Archive of Master Thesis Reports

This public archive of Master Thesis Reports does not contain all reports, because not every student wants their thesis to be published.

2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009


  1. A van der Hulst: Kolmogorov Complexity as a Tool for Computing Hausdorff Dimension
  2. C Visser: Effortless Intermittent Computing
  3. M Pohl: Implementation and Analysis of Merkle Tree Certificates for Post-Quantum Secure Authentication in TLS


  1. A Ligterink: Spying on parasites using deep learning to quantify the interactions between malaria parasites and human liver cells
  2. A Stiles: Towards high-performance code generation for fold-operations on GPU-accelerators
  3. A van Veen: Path Selection in SCION-4
  4. B Kocsis: Normalization for the simply typed λ-calculus
  5. C Laméris: Formalization of the Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Nominal Automata
  6. C Schoof: EmoBack Backdoor Attacks Against Speaker Identification Using Emotional Prosody.
  7. C Thoni: Modelling chemical reaction networks using neural differential equations
  8. D Alter: Tink Outside the Deck
  9. D Korsman: Transforming compile-time to load-time variability in C projects
  10. D Mikhailovskii: Speaker Similarity for Emotional Speech
  11. F Valentijn: Detection and detection evasion with man-in-the-middle phishing
  12. H Visserman: Semi-Supervised Hierarchical Classification for Insect Monitoring An Explorative Study.
  13. J Medendorp: An analysis of strategies used by online gambling websites in the Netherlands to influence the behaviour of their users.
  14. J Richards: What You Need is What You Get Theory of Mind for LLM-Generated Code Explanations
  15. J Sijtsma: Model Learning Performance When SUL Inputs Have Different Costs.
  16. L Casini: Measuring the Adoption of Device Class Fingerprinting
  17. L Grootjen: A step-by-step inter-device analysis for transfer learning side-channel attacks
  18. L Jeurissen: Optimizing the MEDS Implementation for ARMv8
  19. L Nguyen: Comparing Text Summarization Models for General Medical Text and Radiology Reports
  20. L Papanikolaou: Restricting Authentication Token Sharing Holder-Binding
  21. M Dibbets: Improving Burp Scanner using benchmarks and BChecks
  22. M Juvan: Bypassing the BIOS supervisor password
  23. M Meeuwissen: Diffusion Models And Their Use In Renal Histopathology
  24. M Philipse: Post-Third-Party Cookies Analyzing Google's Protected Audience API.
  25. M Soni: BuienradarGPT Leveraging LLMs for generating Local Weather Reports
  26. M van Haren: Identification and Prevention of Lateral Movement in Kubernetes
  27. O van Rooij: A substructural type and effect system
  28. P van Beurden: Generating Scalable Multi-GPU Code for Rank Polymorphic Array Operations using CUDA Unified Memory and Performance Hints
  29. T Rust: Applying Learned Sparse Retrieval
  30. T Somers: Bunchless λ-calculus for Bunched Implications


  1. A Altawekji: Online political advertising - a case study of the republican and democratic parties in United States
  2. B Jerkovic: Connectivity estimation in financial time series using deep learning models
  3. B Pleiter: Backdoor attacks against transformer-based neural networks for tabular data
  4. C Alexandru: Intrinsically correct sorting using bialgebraic semantics
  5. C Dworzack: Analysis of clustering trails in differentials over iterative permutations
  6. C van Rijbroek: Automatically detecting head-shakes in NGT conversations
  7. D Verbakel: Designing q-ary transformations for symmetric cryptography
  8. E Bovy: The underlying belief model of uncertain partially observable Markov decision processes
  9. E Tamminga: Utilizing large language models for fuzzing
  10. J Göertz: Using concept mining for business-oriented data management
  11. J Kang: A fast and accurate intervention-aware estimator
  12. J Koprcina: The effect of conversational history and query rewriting on conversational search performance
  13. J Vojnovic: Mitigating supply chain attacks through detection of high-risk software dependencies
  14. L Hoek: Extracting entities from handwritten civil records using handwritten text recognition and regular expressions
  15. L Kruger: How to handle long counterexamples - heuristics, optimizations and asymptotic lower bounds for L#
  16. M Bergau: Leveraging radiology reports for automatic lesion detection in CT scans
  17. M Lemmen: Automating payload delivery and detonation testing
  18. M ten Klooster: Wav2vec 2.0 inside out
  19. N Hollain: Towards explainable sign spotting systems
  20. O de Gouw: Evaluating the security maturity of DevOps Teams
  21. O van der Himst: The temporal WTA circuit: a novel neuromorphic approach for learning to distinguish time-varying stimuli
  22. R Shokrzad: Word sense visualization based on word embedding: A tool for linguistic analysis
  23. S Michaelides: Security of O-RAN
  24. S van Duijnhoven: Information security strategies for industrial IoT environments
  25. S Wallis de Vries: Leak-detect: automatic login form leakage detection for website administrators and researchers
  26. T Aarsen: SpanMarker for Named Entity Recognition
  27. T Bolwerk: Improving the workflow for hardware engineers at Philips with a domain-specific language and graphical feedback
  28. T Ngoc: Negotiating privacy and utility: a study on Google Analytics implementation


