Tom Heskes and Wim Wiegerinck.
On-line learning with time-correlated examples.
In D. Saad, editor, On-line Learning in Neural Networks,
pages 251-278.
@INCOLLECTION{hes98a, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Wim Wiegerinck}, TITLE = {On-line learning with time-correlated examples}, YEAR = 1998, BOOKTITLE = {On-line Learning in Neural Networks}, EDITOR = {Saad, D.}, PAGES = {251-278}, PS = {} }
Tom Heskes.
Bias/variance decompositions for likelihood-based estimators.
Neural Computation,
@ARTICLE{hes97c, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 1998, TITLE = {Bias/variance decompositions for likelihood-based estimators}, JOURNAL = {Neural Computation}, VOLUME = 10, PAGES = {1425-1433}, URL = {}, PS = {} }
Tom Heskes.
Selecting weighting factors in logarithmic opinion pools.
In M. Jordan,
M. Kearns,
and S. Solla, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10,
pages 266-272,
MIT Press.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes97b, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 1998, TITLE = {Selecting weighting factors in logarithmic opinion pools}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10}, EDITOR = {Jordan, M. and Kearns, M. and Solla, S.}, PUBLISHER = {MIT Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, PAGES = {266-272}, PS = {}, PDF = {} }
Tom Heskes.
Solving a huge number of similar tasks: a combination of multi-task learning and a hierarchical Bayesian approach.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning,
San Mateo,
pages 233-241,
Morgan Kaufmann.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes98b, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Solving a huge number of similar tasks: a combination of multi-task learning and a hierarchical {B}ayesian approach}, YEAR = 1998, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning}, PAGES = {233-241}, PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann}, ADDRESS = {San Mateo}, PS = {} }
Bert Kappen,
Stan Gielen,
Tom Heskes,
Wim Wiegerinck,
David Barber,
and Piërre van de Laar.
Probabilistic knowledge representation.
In Proceedings of RWC�98,
pages 285-292,
@INPROCEEDINGS{kappen98, AUTHOR = {Bert Kappen and Stan Gielen and Tom Heskes and Wim Wiegerinck and David Barber and Pi{\"e}rre van de Laar}, TITLE = {Probabilistic knowledge representation}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of RWC�98}, PAGES = {285-292}, YEAR = 1998 }
Maurits Geuze,
Wim van de Berg,
Maarten Noort,
and Tom Heskes.
De invloed van het weer op de verkeersafwikkeling.
Technical report,
Meteo Consult Wagening and SNN, Nijmegen,
Study for Rijkswaterstaat (in Dutch).
@TECHREPORT{rijksw1998, AUTHOR = {Maurits Geuze and Wim van de Berg and Maarten Noort and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {De invloed van het weer op de verkeersafwikkeling}, NOTE = {Study for Rijkswaterstaat (in Dutch)}, YEAR = 1998, INSTITUTION = {Meteo Consult Wagening and SNN, Nijmegen} }