Tom Heskes.
On natural learning and pruning in multilayered perceptrons.
Neural Computation,
@ARTICLE{hes99b, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2000, TITLE = {On natural learning and pruning in multilayered perceptrons}, JOURNAL = {Neural Computation}, VOLUME = 12, PAGES = {1037-1057}, URL = {}, PS = {} }
Gabe Sonke,
Tom Heskes,
André Verbeek,
Jean De La Rosette,
and Bart Kiemeney.
Prediction of bladder outlet obstruction in men with lower urinary tract symptoms using artificial neural networks.
Journal of Urology,
@ARTICLE{son00, AUTHOR = {Gabe Sonke and Tom Heskes and Andr{\'e} Verbeek and Jean De La Rosette and Bart Kiemeney}, YEAR = 2000, TITLE = {Prediction of bladder outlet obstruction in men with lower urinary tract symptoms using artificial neural networks}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Urology}, VOLUME = 163, PAGES = {300-305}, URL = {} }
Piërre van de Laar and Tom Heskes.
Input selection based on an ensemble.
@ARTICLE{laa98a, AUTHOR = {Pi{\"e}rre van de Laar and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2000, TITLE = {Input selection based on an ensemble}, JOURNAL = {Neurocomputing}, VOLUME = 34, PAGES = {227-238}, PS = {}, URL = {} }
Bart Bakker,
Bert Kappen,
and Tom Heskes.
Survival analysis: a neural-Bayesian approach.
In H. Malmgren,
M. Borga,
and L. Niklasson, editors,
Proceedings Artificial Neural Networks in Medicine and Biology (ANNIMAB-1),
pages 162-167,
Springer, Berlin.
@INPROCEEDINGS{bak00a, AUTHOR = {Bart Bakker and Bert Kappen and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2000, TITLE = {Survival analysis: a neural-{B}ayesian approach}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Artificial Neural Networks in Medicine and Biology (ANNIMAB-1)}, EDITORS = {Malmgren, H. and Borga, M. and Niklasson, L.}, PAGES = {162-167}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, PS = {} }
Jakob-Vogdrup Hansen and Tom Heskes.
General bias/variance decomposition with target independent variance of error functions derived from the exponential family of distributions.
In A. Sanfeliu,
J.J. Villanueva,
M. Vanrell,
R. Alguézar,
A.K. Jain,
and J. Kittler, editors,
15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
volume 2,
pages 207-210,
@INPROCEEDINGS{han00, AUTHOR = {Jakob-Vogdrup Hansen and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2000, TITLE = {General bias/variance decomposition with target independent variance of error functions derived from the exponential family of distributions}, BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, EDITOR = {A. Sanfeliu and J.J. Villanueva and M. Vanrell and R. Algu\'ezar and A.K. Jain and J. Kittler}, VOLUME = 2, PAGES = {207-210}, PDF = {}, URL = {} }
Tom Heskes.
Empirical Bayes for learning to learn.
In P. Langley, editor,
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning,
San Francisco, CA,
pages 367-374,
Morgan Kaufmann.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes00b, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2000, TITLE = {Empirical {B}ayes for learning to learn}, EDITOR = {Langley, P.}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning}, PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann}, ADDRESS = {San Francisco, CA}, PAGES = {367-374}, PS = {} }
Tom Heskes,
Jan-Joost Spanjers,
and Wim Wiegerinck.
EM algorithms for self-organizing maps.
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
volume 6,
Piscataway, NJ,
pages 9-14,
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes00a, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Jan-Joost Spanjers and Wim Wiegerinck}, YEAR = 2000, TITLE = {{EM} algorithms for self-organizing maps}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks}, VOLUME = 6, PAGES = {9-14}, ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ}, PS = {}, URL = {} }
Wim Wiegerinck,
Bert Kappen,
Martijn Leisink,
David Barber,
Sybert Stroeve,
Tom Heskes,
and Stan Gielen.
Variational methods for approximate reasoning in graphical models.
In Proceedings of RWC'2000,
pages 265-270,
@INPROCEEDINGS{wiegerinck00, AUTHOR = {Wim Wiegerinck and Bert Kappen and Martijn Leisink and David Barber and Sybert Stroeve and Tom Heskes and Stan Gielen}, TITLE = {Variational methods for approximate reasoning in graphical models}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of RWC'2000}, PAGES = {265-270}, YEAR = 2000, PS = {} }
Henk van den Boogaard,
Arthur Mynett,
and Tom Heskes.
Resampling techniques for the assessment of uncertainties in parameters and predictions of calibrated models.
In Proceedings of Hydroinformatics 2000,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA,
@INPROCEEDINGS{boo00, AUTHOR = {Henk van den Boogaard and Arthur Mynett and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2000, TITLE = {Resampling techniques for the assessment of uncertainties in parameters and predictions of calibrated models}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Hydroinformatics 2000}, ADDRESS = {Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA} }
Jan-Joost Spanjers and Tom Heskes.
Neural networks for credit risk analysis.
Technical report,
SMART Research, Nijmegen,
Study for Simplex CA.
@TECHREPORT{simplex2000, AUTHOR = {Jan-Joost Spanjers and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Neural networks for credit risk analysis}, NOTE = {Study for Simplex CA}, YEAR = 2000, INSTITUTION = {SMART Research, Nijmegen} }
Wim Wiegerinck and Tom Heskes.
JED prototype study Edipresse.
Technical report,
SMART Research, Nijmegen,
Study for Edipresse.
@TECHREPORT{edipresse2000, AUTHOR = {Wim Wiegerinck and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {{JED} prototype study {E}dipresse}, NOTE = {Study for Edipresse}, YEAR = 2000, INSTITUTION = {SMART Research, Nijmegen} }
Bert Kappen and Tom Heskes.
Predicting newspaper sales: JED system 'weathers' the test,
Note: IFRA Magazine, May, pages 58-59.
@MISC{kap00, AUTHOR = {Bert Kappen and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2000, TITLE = {Predicting newspaper sales: JED system 'weathers' the test}, NOTE = {IFRA Magazine, May, pages 58-59}, PDF = {} }