  1. A Zeilstra: Proposal for a Pyramid scheme
  2. B Ruiken: A Lens-based formalisation of view-based editing for variant-rich software systems
  3. E Kirmiziyüz: Assisting scientist programmers in software engineering and development
  4. F Slijkhuis: Finite-state automata as T-cell receptor repertoires
  5. G de Kruijf: Training a Dutch (+English) BERT model applicable for the legal domain
  6. G Hendriksen: Extracting structured web content using deep neural language models
  7. G Keizer: Third-party risk management in the financial services industry
  8. G Noordbruis: Model-based testing smart cable guard
  9. G Versteeg: Quality of service in a cloud native environment
  10. H Werner: On the influence of tokenizers in NLP pipelines
  11. J Tiemessen: The time is ticking: the effect of deceptive countdown timers on consumers' buying behavior and experience
  12. J Vrancken: Detecting capabilities in malware binaries by searching for function calls
  13. L Meszaros: Nitrogen signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana roots
  14. M van Os: From science to practice: a normative gap analysis on digital twins
  15. R Holubek: Designing the teaching pattern: a structured approach to teach design patterns
  16. R van Ginkel: Developing guidelines to optimize the process of communicating newly found cyber threats
  17. S Versteeg: Using fast visual inpainting transformers for anomaly detection
  18. T Hulshof: Using SysML for model-based testing
  19. T Kunnen: Data governance in advanced analytics: opportunities and challenges
  20. T van Ouwerkerk: Evading the policy: a measurement on referrer policy circumvention in 3k e-commerce websites


  1. A Ernest: Multi-scale graph-based clustering of images using Markov theory
  2. A Prasad: Product price prediction
  3. B Westerweel: User location detection - metadata based classification
  4. C van Aarle: Federated regression analysis on personal data stores
  5. E Martynova: Artificial intelligence-assisted detection of adhesions on cine-MRI
  6. G Alberts: Implementing asynchronous I/O in iTasks
  7. G Aydin: Entity linking in funding domain
  8. G Dekkers: Optimizing local product performance of fast-moving consumer goods
  9. J Craaijo: libLISA: Learning instruction set architectures from scratch
  10. J Moerman: Asm3: modeling assembly languages efficiently in Why3
  11. J Muris: The consequences of artificial intelligence in human capital management in the next five to ten years
  12. J Sunnotel: Conceptualisation of problem-solution patterns
  13. K Schreurs: Precipitation nowcasting using generative adversarial networks
  14. L Kuiper: Exploring query re-optimization in a modern database system
  15. L van Arragon: Towards improving the performance of model driven optimisation
  16. L van Bemmel: Automatic selection of the most characterizing features for different types of atypical speech
  17. L Verkleij: A study in meta
  18. M Swanenberg: Structure learning on an increasing amount of available data
  19. M van Dijk: Battling disinformation: towards comprehensible digital signature semantics
  20. M van Leuken: Runaway keystream generators and their parallelizability and G&D-resistance
  21. M Verbrugge: The BERT ranking paradigm: training strategies evaluated
  22. M Verwoert: Cyberattack scenarios for remote electronic voting consultations using IRMA
  23. M Wijkhuizen: Supporting sign language learning with a visual dictionary
  24. M Witsenboer: Image based time synergy
  25. N Okker: A pragmatic approach to active failure diagnosis of discrete-event systems
  26. N Roos: The organisational structure as a cause for HIT problems
  27. N van den Hork: Algorithmic differentiation of STIC lesions from normal epithelium in the fallopian tube on H&E stained slides
  28. R Joosse: Evaluating adversarial attack detection using formal verification methods
  29. R Li: Machine learning with electronic patient records for diagnosis prediction in general practice
  30. R van Ginkel: Calculating the vulnerability remediation order based on open source intelligence
  31. S Crooijmans: Reducing the power consumption of IoT devices in task-oriented programming


