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Journals  Conferences  Reports

  1. Hofstede, A.H.M. ter and Proper, H.A. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Query formulation as an information retrieval problem. The Computer Journal, Nr: 4, Vol: 39, Pages: 255-274, September, 1996

    Query formulation in the context of large conceptual schemata is known to be a hard problem. When formulating ad-hoc queries users may become overwhelmed by the vast amount of information that is stored in the information system; leading to a feeling of lost in conceptual space. In this article we develop a strategy to cope with this problem. This strategy is based on ideas from the information retrieval world. In particular the query by navigation mechanism and the stratified hypermedia architecture. The stratified hypermedia architecture is used to describe the information contained in the information system on multiple levels of abstraction.

    When using our approach to the formulation of queries, a user will first formulate a number of simple queries corresponding to linear paths through the information structure. The formulation of the linear paths is the result of the explorative phase of query formulation. Once users have specified a number of these linear paths, they may combine them to form more complex queries. This last process is referred to as query by construction, and corresponds to the constructive phase of the query formulation process.

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  2. Bommel, P. van and Frederiks, P.J.M. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Object-Oriented Modeling based on Logbooks. The Computer Journal, Nr: 9, Vol: 39, Pages: 793-799, 1996

    In this paper the notion of `logbook' is introduced as a common basis for various models to be produced during system analysis. A logbook has a unifying format which contains a complete description of the history of some Universe of Discourse. It is intended as a structuring mechanism for initial specifications based on natural language. A typing mechanism is provided as an abstraction mechanism for logbook instances, leading to object oriented analysis models.

Journals  Conferences  Reports

  1. Berger, F.C. and Hofstede, A.H.M. ter and Weide, Th.P. van der, Supporting Query by Navigation. Information retrieval: New systems and current research, Proceedings of the 16th Research Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialists Group, Edited by: R. Leon. Pages: 26-46, Taylor Graham, Drymen, United Kingdom, EU, 1996

    In this paper we study hypertext systems from a very general point of view, and focus on monitoring the searcher's behaviour. The intention of this monitoring is to give a prediction of the estimation of the ultimate goal of the searcher, and an estimation of the searcher's determination in finding this goal. The latter might be negatively influenced by unfamiliarity of the searcher with either the information contents or the system. It is shown how these estimations can be used to support the searcher during the searching process. Furthermore, the derivation of a relevance function for documents is introduced, based on these estimations. An example is provided to motivate the approach chosen.

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  2. Derksen, C.F. and Frederiks, P.J.M. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Paraphrasing as a Technique to Support Object-Oriented Analysis. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Databases (NLDB`96), Edited by: R.P. van der Riet, J.F.M. Burg, and A.J. van der Vos. Pages: 28-39, June, 1996

    The goal of the information analysis process is to derive the information grammar which describes the communication language within some application domain. This process involves both domain experts and system analysts. Since good communication between these two partners is essential, a proper common language should be chosen. Natural language seems to be a good candidate for this purpose. Two essential activities of the analysis process are modeling the application domain, and validating the resulting models. In this paper the focus is on validation. We consider object-oriented analysis models and paraphrase them by sentences in natural language. The paraphrasing process is automatically supported by the Grammar Workbench using the AGFL formalism to describe the information grammar. This results in a prototype for paraphrasing analysis models.

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  3. Hofstede, A.H.M. ter and Proper, H.A. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Exploring Fact Verbalisations for Conceptual Query Formulation. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Databases (NLDB`96), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, EU, Edited by: R.P. van der Riet, J.F.M. Burg, and A.J. van der Vos. Pages: 40-51, June, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, EU, 1996, ISBN 9051992734

    An increasing number of conceptual modelling techniques use verbalisation of sample data to derive a model for the given universe of discourse (the problem domain). The underlying assumption is that by elaborate verbalisation of samples taken from the universe of discourse one can elicit an overview of the concepts relevant for the universe of discourse and their interrelationships. In each of these approaches, information modelling is considered as a process leading to some form of an information grammar that describes the expert language; the language used to communicate in the universe of discourse.

    In this article we start by discussing a mechanism to support these verbalisations and associated information grammar. We then show how to mine the richness of the verbalisations in the context of a conceptual query language. It is shown how these verbalisations lead to formulations that closely resemble the expert language.

