- SOFSEM - Int. Conf. on Current Trends in Theory
and Practice of Computer Science
- CSER - Conference on Systems Engineering Research
- DATE - Design, Automation and Test in Europe
- MARS - Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of
Real Systems
- ICT.OPEN - Conference for Dutch ICT-Research
- ENASE - Int. Conf. on Evaluation of Novel
Approaches to Software Engineering
- GandALF - Int. Symp. on Games, Automata, Logics,
and Formal Verification
- IEEE/IFIP Int. Conf. on Dependable Systems and
- LearnAut - Learning and Automata
- ICSOFT – Int. Conf. on Software Technologies
- SAT - Int. Conf. on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing
- ARES - Int. Conf. on Availability, Reliability
and Security
- Euro-Par - Int. Eur. Conf. on Parallel and
Distributed Computing
- FDL - Forum on Specification and Design
- TAP - Int. Conf. on Tests And Proofs
- FACS - Int. Conf. on Formal Aspects of Component
- QUATIC - Int. Conf. on Quality of
Information and Communications Technology
- VORTEX - Int. Workshop on Verification and
Monitoring at Runtime Execution
- FUZZING - Int. Fuzzing Workshop
- Gamify: Int. Workshop on Gamification of Software
Development, Verification and Validation
- MET - Int. Workshop on Testing for Metamorphic
- MoDeVVa - Workshop on Model Driven Engineering,
Verification, and Validation
- MoDeVVa 2024
Linz, Austria, Sept. 22-27, 2024, co-located with MODELS 2024
- VALID - Int. Conf. on Advances in System Testing
and Validation Lifecycle
- ICSEA - Int. Conf. on Software Engineering
- SRDS - Int. Symposium on Reliable Distributed
- QA&TEST – Int. Conf. on Embedded
Software Testing
- AMDE - Int. Workshop on the Advancements in Model
Driven Engineering & software engineering
- ISSRE - Int. Symp. on Software
Reliability Engineering
- DSA - Dependable Systems and Their Applications
- SEFM - Int. Conf. on Software Engineering
and Formal Methods
- iFM - Int. Conf. on integrated
Formal Methods
- BENEVOL - Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution
- Int. Coll. on Theoretical Aspects of Computing
- OVERLAY - Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and
fOrmal VERification, Logic, Automata, and sYnthesis
- ICFEM – Int. Conf. on Formal
Engineering Methods
- ICSOC - Int. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing
- APSEC - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering
- ICFNDS - Int. Conf. on Future Networks &
Distributed Systems
- VAMOS - Int. Workshop on Variability Modelling of
Software-Intensive Systems
- MODELSWARD - Int. Conf. on Model-Based Software
and Systems Engineering
- SANER - IEEE Int. Conf. on Software
Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering
- VST - Workshop on Validation, Analysis and
Evolution of Software Tests
- ICST - Int. Conf. on Software Testing,
Verification, and Validation
- A-MOST - Workshop on Advances in Model Based
- A-TEST – Workshop on Automating Testing
- AIST - Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in
Software Testing
- CCIW - CI/CD Industry Workshop
- ITEQS - Workshop on Testing Extra-Functional
Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems
- IWCT - Workshop on Combinatorial Testing
- InSTA - Workshop on Software Test Architecture
- Mutation - Workshop on Mutation Analysis
- NEXTA - Workshop on the Next Level of Test
- SAFE-ML – Workshop on Secure, Accountable, and
Verifiable Machine Learning
- SAC - ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
- FAACS - Int. Workshop on Formal Approaches for
Advanced Computing Systems
- UCAAT - User Conference on Advanced Automated
- QA&TEST – Int. Conf. on Software Quality
Assurance and Testing for Safety and Security
- FSEN - Int. Conf. on Fundamentals of Software
- EDCC - European Dependable Computing Conference
- ICSE - Int. Conf. on Software
- FORMALISE - Int. Conf. on Formal
Methods in Software Engineering
- AST - ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation
of Software Test