  1. B Petersen: Automated testing from sequence diagrams to model-based testing
  2. C Mandjes: Breaking best practice protection of the TLS protocol in an Android environment
  3. D Greconici: KYBER on RISC-V
  4. E Kok: Utilizing the Hadoop ecosystem to improve in-house data analysis of spacecraft housekeeping data
  5. E Sijben: Causal Shapley values for interpretable machine learning
  6. E van der Veen: Mutable collection types in shallow embedded DSLs
  7. G Mulder: Step aside! A fuzzy trip down side-channel lane
  8. G Raya: Unsupervised out-of-distribution detection in digital pathology
  9. L Floor: Ensemble learning with small machine learning algorithms for network intrusion detection
  10. M Biondina: Policy distillation from world models
  11. M Masoodi: Cryptographic insecurity in Android apps
  12. M Suilen: Entropy guided decision making in multiple-environment Markov decision processes
  13. M Vink: A comprehensive taxonomy of wifi attacks
  14. N Dekkers: Detecting privacy sensitive information in large file systems
  15. O Vishnyakova: Text-independent speaker recognition
  16. P Boers: Graph representations of news articles for background linking
  17. R Bouman: Improving space weather analysis using Spark Structured Streaming
  18. R Kluge: Combining AI with radiologists
  19. R Kluge: Pneumothorax detection on chest radiographs
  20. S Jansen: A modular approach towards the runtime verification of machine control applications
  21. S ter Stege: Optimal demand forecasting in practice
  22. T de Boer: A feasibility study for deep learning image guided guidewire tracking for image-guided interventions
  23. T Janssen: Re-ranking BERT revisiting passage re-ranking with BERT on MS MACRO
  24. T Nijholt: BlueSpec: Development of an LMP state machine and a stateful black-box BR/EDR LMP fuzzer
  25. T Nikken: Satisfiability modulo theories based packing of scalable rectangles for real-time layout generation
  26. T van Capelleveen: Security analysis of aftermarket remote keyless entry systems for consumer vehicles
  27. W de Boer: Secure computation on the SAP cloud platform
  28. Y van Zantvoort: Success factors for new technology ventures


  1. A Andrade: Model-based reliability testing in image-guided therapy systems
  2. A Bulonza: Structural and technological diagnosis of quality of services and time management problems at Sun-Power
  3. A Menne: The potential of temporal databases for the application in data analytics
  4. B Blaauwendraad: Post-quantum hash-based signatures for multi-chain blockchain technologies
  5. B Brenninkmeijer: On the generation and evaluation of tabular data using GANs
  6. C Boot: Applying supervised learning on malware authorship attribution
  7. C Staps: Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems
  8. C Strucks: Protecting implicit sensitive information from inference attacks
  9. D van Dam: Analysing the Signal Protocol
  10. D Verheijden: Modelling user context using deep neural networks
  11. F Roelofs: Analysis and comparison of identification and authentication systems under the eIDAS regulation
  12. I Derksen: Backup and recovery of IRMA credentials
  13. J Luppes: Classifying short text for the Harmonized System with convolutional neural networks
  14. J Martens: Resynchronizability of origin transducers
  15. J van Hulst: Long- and short-term dependencies for sequential recommendation
  16. J van Keulen: The Coderclass decoded
  17. K Jacobs: Phrase extraction models used for entity salience detection
  18. L de Bruin: Analyzing the Tahoe-LAFS filesystem for privacy friendly replication and file sharing
  19. L Deelen: Detection of cryptominers in the wild
  20. M Geluk: Designing unplugged methods for computer programming
  21. M Huijben: Efficient constrained random sampling for use in a model based testing tool
  22. M Kok: Matastases detection in lymph nodes using transfer learning
  23. M Rosso: An attack simulation methodology for empirical SOC performance evaluation
  24. M Schellevis: Improving self-supervised single view depth estimation by masking occlusion
  25. N Roelofs: Online template attack on ECDSA
  26. O Danba: Optimizing NTRU using AVX2
  27. O van Maaren: How do privacy dashboards affect customers' intention to purchase at an online retailer
  28. R Eijkelenberg: A comparison between blockchain-based and non-blockchain-based ABC technology in the light of EU data protection law
  29. R Hissink Muller: Demystification of the blockchain phenomenon
  30. R Middelweerd: Defining who is attacking by how they are hacking
  31. S Arissen: Blockchain for post-trade settlement, clearing and custody of financial instruments
  32. S Schekermans: Receiver anonymity within a distributed file sharing protocol
  33. T Crijns: Have a chat with BERT passage re-ranking using conversational context
  34. T Nobel: Keeping up with expressing the sense of structured natural language semantics
  35. T van Dijk: Stealthy and in-depth behavioural malware analysis with Zandbak
  36. W Boumans: A comprehensive meta model for the current data landscape


