Jan-Joost Spanjers and Tom Heskes.
Neural networks for modeling volatility and market capitalization.
In Gordian Gaeta,
Shamez Alibhai,
and Justin Hingorani, editors, Frontiers in Credit Risk: Concepts and Techniques for Applied Credit Risk Measurement,
pages 136-152.
@INCOLLECTION{spanjers2003, AUTHOR = {Jan-Joost Spanjers and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Neural networks for modeling volatility and market capitalization}, BOOKTITLE = {Frontiers in Credit Risk: Concepts and Techniques for Applied Credit Risk Measurement}, EDITOR = {Gordian Gaeta and Shamez Alibhai and Justin Hingorani}, PAGES = {136-152}, YEAR = 2003 }
Bart Bakker and Tom Heskes.
Task clustering and gating for Bayesian multitask learning.
Journal of Machine Learning Research,
@ARTICLE{bak02b, AUTHOR = {Bart Bakker and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2003, TITLE = {Task clustering and gating for {B}ayesian multitask learning}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Machine Learning Research}, VOLUME = 4, PAGES = {83-99}, PDF = {http://jmlr.csail.mit.edu/papers/volume4/bakker03a/bakker03a.pdf}, PS = {http://jmlr.csail.mit.edu/papers/volume4/bakker03a/bakker03a.ps} }
Tom Heskes,
Jan-Joost Spanjers,
Bart Bakker,
and Wim Wiegerinck.
Optimising newspaper sales using neural-Bayesian technology.
Neural Computing and Applications,
@ARTICLE{HeskesSBW03, TITLE = {Optimising newspaper sales using neural-{B}ayesian technology}, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Jan-Joost Spanjers and Bart Bakker and Wim Wiegerinck}, JOURNAL = {Neural Computing and Applications}, PAGES = {212-219}, VOLUME = {12}, YEAR = {2003}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-003-0384-x} }
Onno Zoeter and Tom Heskes.
Hierarchical visualization of time-series data using switching linear dynamical systems.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
@ARTICLE{zoe03, AUTHOR = {Onno Zoeter and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2003, TITLE = {Hierarchical visualization of time-series data using switching linear dynamical systems}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, VOLUME = 25, PAGES = {1201-1214}, PDF = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/zoeter_hierarchycop.pdf}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/zoeter_hierarchycop.ps}, URL = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TPAMI.2003.1233895} }
Tom Heskes.
Stable fixed points of loopy belief propagation are minima of the Bethe free energy.
In S. Becker,
S. Thrun,
and K. Obermayer, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15,
pages 359-366,
MIT Press.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes02e, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2003, TITLE = {Stable fixed points of loopy belief propagation are minima of the {B}ethe free energy}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15}, EDITOR = {Becker, S. and Thrun, S. and Obermayer, K.}, PAGES = {359-366}, PUBLISHER = {MIT Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, PDF = {http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips15/LT04.pdf}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/Heskes.nips2002.ps.gz} }
Tom Heskes,
Kees Albers,
and Bert Kappen.
Approximate inference and constrained optimization.
In U. Kj�rulff and C. Meek, editors,
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference (UAI-2003),
San Francisco, CA,
pages 313-320,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes03b, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Kees Albers and Bert Kappen}, YEAR = 2003, TITLE = {Approximate inference and constrained optimization}, BOOKTITLE = {Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference (UAI-2003)}, PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers}, ADDRESS = {San Francisco, CA}, EDITORS = {Kj�rulff, U. and Meek, C.}, PAGES = {313-320}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/Heskes.uai2003.ps.gz} }
Tom Heskes and Onno Zoeter.
Generalized belief propagation for approximate inference in hybrid Bayesian networks.
In C. Bishop and B. Frey, editors,
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics,
Society for Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.
Note: Section 4.2 with results on discrete children with continuous children has been adapted after bug removal yielded better performance and correspondence with previous work; many apologies for any confusion.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes03a, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Onno Zoeter}, TITLE = {Generalized belief propagation for approximate inference in hybrid {B}ayesian networks}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics}, EDITOR = {Bishop, C. and Frey, B.}, YEAR = {2003}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Artificial Intelligence and Statistics}, PDF = {http://research.microsoft.com/conferences/aistats2003/proceedings/121.pdf}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/HeskesZoeter.aistats2003.ps.gz}, NOTE = {Section 4.2 with results on discrete children with continuous children has been adapted after bug removal yielded better performance and correspondence with previous work; many apologies for any confusion.} }
Wim Wiegerinck and Tom Heskes.