- DeepTest - Int. Workshop on Deep Learning for
Testing and Testing for Deep Learning
- FTW - Int. Flaky Test Workshop
- SBFT - Int. Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz
- ETAPS - European Joint Conferences on Theory
And Practice of Software
- TACAS - Tools and Algorithms for the
Construction and Analysis of Systems
- FASE - Int. Conf.on Fundamental Approaches in
Software Engineering
- SPIN - Int. Symp. Model Checking of Software
- ICCPS - ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on
Cyber-Physical Systems
- HCSS - High Confidence Software and Systems
- CIbSE - Ibero-American Conference on Software
- SOFTENG - Int. Conf. on Advances and Trends in
Software Engineering
- SWQD - Software Quality Days
- ANNSIM – Annual Modeling and Simulation
- EuroSTAR – European Conf. on Software Testing,
Analysis, and Review
- STAF - Software Technologies: Applications and
- ECMFA - European Conference on Modelling
Foundations and Applications
- ABZ - Int. Conf. on Rigorous State Based Methods
- NFM - NASA Formal Methods Symposium
Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory of Embedded Systems
- FORTE - IFIP Int. Conf. on Formal
Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components and Systems
- ICE - Interaction and Concurrency Experience
- VERDI - Int. Workshop on Verification &
Validation of Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems
- Petri Nets - Int. Conf. on Application and Theory
of Petri Nets and Concurrency
- FSE - ACM Int. Conf. on the Foundations of
Software Engineering
- ISSTA - ACM SIGSOFT Int. Symp. on Software
Testing and Analysis
- SAMOS - Int. Conf. on embedded computer Systems:
Architectures, MOdeling and Simulation
- TASE - Int. Symp. on Theoretical
Aspects of Software Engineering
- QRS - Int. Conf. on Software Quality, Reliability
& Security
- CAV - Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification
· TACPS - Int. Workshop on Trustworthy Autonomous
Cyber-Physical Systems
TACPS 2025
Zagreb, Croatia, July 21, 2025, co-located with CAV 2025
- FORMATS - Int. Conf. on Formal Modeling and
Analysis of Timed Systems
- CONCUR - Int.Conf. on Concurrency Theory
- FMICS - Int. Conf. on Formal
Methods for Industrial Critical Systems
- SAFECOMP - Int. Conf. on Computer Safety,
Reliability, and Security
- SEAA - Euromicro Conference on Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications
- RV - Int. Conf. on Runtime Verification
- ICTSS - IFIP Int. Conf. on Testing
Software and Systems
- CECIIS - Central European Conference on
Information and Intelligent Systems
- EMSOFT - Int. Conf. on Embedded Software
- MEMOCODE -Int. Conf. on Formal Methods and Models
for System Design
- ECBS - Int. Conf. on the Engineering of Computer
Based Systems
Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
· SAM - System Analysis and Modelling Conference
SAM 2025
Michigan, US, Oct. 5-10, 2025, co-located with MODELS 2025
- FMCAD - Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
- ATVA – Int. Symp. on Automated Technology
for Verification and Analysis
- VECoS - Int. Conf. on Verification and
Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems
- AutomationSTAR – European Test Automation
- RSSRail - Int. Conf. on Reliability, Safety and
Security of Railway Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Verification and
- SETTA - Symp. on Dependable Software Engineering:
Theories, Tools and Applications
- FM - Int. Symp. on on Formal Methods
- FM 2026
Tokyo, Japan, May 18-22, 2026
- ABZ - Int. Conf. on Rigorous State Based Methods
Other Conference Lists
Summer / Winter Schools
- MOVEP - School on Modelling and Verification of
Parallel Processes
- TAROT - Int. Summer School on Software
Testing, Verification & Validation
- VTSA - Summer School on Verification Technology,
Systems and Applications
- Marktoberdorf Int. Summer School on Engineering
and Dependable Software Systems
- FAME - Int. School on Foundations and Advances of
Model-Based Engineering