  1. A Dimas: Changeability of ERP systems
  2. A van de Griend: Natural language generation for commercial applications
  3. A Verstegen: Analysis, reverse-engineering and implementation of HITAG2-based remote keyless entry systems
  4. B Ghazal: Evaluating the use of Amy Webb's methodology as technological forecasting tool for the disruptive innovation
  5. B Klaase: Inferring webdocument clusters based on structural similarity
  6. B Zhang: Why creepy ad is the new black
  7. C Kamphuis: Automatic segmentation of retinal layers in optical coherence tomography using deep learning techniques
  8. C Smits: Model based concept mining applied to information security data
  9. D van Loon: Combining process modelling and process evaluation in a complex service delivery work process
  10. E Gerritse: Network deconvolution
  11. F de Ridder: Graph augmentation
  12. G vd Meijde: A practical application of model learning and code generation
  13. K Vijverberg: Object localization and path prediction using radar and other sources towards autonomous shipping
  14. M de Andrade: Developing real life, task oriented applications for the Internet of Things
  15. M Venema: Decentralized attribute-based encryption for DECODE
  16. S Brugman: Deep learning for Legal Tech: exploring NER on Dutch court rulings
  17. S Kayadi: Supporting lean transformation with IT
  18. S van Valburg: Fuzzing open VPN
  19. T Sandmann: Online template attack on a hardware implementation of FourQ
  20. T van Niedek: Random walk with restart for automatic playlist continuation and query-specific adaptations
  21. V Cazorla: Hierarchical reinforcement learning in Space Fortress
  22. W Kuhnen: OPTLS Revisited
  23. W vd Linde: Post-quantum blockchain using one-time signature chains


  1. A Aminuddin: Entropy-based adaptation for URL classification
  2. A Oortgiese: A distributed server architecture for task oriented programming
  3. A Zwilling: Electronic identity management systems in the European Union
  4. B Zondag: Investigating students' concurrent programming strategies
  5. C van Hemert: De praktische implementatie van de meldplicht datalekken in het onderwijs
  6. C vd Bogaard: Predicting chromatin accessibility with convolutional neural networks
  7. D Hendriks: The selection process of model based platforms
  8. D vd Vooren: Improving the efficiency of SVG in iTasks using deltas
  9. F Dorssers: Triple scoring utilizing annotated web data
  10. H Alhasan: How can Lowlands-Socio Technical systems design contribute to redesigning healthy organizations when deploying enterprise architecture
  11. H Singh: Designing a value co-creation language
  12. J Bleier: Improving the usefulness of alerts generated by automated static analysis tools
  13. J Kluten: The intricate issue of technology-driven change
  14. J Seesink: Liquid requirements engineering
  15. L Scholten: Photo collection summarization
  16. L vd Berg: The road to the future of cars
  17. M Braimniotis: A transformation from ORM conceptual models to Neo4j graph database
  18. M Dundar: Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen de concepten van Pronto/DEMO en case management
  19. M Jansen: Framework for executing, measuring and optimizing the sales process
  20. M Lubbers: Task oriented programming and the Internet of Things
  21. M Nanne: An offline analysis of the CLEF-NEWSREEL evaluation
  22. M Ouborg: Distributed group model building
  23. M Tijssen: Creating secure IoT systems
  24. M van Latum: Stakeholder involvement in de-escalations
  25. N Adityasatria: Applying model learning and domain specific languages to refactor legacy software
  26. N Walasek: Semi-supervised opinion mining
  27. N Weber: Unsupervised learning in human activity recognition
  28. P Huberts: Software development for the public sector
  29. P Meessen: Long term data storage using peer-to-peer technology
  30. P vd Luitgaarden: Role discovery in industrial control networks using the semi-supervised learning approach self-training
  31. R Filiano: Delivering content: the right content at the right time and at the right place to the right person
  32. S Kikitamara: Digital identity management on blockchain for open model energy system
  33. S vd Bosch: Automatic feature generation and selection in predictive analytics solutions
  34. T Kutscha: Towards a practical application of the neo-piagetian theory for novice programmers
  35. T Rinsma: Seeing through obfuscation interactive detection and removal of opaque predicates
  36. T Schroeter: Improving the model based testing process of TorXakis by developing a graphical user interface


