Tom Heskes and Botond Cseke.
Discussion on `Approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models by using integrated nested Laplace approximations' by H. Rue, S. Martino, and N. Chopin.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B.,
@ARTICLE{heskes2009a, AUTHOR = {Tom Heskes and Botond Cseke}, TITLE = {Discussion on `Approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models by using integrated nested Laplace approximations' by H. Rue, S. Martino, and N. Chopin}, JOURNAL = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B.}, VOLUME = 71, PAGES = 370, YEAR = 2009 }
Rasa Jurgelenaite,
Tjeerd Dijkstra,
Clemens Kocken,
and Tom Heskes.
Gene regulation in the intraerythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium Falciparum.
@ARTICLE{jurgelenaite2009, AUTHOR = {Rasa Jurgelenaite and Tjeerd Dijkstra and Clemens Kocken and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Gene regulation in the intraerythrocytic cycle of {P}lasmodium {F}alciparum}, JOURNAL = {Bioinformatics}, URL = {}, YEAR = 2009, PAGES = {1484-1491}, VOLUME = 25 }
Marcel van Gerven,
Ali Bahramisharif,
Tom Heskes,
and Ole Jensen.
Selecting features for BCI control based on a covert spatial attention paradigm.
Neural Networks,
@ARTICLE{gerven2009b, AUTHOR = {Marcel van Gerven and Ali Bahramisharif and Tom Heskes and Ole Jensen}, TITLE = {Selecting features for BCI control based on a covert spatial attention paradigm}, JOURNAL = {Neural Networks}, VOLUME = 22, PAGES = {1271-1277}, YEAR = 2009, URL = {} }
Marcel van Gerven,
Christian Hesse,
Ole Jensen,
and Tom Heskes.
Interpreting single trial data using groupwise regularisation.
@ARTICLE{gerven2009a, AUTHOR = {Marcel van Gerven and Christian Hesse and Ole Jensen and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Interpreting single trial data using groupwise regularisation}, JOURNAL = {NeuroImage}, YEAR = 2009, VOLUME = 46, PAGES = {665-676}, URL = {} }
Ali Bahramisharif,
Marcel van Gerven,
and Tom Heskes.
Exploring the impact of alternative feature representations on BCI classification.
In Proceedings of ESANN'2009,
pages 455-460,
@INPROCEEDINGS{bahramisharif2009, AUTHOR = {Ali Bahramisharif and Marcel van Gerven and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Exploring the impact of alternative feature representations on {BCI} classification}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ESANN'2009}, PAGES = {455-460}, YEAR = 2009, PDF = {} }
Adriana Birlutiu,
Perry Groot,
and Tom Heskes.
Multi-task preference learning with Gaussian Processes.
In Proceedings of ESANN'2009,
pages 123-128,
@INPROCEEDINGS{birlutiu2009a, AUTHOR = {Adriana Birlutiu and Perry Groot and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Multi-task preference learning with {G}aussian Processes}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ESANN'2009}, PAGES = {123-128}, YEAR = 2009, PDF = {} }
Niels Cornelisse,
Evgeni Tsivtsivadze,
Marieke Meijer,
Tjeerd Dijkstra,
Tom Heskes,
and Mathijs Verhage.
Identification of presynaptic gene clusters in synaptic signaling using functional data from genetic perturbation studies in Hippocampal autapses.
In 2nd INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics (abstract),
@INPROCEEDINGS{cornelisse2009, AUTHOR = {Niels Cornelisse and Evgeni Tsivtsivadze and Marieke Meijer and Tjeerd Dijkstra and Tom Heskes and Mathijs Verhage}, TITLE = {Identification of presynaptic gene clusters in synaptic signaling using functional data from genetic perturbation studies in {H}ippocampal autapses}, BOOKTITLE = {2nd INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics (abstract)}, YEAR = 2009 }
Evgeni Tsivtsivadze,
Botond Cseke,
and Tom Heskes.
Kernel principal component ranking: robust ranking on noisy data.
In Eyke Hüllermeier and Johannes Fürnkranz, editors,
ECML/PKDD-Workshop on Preference Learning (PL-09),
pages 101-113,
@INPROCEEDINGS{tsivtsivadze2009a, AUTHOR = {Evgeni Tsivtsivadze and Botond Cseke and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Kernel principal component ranking: robust ranking on noisy data}, BOOKTITLE = {ECML/PKDD-Workshop on Preference Learning (PL-09)}, EDITORS = {Eyke H{\"u}llermeier and Johannes F{\"u}rnkranz}, PAGES = {101-113}, YEAR = 2009, PDF = {} }
Marcel van Gerven,
Botond Cseke,
Robert Oostenveld,
and Tom Heskes.
Bayesian source localization with the multivariate Laplace prior.
In Y. Bengio,
D. Schuurmans,
J. Lafferty,
C. K. I. Williams,
and A. Culotta, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22,
pages 1901-1909,
@INPROCEEDINGS{gerven2009c, TITLE = {Bayesian source localization with the multivariate Laplace prior}, AUTHOR = {Marcel van Gerven and Botond Cseke and Robert Oostenveld and Tom Heskes}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22}, EDITOR = {Y. Bengio and D. Schuurmans and J. Lafferty and C. K. I. Williams and A. Culotta}, PAGES = {1901-1909}, PDF = {}, YEAR = {2009} }