tom Heskes and Bert Kappen.
Neural network system, JED, offers solution for predicting single-copy sales,
@MISC{hes97d, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Bert Kappen}, YEAR = 1997, TITLE = {Neural network system, {JED}, offers solution for predicting single-copy sales}, JOURNAL = {IFRA Magazine, October, pages 64-65}, PDF = {} }
Wim Wiegerinck and Tom Heskes.
Neurale netwerken, de techniek van wakker Nederland,
Note: PolyTechnisch tijdschrift (in Dutch).
@MISC{poly1997, AUTHOR = {Wim Wiegerinck and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Neurale netwerken, de techniek van wakker Nederland}, NOTE = {PolyTechnisch tijdschrift (in Dutch)}, YEAR = 1997 }