  1. B Goedhard: On the determination of the optimal methodology for ERP projects
  2. B van Berkel: Word translation with Wikipedia
  3. D Peelen: Working with unreliable observers using reactive extensions
  4. F Zanjani: Improving semantic video segmentation by dynamic scene integration
  5. G Geltink: A lightweight PUF-based privacy preserving authentication protocol
  6. G van Heerdt: An abstract automata learning framework
  7. H Dang: Processing and analyzing functional near-infrared spectroscopy data
  8. H Harmannij: Polymorphic pseudonymization in educational identity federations
  9. H Prins: Matching ontologies with distributed word embeddings
  10. J Groothuijse: Parallelism by means of multithreading in Clean
  11. J Piers: Task-oriented programming for developing non-distributed interruptible embedded systems
  12. J Reijers: Payment service directive 2
  13. K Valk: Comprehensive security analysis of a toys-to-life game and possible countermeasures
  14. K van Ingen: Attribute-based authentication and signatures for regulating home access
  15. L Bade: Resilience of the Domain Name System
  16. L Liu: Efficacy of data cleaning on financial entity identifier matching
  17. M klusman: Event Driven Architecture in software development projects
  18. M Schoolderman: Verification of Goroutines using Why3
  19. N Makris: Creating adaptable and adaptive user interface implementations in model driven developed software
  20. N Samwel: Side-channel analysis of Keccak and Ascon
  21. P Jakubeit: NewHope for ARM
  22. P Verleg: Inferring SSH state machines using protocol state fuzzing
  23. R Mahmudlu: The application of linear transformation methods in the domain of side-channel analysis
  24. R Spaan: Secure updates in automotive systems
  25. S Acifovic: Security analysis of the Payleven mobile point-of-sale platform
  26. S Reitsma: Using concept detectors to improve performance of visual question answering
  27. S Rinis: An agent technology based digital marketplace for education
  28. S Volokitin: Good, bad and ugly design of Java card security
  29. T Janssen: Retail store workforce forecasting with aggregated output regression
  30. T Novickis: Protocol state fuzzing of an Open VPN


  1. A Jongsma: Exchanging threat information between semi-honest parties
  2. A Taha: A generic data model for strategy matching
  3. B Visser: Additional source of entropy as a service in the Android user space
  4. D Hendrix: Model-based robustness analysis of indoor lighting systems
  5. E Boss: Solving prime-field ECDLPs on GPUs with OpenCL
  6. E Croes: Software architectural styles in the internet of things
  7. E Dongelmans: Zeggenschap over ICT-voorzieningen
  8. E Kelly: ECA logic analysis
  9. E Lorente: Reverse engineering WirelessHart hardware
  10. G Smelt: IRMA verified assurer
  11. H Berntsen: Adversarial background augmentation improves object localisation using convolutional neural networks
  12. J Arendsen: Exploring the design space for dynamic interfaces
  13. J Kockelkorn: Over het NOREA privacy impact assessment
  14. J Monsma: Model-based testing of web applications
  15. J Rijneveld: Implementing SPHINCS with restricted memory
  16. J top: Information value in a decision making context
  17. J van Stegeren: Correctness and termination of Tomte components for active register automata learning
  18. K Stoffelen: Intrinsic side-channel analysis resistance and efficient masking
  19. L a Campo: Towards hybrid clustering for B2C customer segmentation
  20. L Kluitmans: Combining causal models for biomedical applications
  21. M Bovy: Open data: facilitator of the energy transition
  22. M Derks: Fair privacy: improving usability of the Android permission system
  23. M Hendriks: Gaming the system
  24. M Henrix: Performance improvement in automata learning
  25. M Vijfvinkel: Technology and the right to be forgotten
  26. M Vos: Compression for FM MPX
  27. N Heijmink: Secure single sign-on
  28. P van den Bos: Enhancing active automata learning by a user log based metric
  29. R Janssen: Learning and model checking real-world TCP implementations
  30. R Liu: The role of Alipay in China
  31. R Oostrum: Personal data management systems
  32. R Putri: Privacy-trust-behavior in web-based insurance services
  33. S Derckx: A research on usability problems of frequent and infrequent users
  34. T de Ruijter: A big data view of on-street parking
  35. T Nagele: Client-side performance profiling of javaScript for web applications
  36. T Steenvoorden: Characterising fundamental ideas in international computer science curricula
  37. V Slieker: Protecting personal data in the cloud
  38. Y Smeets: Improving the adoption of dynamic web security vulnerability scanners


