David Barber and Tom Heskes.
An introduction to neural networks.
In Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.
@INCOLLECTION{bar02, AUTHOR = {David Barber and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {An introduction to neural networks}, BOOKTITLE = {Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/Barber.eolss.ps.gz}, YEAR = {2004} }
Bart Bakker,
Tom Heskes,
Jan Neijt,
and Bert Kappen.
Improving Cox survival analysis with a neural-Bayesian approach.
Statistics in Medicine,
@ARTICLE{bak00b, AUTHOR = {Bart Bakker and Tom Heskes and Jan Neijt and Bert Kappen}, YEAR = 2004, TITLE = {Improving {C}ox survival analysis with a neural-{B}ayesian approach}, JOURNAL = {Statistics in Medicine}, VOLUME = 23, PAGES = {2989-3012}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/Bakker.SiM2002.ps}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/sim.1904} }
Tom Heskes.
On the uniqueness of loopy belief propagation fixed points.
Neural Computation,
@ARTICLE{heskes2004a, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2004, TITLE = {On the uniqueness of loopy belief propagation fixed points}, JOURNAL = {Neural Computation}, VOLUME = 16, PAGES = {2379-2413}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/heskes_nc2004.ps.gz}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/0899766041941943} }
Tom Heskes,
Onno Zoeter,
and Wim Wiegerinck.
Approximate Expectation Maximization.
In S. Thrun,
L. Saul,
and B. Schölkopf, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16,
pages 353-360,
MIT Press.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hes04a, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Onno Zoeter and Wim Wiegerinck}, YEAR = 2004, TITLE = {Approximate {E}xpectation {M}aximization}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16}, EDITOR = {Thrun, S. and Saul, L. and Sch{\"o}lkopf, B.}, PUBLISHER = {MIT Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, PAGES = {353-360}, PDF = {http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips16/NIPS2003_AA45.pdf}, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/heskes.nips2004.ps} }
Alexander Ypma and Tom Heskes.
Novel approximations for inference and learning in nonlinear dynamical systems.
In 12th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN'04,
Brugge, Belgium,
pages 361-366,
@INPROCEEDINGS{ypma2004b, AUTHOR = {Alexander Ypma and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Novel approximations for inference and learning in nonlinear dynamical systems}, BOOKTITLE = {12th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN'04}, PAGES = {361-366}, ADDRESS = {Brugge, Belgium}, YEAR = 2004, PS = {http://www.snn.ru.nl/reports/ypma.esann04.ps}, PDF = {http://www.dice.ucl.ac.be/Proceedings/esann/esannpdf/es2004-94.pdf} }
Alexander Ypma,
Machiel Westerdijk,
Henk-Jaap de Walle,
and Tom Heskes.
Bayesian techniques for modelling dynamic patterns.
In 4th European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems EUNITE 2004,
Aachen, Germany,
@INPROCEEDINGS{ypma2004, AUTHOR = {Alexander Ypma and Machiel Westerdijk and Henk-Jaap de Walle and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Bayesian techniques for modelling dynamic patterns}, BOOKTITLE = {4th European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems EUNITE 2004}, ADDRESS = {Aachen, Germany}, YEAR = 2004 }
Onno Zoeter,
Alexander Ypma,
and Tom Heskes.
Improved unscented Kalman smoothing for stock volatility estimation.
In A. Bassos,
J. Principe,
J. Larsen,
T. Adali,
and S. Douglas, editors,
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing,
São Luis, Brazil,
pages 143-152,
@INPROCEEDINGS{zoeter04b, AUTHOR = {Onno Zoeter and Alexander Ypma and Tom Heskes}, YEAR = 2004, TITLE = {Improved unscented {K}alman smoothing for stock volatility estimation}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing}, EDITOR = {Bassos, A. and Principe, J. and Larsen, J. and Adali, T. and Douglas, S.}, PAGES = {143-152}, ADDRESS = {S{\~a}o Lu{\`i}s, Brazil}, PDF = {http://www.cs.ru.nl/~tomh/techreports/zoeteretal2004.pdf}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MLSP.2004.1422968} }
Marco Bloemendaal and Tom Heskes.
Predictability of noodle quality.
Technical report,
SMART Research, Nijmegen,
Study for Unilever.
@TECHREPORT{bloem2004, AUTHOR = {Marco Bloemendaal and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Predictability of noodle quality}, NOTE = {Study for Unilever}, YEAR = 2004, INSTITUTION = {SMART Research, Nijmegen} }
Bert Kappen and Tom Heskes.
Method, system and computer program for computing one marginal probability for an observed phenomenom.
Note: European Patent WO2004049191,
@UNPUBLISHED{proxy2004, AUTHOR = {Bert Kappen and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Method, system and computer program for computing one marginal probability for an observed phenomenom}, YEAR = 2004, NOTE = {European Patent WO2004049191}, URL = {http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?wo=2004049191} }