Luc Evers,
Yordan Raykov,
Jesse Krijthe,
Ana Lìgia Silva de Lima,
Reham Badawy,
Kasper Claes,
Tom Heskes,
Max Little,
Marjan Meinders,
and Bas Bloem.
Real-life gait performance as a digital biomarker for motor fluctuations: the Parkinson@Home validation study.
Journal of Medical Internet Research,
@ARTICLE{evers2020, AUTHOR = {Evers, Luc and Raykov, Yordan and Krijthe, Jesse and Silva de Lima, Ana L{\'i}gia and Badawy, Reham and Claes, Kasper and Heskes, Tom and Little, Max and Meinders, Marjan and Bloem, Bas}, TITLE = {Real-life gait performance as a digital biomarker for motor fluctuations: the {P}arkinson@{H}ome validation study}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Medical Internet Research}, YEAR = {2020}, VOLUME = {22}, PAGES = {e19068}, URL = {} }
Simone Lederer,
Tom Heskes,
Kees Albers,
and Simon van Heeringen.
Investigating the effect of dependence between conditions with Bayesian linear mixed models for motif activity analysis.
@ARTICLE{lederer2020, AUTHOR = {Simone Lederer and Tom Heskes and Kees Albers and Simon van Heeringen}, JOURNAL = {PLOS ONE}, VOLUME = {15}, NUMBER = 5, PAGES = {e0231824}, TITLE = {Investigating the effect of dependence between conditions with {B}ayesian linear mixed models for motif activity analysis}, YEAR = {2020}, URL = {} }
Konrad Mielke,
Tom Claassen,
Michela Busana,
Tom Heskes,
Mark Huijbregts,
Kees Koffijberg,
and Aafke Schipper.
Disentangling drivers of spatial autocorrelation in species distribution models.
@ARTICLE{mielke2020, AUTHOR = {Mielke, Konrad and Claassen, Tom and Busana, Michela and Heskes, Tom and Huijbregts, Mark and Koffijberg, Kees and Schipper, Aafke}, TITLE = {Disentangling drivers of spatial autocorrelation in species distribution models}, JOURNAL = {Ecography}, VOLUME = 43, PAGES = {1741-1751}, URL = {}, YEAR = 2020 }
Yordan Raykov,
Luc Evers,
Bas Bloem,
Tom Heskes,
Marjan Meinders,
Kasper Claes,
and Max Little.
Probabilistic modelling of gait for robust passive monitoring in daily life.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,
@ARTICLE{raykov2020, AUTHOR = {Raykov, Yordan and Evers, Luc and Bloem, Bas and Heskes, Tom and Meinders, Marjan and Claes, Kasper and Little, Max}, TITLE = {Probabilistic modelling of gait for robust passive monitoring in daily life}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics}, YEAR = {2020}, VOLUME = {25}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {2293-2304}, URL = {} }
Gido Schoenmacker,
Annabeth Groenman,
Elena Sokolova,
Jaap Oosterlaan,
Nanda Rommelse,
Herbert Roeyers,
Bob Oades,
Stephen Faraone,
Barbara Franke,
Tom Heskes,
Alejandro Arias Vasquez,
Tom Claassen,
and Jan Buitelaar.
Role of conduct problems in the relation between Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, substance use, and gaming.
European Neuropsychopharmacology,
@ARTICLE{SCHOENMACKER2018, TITLE = {Role of conduct problems in the relation between Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, substance use, and gaming}, JOURNAL = {European Neuropsychopharmacology}, YEAR = {2020}, URL = {}, AUTHOR = {Gido Schoenmacker and Annabeth Groenman and Elena Sokolova and Jaap Oosterlaan and Nanda Rommelse and Herbert Roeyers and Bob Oades and Stephen Faraone and Barbara Franke and Tom Heskes and Alejandro Arias Vasquez and Tom Claassen and Jan Buitelaar}, VOLUME = 30, PAGES = {102-113} }
Gido Schoenmacker,
Katre Sakala,
Barbara Franke,
Jan Buitelaar,
Toomas Veidebaum,
Jaanus Harro,
Tom Heskes,
Tom Claassen,
and Alejandro Arias Vasquez.
Identification and validation of risk factors for antisocial behaviour involving police.
Psychiatry Research,
@ARTICLE{schoenmacker20pr, TITLE = {Identification and validation of risk factors for antisocial behaviour involving police}, JOURNAL = {Psychiatry Research}, YEAR = {2020}, AUTHOR = {Gido Schoenmacker and Katre Sakala and Barbara Franke and Jan Buitelaar and Toomas Veidebaum and Jaanus Harro and Tom Heskes and Tom Claassen and Alejandro Arias Vasquez}, VOLUME = 291, PAGES = 113208, URL = {} }
Bram Ton,
Rob Basten,
John Bolte,
Jan Braaksma,
Alessandro di Bucchianico,
Philippe Calseyde,
Frank Grooteman,
Tom Heskes,
Nils Jansen,
Wouter Teeuw,
Tiedo Tinga,
and Mariëlle Stoelinga.
PrimaVera: Synergising predictive maintenance.
Applied Sciences,
@ARTICLE{ton2020, AUTHOR = {Bram Ton and Rob Basten and John Bolte and Jan Braaksma and Alessandro di Bucchianico and Philippe Calseyde and Frank Grooteman and Tom Heskes and Nils Jansen and Wouter Teeuw and Tiedo Tinga and Mari{\"e}lle Stoelinga}, TITLE = {Prima{V}era: {S}ynergising predictive maintenance}, JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences}, YEAR = {2020}, VOLUME = 10, PAGES = {8348}, URL = {} }
Ioan Gabriel Bucur,
Tom Claassen,
and Tom Heskes.
MASSIVE: Tractable and robust Bayesian learning of many-dimensional instrumental variable models.
In Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2020,
pages 1049-1058,
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research.
@INPROCEEDINGS{bucur20uai, AUTHOR = {Ioan Gabriel Bucur and Tom Claassen and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {MASSIVE: Tractable and robust {B}ayesian learning of many-dimensional instrumental variable models}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2020}, YEAR = {2020}, PAGES = {1049-1058}, PUBLISHER = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, URL = {} }
Tom Heskes,
Evi Sijben,
Ioan Gabriel Bucur,
and Tom Claassen.
Causal Shapley values: Exploiting causal knowledge to explain individual predictions of complex models.
In H. Larochelle,
M. Ranzato,
R. Hadsell,
M. F. Balcan,
and H. Lin, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,
volume 33,
pages 4778--4789,
Curran Associates, Inc..
@INPROCEEDINGS{heskes2020, AUTHOR = {Heskes, Tom and Sijben, Evi and Bucur, Ioan Gabriel and Claassen, Tom}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, EDITOR = {H. Larochelle and M. Ranzato and R. Hadsell and M. F. Balcan and H. Lin}, PAGES = {4778--4789}, PUBLISHER = {Curran Associates, Inc.}, TITLE = {Causal Shapley values: Exploiting causal knowledge to explain individual predictions of complex models}, URL = {}, VOLUME = {33}, YEAR = {2020} }
Konrad Mielke,
Tom Claassen,
Mark Huijbregts,
Aafke Schipper,
and Tom Heskes.
Discovering cause-effect relationships in spatial systems with a known direction based on observational data.
In PGM 2020,
@INPROCEEDINGS{mielkepgm2020, AUTHOR = {Konrad Mielke and Tom Claassen and Mark Huijbregts and Aafke Schipper and Tom Heskes}, TITLE = {Discovering cause-effect relationships in spatial systems with a known direction based on observational data}, YEAR = {2020}, BOOKTITLE = {PGM 2020} }