  1. A Buisman: Gamification in educational software development
  2. B Boshoven: Personalized life reasoning
  3. B Siebert: Evaluating the testing quality of software defined infrastructures
  4. B Verdiesen: Agile user experience
  5. C Thijssen: Side-channel attacks on the IRMA card
  6. D Romme: Executive functions as a predictor of a person's performance in information modelling
  7. F Jadidian: Applications of named entity recognition in customer relationship management systems
  8. H de Jong: Realtime optimalisatie van VRI's in een verkeersnetwerk
  9. J Cox: Measuring dependency freshness in software systems
  10. J Kremers: Security evaluation of mobile device management solutions
  11. J v Duijnhoven: How to improve requirements engineering
  12. K Huijben: A lightweight, flexible evaluation framework to measure the ISO 27002 information security controls
  13. K Reintjes: A benchmark approach to analyse the security of web frameworks
  14. L vd Wiel: Differentiating Shigella from E.coli using hierarchical feature selection on MALDI-ToF MS data
  15. M Baeten: Improving smart grid security using smart cards
  16. M Buuron: Towards a methodology for measuring plausibility
  17. M Drijvers: Efficient delegation of Idemix credentials
  18. M Kuznetcov: Measuring architectural technical debt
  19. M Liebrand: Improvements in structural contact prediction
  20. M van de Voort: Manifestation of real world social events on Twitter
  21. P da Luz: Botnet detection using passive DNS
  22. P Maandag: Experiments in unifying model checking approaches
  23. R Sizonenko: Enabling compile time variability modelling and implementation in business processes for Eclipse developers
  24. R van Os: Fysieke en digitale communicatie in de jeugdzorg
  25. R Verbruggen: Creating firewall rules with machine learning techniques
  26. S Keijzers: Energy consumption analysis of practical programming languages
  27. S van Oostenbrugge: Requirements specificatie in software-ontwikkelprocessen
  28. T Cooijmans: Secure key storage and secure computation in Android
  29. V Doppenberg: An approach to model reaction rules and transform them to procedural form
  30. W Burgers: Threesomes on the internet


  1. A Rampersad: Wat is de impact van de sociale media op de koersbewegingen van de aandelenmarkt
  2. B Vossen: Software development in healthcare innovation
  3. C Hillen: Beyond smart meters
  4. C Kleine Staarman: Agile requirements engineering en Scrum
  5. C Rutz: Model checking of symbolic transition systems with SMT solvers
  6. E Cassidy: Linking business-IT alignment interventions to organizational culture, structure, strategy and change readiness
  7. F Oberscheven: Software quality assessment in an agile environment
  8. H vd Brink: Predicting TV ratings using Twitter
  9. J Hendricksen: Profiler: deriving a digital profile from open source information
  10. J Vogels: A serious gaming approach to content elicitation for FCO-IM
  11. K Papagiannopoulos: High-throughput implementations of lightweight ciphers in the AVR ATtiny architecture
  12. L Onrust: Bayesian inference of structural brain networks with region-specific Dirichlet parameterisation
  13. M Bitter: Braille in mathematics education
  14. M Morbitzer: TCP idle scans in IPv6
  15. M Speksnijder: Gecontroleerde natuurlijke taal voor requirements
  16. P Sewuster: Information security in practice
  17. P vd Hurk: The cost of comparing secrets without leaking information
  18. R Janssen: A new approach to structured document building
  19. R Rutten: Uncovering group differences in progressive profiling
  20. R Thijssen: An argument based approach for easier process modeling using dialog games
  21. S Hu: Dynamic QA systems using knowledge bases
  22. S Janssen: Neural network based model for productivity in software development
  23. W v Staal: Agent-based simulation with iTasks for navy patrol vessels