Fractional Belief Propagation.
In S. Thrun S. Becker and K. Obermayer, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15,
Cambridge, MA,
pages 438-445,
MIT Press.
@INPROCEEDINGS{wie2003, AUTHOR = {Wim Wiegerinck and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Fractional Belief Propagation}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15}, EDITOR = {S. Becker, S. Thrun and K. Obermayer}, PUBLISHER = {MIT Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA}, PAGES = {438-445}, YEAR = {2003}, PDF = {http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips15/LT16.pdf}, PS = {http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips15/LT04.ps.gz} }
Alexander Ypma and Tom Heskes.
Automatic categorization of web pages and user clustering with mixtures of hidden Markov models.
In Osmar Zaïane,
Jaideep Srivastava,
Myra Spiliopoulou,
and Brij Masand, editors,
WEBKDD 2002 - MiningWeb Data for Discovering Usage Patterns and Profiles,
volume 2703 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
pages 35-49,
@INPROCEEDINGS{ypm03b, AUTHOR = {Alexander Ypma and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Automatic categorization of web pages and user clustering with mixtures of hidden {M}arkov models}, BOOKTITLE = {WEBKDD 2002 - MiningWeb Data for Discovering Usage Patterns and Profiles}, EDITORS = {Osmar Za{\"i}ane and Jaideep Srivastava and Myra Spiliopoulou and Brij Masand}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, VOLUME = {2703}, PAGES = {35-49}, YEAR = 2003, URL = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/uxg4txcf3g9c0rjr/}, PDF = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/ypma.lnai03.pdf} }
Alexander Ypma and Tom Heskes.
Iterated extended Kalman smoothing with Expectation-Propagation.
In IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing NNSP 2003,
Toulouse, France,
pages 219-228,
@INPROCEEDINGS{ypma2003, AUTHOR = {Alexander Ypma and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Iterated extended {K}alman smoothing with Expectation-Propagation}, BOOKTITLE = {IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing NNSP 2003}, PAGES = {219-228}, YEAR = 2003, ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/nnsp03_preprint.ps} }
Onno Zoeter and Tom Heskes.
Multi-scale Switching Linear Dynamical Systems.
In Okyay Kaynak,
Ethem Alpaydin,
Erkki Oja,
and Lei Xu, editors,
Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing � ICANN/ICONIP 2003,
volume 2714 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 562�569,
@INPROCEEDINGS{zoeter2003, AUTHOR = {Onno Zoeter and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Multi-scale Switching Linear Dynamical Systems}, BOOKTITLE = {Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing � ICANN/ICONIP 2003}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {2714}, PAGES = {562�569}, YEAR = 2003, EDITORS = {Okyay Kaynak and Ethem Alpaydin and Erkki Oja and Lei Xu}, PDF = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/zoeter_isldscop.pdf}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/zoeter_isldscop.ps}, URL = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/8v4wc8fj5lelgvt0} }
Marco Bloemendaal and Tom Heskes.
Classificatie van tomatenzaden.
Technical report,
SMART Research, Nijmegen,
Study for Syngenta (in Dutch).
@TECHREPORT{syngenta2003, AUTHOR = {Marco Bloemendaal and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Classificatie van tomatenzaden}, NOTE = {Study for Syngenta (in Dutch)}, YEAR = 2003, INSTITUTION = {SMART Research, Nijmegen} }
Alexander Ypma,
Bart Bakker,
Jan-Joost Spanjers,
and Tom Heskes.
Speedup and simplification of a multitask neural network for product sales forecasting.
Technical report,
SNN, Nijmegen,
Study for Albert Heijn.
@TECHREPORT{ypmasnn2003, AUTHOR = {Alexander Ypma and Bart Bakker and Jan-Joost Spanjers and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Speedup and simplification of a multitask neural network for product sales forecasting}, NOTE = {Study for Albert Heijn}, YEAR = 2003, INSTITUTION = {SNN, Nijmegen} }
Tom Heskes,
Peter Lucas,
Louis Vuurpijl,
and Wim Wiegerinck.
Proceedings of the 15th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
@MISC{bnaic2003, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Peter Lucas and Louis Vuurpijl and Wim Wiegerinck}, TITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, YEAR = 2003 }