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Journals  Conferences  Reports

  1. Frederiks, P.J.M. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Properties and Design of Information Architectures. Technical report, February, Computing Science Institute, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1996

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  2. Frederiks, P.J.M. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Cognitive Requirements for Natural Language Based Conceptual Modeling. Technical report: CSI-R9610, June, Computing Science Institute, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1996

    In this paper we discuss the consequences of a natural language based modeling process for those who are involved in this process, i.e. domain experts and system analysts. For both domain experts and system analysts the cognitive requirements in a natural language based conceptual modeling process are presented as axiom-like requirements.

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  3. Frederiks, P.J.M. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Deriving an Information Grammar using Object-oriented Analysis Models. Technical report, Information Systems Group, Computing Science Institute, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1996

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  4. Frederiks, P.J.M. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Verification and Design for Information Architectures. Technical report: CSI-N9611, December, Radboud University Nijmegen, 1996

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  5. Frederiks, P.J.M. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Fundamentals for Object-Oriented Analysis. Technical report, November, Computing Science Institute, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1996

    In this paper the focus is on object-oriented analysis of information systems. We assume that the communication within an application domain can be described by a logbook of events. In our view, the purpose of the analysis phase is to model the structure of this logbook. The resulting conceptual model is referred to as the information architecture, and is an integration of three formal object-oriented analysis models with each a specific view on the application domain. Furthermore, the information architecture forms an abstraction of an underlying grammar, called the information grammar, for the communication within the application domain. This grammar can be used to validate the information architecture in a textual format by informed users. Furthermore, the information grammar can be used to obtain the relevant data and processes of the application domain, and serves as a basis for the query language of users with the information system.

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  6. Frederiks, P.J.M. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Formalization, Integration, and Validation of Object-Oriented Analysis Models leading to an Information Grammar. Technical report: CSI-R9625, December, Radboud University Nijmegen, 1996

    In this paper the focus is on object-oriented analysis of information systems. We assume that the communication within an application domain can be describedby a logbook of events. In our view, the purpose of the analysis phase is to model the structure of this logbook. The resulting conceptual model is referred to as theinformation architecture, and is an integration of three formal object-oriented analysis models with each a specific view on the application domain. Furthermore, the information architecture forms an abstraction of an underlying grammar, called the informationgrammar, for the communication within the application domain. This grammar can be used to validate the information architecturein a textual format by informed users. Furthermore, the information grammar can be used to obtain the relevant data and processes of the application domain, and serves as a basis for the query language of users with the information system.

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  7. Frederiks, P.J.M. and Weide, Th.P. van der, From a File-Oriented View to an Object-Oriented View. Technical report: CSI-R9601, January, Computing Science Institute, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1996

    The last three decades the architecture of information systems has evolved from file-oriented, via data-oriented and communication-oriented towards an object-oriented view. Hand in hand with this architectural evolution the way a user communicates with the information system is changed. In this paper we discuss the relation between the different architectures and their associated man-machine communication. We introduce the concept of information grammar, and show that this grammar can be seen as a common point of convergence. Together with the evolution, we can identify an evolution of methods for information system development. The construction of an information grammar is also addressed in this paper.

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  8. Frederiks, P.J.M. and Koster, C.H.A. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Validation of Object-Oriented Analysis Models using Informal Language. Technical report: CSI-R9609, May, Computing Science Institute, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1996

    In this paper a conceptual model for object-oriented analysis is introduced. Three submodels are described which can be seen as milestones during the analysis phase. Each (sub)model has a corresponding paraphrasing mechanism which may be used (1) to provide a description of the structure of the model and (2) to generate sample instantiations. This paraphrasing mechanism is intended to enable the domain expert to validate the model by sentences in (semi-)natural language.

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  9. Hoenkamp, E.C.M. and Schomaker, L.R.B. and Bommel, P. van and Koster, C.H.A. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Profile: A Proactive Information Filter. Technical report: CSI-N9602, Computing Science Institute, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1996

    The main theme of the Filtering Problem is to provide an effective agent as an intermediate between information sources and information users. This document describes the Profile project as an proactive information filter.

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  10. Verhoef, T.F. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Systeemontwikkeling met bouwstenen: een ideaal in de praktijk. Informatie, Vol: 38, Pages: 50-56, June, 1996, In Dutch

    Hergebruik van bouwstenen is een middel om de lasten van software-ontwikkeling en -beheer in de hand te houden en de kwaliteit van de ontwikkelde software te verbeteren. Het begrip bouwsteen heeft echter nog geen geaccepteerde (formele) definitie. Aan de hand van een aantal voorbeelden wordt het begrip afgebakend. Daarna demonstreren we de geautomatiseerde ondersteuning van ontwikkeling en (her)gebruik van bouwstenen en staan we stil bij organisatorische consequenties.

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