  1. A Cornelissen: Covert channel data leakage protection
  2. B Leusink: Agile software development process improvement in large organizations
  3. B vd Linden: Reacting to concurrent changes in shared data sources
  4. B Weymes: Recognising botnets in organisations
  5. D Schraven: The attractiveness of an outsourcing provider
  6. F de Bruin: Het ontwikkelen van gebruiksvriendelijke Apps voor smartphones
  7. F v Workum: Omgevingsbewuste systemen en risico's
  8. I Trepels: Bridging the digital divide in Zambia
  9. J Altena: Control selection based on effectiveness and cost within a fixed budget
  10. J Deunk: Guiding the business rules specification process
  11. J Kwee: An iterative specification game
  12. L Koot: Security of mobile TAN on smartphones
  13. M Sen: De waarde van Rich Internet Applicaties voor commerciele organisaties
  14. M Spreeuwenberg: Cloud computing
  15. M v Wieringen: Cooperation in the clouds
  16. N Braakensiek: Using the grounded theory method in the information science context
  17. N Gubbels: A feasibility study of loop bound analysis for loops with disjunctive guards
  18. N Wolfkamp: Impact telecommunicatiewet op online interactie
  19. P Verhoeven: Onderhoud van logica door business stakeholders
  20. R Usmany: Conceptual modeling for business process semantics
  21. R Viehoff: Call-by-name, call-by-value and abstract machines
  22. S Dorigo: Security information and event management
  23. S vd Velde: Wat docenten denken en studenten doen
  24. T Gok: SBVR en de deskundigen uit de bedrijfspraktijk
  25. T Stamper: Measuring the correspondence between business-IT alignment and employee alignment of a company
  26. V Gijsen: How does a map-reduce algorithm behave in an information-retrieval environment
  27. V Kool: OLAP cubes
  28. W Moerkerken: Sociale aspecten van software engineering
  29. W Smeenk: Applying automata learning to complex industrial software
  30. X Damen: Using fomal methods within the belastingdienst


  1. A Blom: ABN-AMRO E-dentifier2 reverse engineering
  2. A Evangelia: Let's game together
  3. A Gerritsen: Functional debugging: rapid prototyping and debugging for DSLs using functional programming
  4. B Hond: Fuzzing the GSM protocol
  5. B Mader: Localization and mapping with autonomous robots
  6. B v Delft: Abstraction, objects and information flow analysis
  7. B vd Linden: IOM2: innovation within an outsourcing relationship
  8. D Nabuurs: Improving Wizard of Oz creation by applying game concepts
  9. D Taufan: Method management system: rule-based method enactment using MediaWiki and semantic MediaWiki
  10. E Steinmann: A specification of a dialogue game for group model building
  11. F vd Loo: Comparison of penetration testing tools for web applications
  12. J Berndsen: E-mail as a human-computer dialog endpoint for workflow management systems
  13. J de Muijnck-Hughes: Data protection in the cloud
  14. J Schuhmacher: Classifier-based search in large document collections
  15. K Derks: Creating a business rules authoring tool
  16. K Hulsman: Combining probabilistic relational models with object-role models
  17. K Strijbosch: Adaptive case management
  18. M Alabbasy: Een business rules methode voor FCO-IM
  19. M Devillers: Business process modeling as a means to bridge the business-IT divide
  20. M Engberts: Van stembus naar uitslag: gegevensintegriteit verkiezingsproces
  21. M Hinne: Local approximation of centrality measures
  22. M Sprengers: GPU-based password cracking
  23. O Efthalia: An online game authoring community for children
  24. P v Bebber: Informed consent in behavioral advertising
  25. R Ben Moussa: Cross-site scripting voorkomen
  26. R Muijrers: RAM: rapid alignment method
  27. R v Summeren: Interactieve elementen in beeldschermexamens
  28. S de Bruijn: Strategy for the use of cloud computing
  29. S v Hooft: Towards an ICT framework for sustainable tourism
  30. T Holweg: Audience segregation a solution to protect online privacy
  31. T Lurvink: Methode voor formalisatie van wet- en regelgeving


  1. A Vermeij: Investigating domain model integration processes
  2. B Derlagen: How to use the CAcert infrastructure within an OpenID context
  3. B Geijtenbeek: Architectuur van digitale werkplaatsen
  4. B v Gastel: Verifying reentrant readers-writers
  5. C Schutter: Het toepassen van requirements management op enterprise-architectuur
  6. D Hamelink: Informatiebeveiliging in ziekenhuizen
  7. D Oldenhave: Formalism for a standard case management and its application on Scrum
  8. D Pijper: The digital workshop in collaborative learning
  9. D vd Linden: A method for durability analysis of development systems in computing
  10. E Deckers: Verifying properties of RefactorErl-transformations using QuickCheck
  11. E Jumpertz: Using QuickCheck and semantic analysis to verify correctness of Erlang refactoring transformations
  12. F Houben: Design space exploration with generated timed automata
  13. F Koopmans: Broader perception for local community identification
  14. F vd Berg: Strongly typed BPMN
  15. F vd Broek: Catching and understanding GSM signals
  16. H v Bijnen: Architectuur analyse van de slimme meter
  17. J Henrix: A graphical workflow editor for iTask
  18. J Hogenboom: Principal component analysis and side-channel attacks
  19. J Mutter: Generating a rule-based modelling agenda
  20. J Schoemaker: De rol van een editor
  21. K Rosken: Associatie analyse op profielen van sociale netwerksites
  22. L Nij Bijvank: Solving priority inversion in assembly machines for discrete semiconductors
  23. M Blokpoel: How action understanding can be rational, Bayesian and tractable
  24. M Pieterse: A tool for click data preprocessing
  25. M Schouwenaar: Dutch EMV-cards and internet banking
  26. M Schuts: Improving software development
  27. M Tissink: Communicatie van IT governance
  28. N Radstake: Learning Bayesian models using mammographic features
  29. P Arts: A flexible method for requirements engineering
  30. P v Leeuwen: Credit cards versus iDeal
  31. R Krebbers: Classical logic, control calculi and data types
  32. R Willems: Towards a modeling tool evaluation method
  33. S Castelein: Protecting shared state in a multi-core world: a comparison between traditional locking and transactional memory
  34. S Michels: Building iTask applications
  35. W Megchelenbrink: Relief-based feature selection in bioinformatics


  1. A Suhonic: Bewust zijn van het belang van informatiebeveiliging
  2. B Kasteel: The value of enterprise architecture
  3. B Lamers: Een functionele aanpak voor taalcreatie en transformatie
  4. B Schotten: Designing a game for basic process model elicitation
  5. B Visser: Lean principles in case management
  6. E Crombag: Monitoring the elderly using real time location sensing
  7. E de Ruiter: Applicatie classificatie bij fusies en overnames
  8. F Aarts: Inference and abstraction of communication protocols
  9. F Kooman: Using mobile phones for public transport payment
  10. F Koopmans: Tracking local community evolution
  11. F Kusters: Massively parallel computing as a service
  12. G de Koning: Analysis of the MIFARE classic used in the OV-chipkaart project
  13. I Wilmont: A gaming approach to collaborative modelling
  14. J Akkermans: Compliance towards the belastingdienst
  15. J Claessens: Deploying the semantic web in the welfare environment
  16. J Groenewegen: Playing archimate models
  17. J Herregodts: Wat valt er onder de EU richtlijn omtrent de bewaarplicht van verkeersgegevens
  18. J Koppers: Location based services
  19. J Uijen: Learning models of communication protocols using abstraction techniques
  20. J Voesten: Rule-based BPM using the AREF modeling language
  21. K Kluijtmans: Uw dossiers, het ziekenhuis en het EPD
  22. K v Boekel: Architectuurprincipes: functie en formulering
  23. M Dam and K Wessels: The human firewall of behavioral information security
  24. M Ermers: Solving NP complete problems with memetic algorithms
  25. M Moraal: Optimal deployment of distributed systems
  26. M Smith: Quality of information system negotiation processes
  27. M vd Goor: Indoor localization in wireless sensor networks
  28. M vd Tillaart: Propositions into a framework
  29. M v Ede: Mobiele telefoon als betaalmiddel
  30. P v Rens: Software metrics: het verband tussen de onderhoudbaarheid en het aantal bugs van software
  31. R Kersten: A strict-size logic for featherweight Java extended with update
  32. R Swinkels: Operationeel risico modelleren
  33. W Elbers: Optimizing web interest
  34. W Hoolwerf: Een snel identificatie algoritme voor XML berichten
  35. W Klomp: Risicomodellering in het medische domein
  36. Z Bajic: Beveiliging van draadloze thuisnetwerken

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