Archive of Master Thesis Reports
This public archive of Master Thesis Reports does not contain all reports, because not every student wants their thesis to be published.
- A van der Hulst: Kolmogorov Complexity as a Tool for Computing Hausdorff Dimension
- C Visser: Effortless Intermittent Computing
- M Pohl: Implementation and Analysis of Merkle Tree Certificates for Post-Quantum Secure Authentication in TLS
- A Ligterink: Spying on parasites using deep learning to quantify the interactions between malaria parasites and human liver cells
- A Stiles: Towards high-performance code generation for fold-operations on GPU-accelerators
- A van Veen: Path Selection in SCION-4
- B Kocsis: Normalization for the simply typed λ-calculus
- C Laméris: Formalization of the Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Nominal Automata
- C Schoof: EmoBack Backdoor Attacks Against Speaker Identification Using Emotional Prosody.
- C Thoni: Modelling chemical reaction networks using neural differential equations
- D Alter: Tink Outside the Deck
- D Korsman: Transforming compile-time to load-time variability in C projects
- D Mikhailovskii: Speaker Similarity for Emotional Speech
- F Valentijn: Detection and detection evasion with man-in-the-middle phishing
- H Visserman: Semi-Supervised Hierarchical Classification for Insect Monitoring An Explorative Study.
- J Medendorp: An analysis of strategies used by online gambling websites in the Netherlands to influence the behaviour of their users.
- J Richards: What You Need is What You Get Theory of Mind for LLM-Generated Code Explanations
- J Sijtsma: Model Learning Performance When SUL Inputs Have Different Costs.
- L Casini: Measuring the Adoption of Device Class Fingerprinting
- L Grootjen: A step-by-step inter-device analysis for transfer learning side-channel attacks
- L Jeurissen: Optimizing the MEDS Implementation for ARMv8
- L Nguyen: Comparing Text Summarization Models for General Medical Text and Radiology Reports
- L Papanikolaou: Restricting Authentication Token Sharing Holder-Binding
- M Dibbets: Improving Burp Scanner using benchmarks and BChecks
- M Juvan: Bypassing the BIOS supervisor password
- M Meeuwissen: Diffusion Models And Their Use In Renal Histopathology
- M Philipse: Post-Third-Party Cookies Analyzing Google's Protected Audience API.
- M Soni: BuienradarGPT Leveraging LLMs for generating Local Weather Reports
- M van Haren: Identification and Prevention of Lateral Movement in Kubernetes
- O van Rooij: A substructural type and effect system
- P van Beurden: Generating Scalable Multi-GPU Code for Rank Polymorphic Array Operations using CUDA Unified Memory and Performance Hints
- T Rust: Applying Learned Sparse Retrieval
- T Somers: Bunchless λ-calculus for Bunched Implications
- A Altawekji: Online political advertising - a case study of the republican and democratic parties in United States
- B Jerkovic: Connectivity estimation in financial time series using deep learning models
- B Pleiter: Backdoor attacks against transformer-based neural networks for tabular data
- C Alexandru: Intrinsically correct sorting using bialgebraic semantics
- C Dworzack: Analysis of clustering trails in differentials over iterative permutations
- C van Rijbroek: Automatically detecting head-shakes in NGT conversations
- D Verbakel: Designing q-ary transformations for symmetric cryptography
- E Bovy: The underlying belief model of uncertain partially observable Markov decision processes
- E Tamminga: Utilizing large language models for fuzzing
- J Göertz: Using concept mining for business-oriented data management
- J Kang: A fast and accurate intervention-aware estimator
- J Koprcina: The effect of conversational history and query rewriting on conversational search performance
- J Vojnovic: Mitigating supply chain attacks through detection of high-risk software dependencies
- L Hoek: Extracting entities from handwritten civil records using handwritten text recognition and regular expressions
- L Kruger: How to handle long counterexamples - heuristics, optimizations and asymptotic lower bounds for L#
- M Bergau: Leveraging radiology reports for automatic lesion detection in CT scans
- M Lemmen: Automating payload delivery and detonation testing
- M ten Klooster: Wav2vec 2.0 inside out
- N Hollain: Towards explainable sign spotting systems
- O de Gouw: Evaluating the security maturity of DevOps Teams
- O van der Himst: The temporal WTA circuit: a novel neuromorphic approach for learning to distinguish time-varying stimuli
- R Shokrzad: Word sense visualization based on word embedding: A tool for linguistic analysis
- S Michaelides: Security of O-RAN
- S van Duijnhoven: Information security strategies for industrial IoT environments
- S Wallis de Vries: Leak-detect: automatic login form leakage detection for website administrators and researchers
- T Aarsen: SpanMarker for Named Entity Recognition
- T Bolwerk: Improving the workflow for hardware engineers at Philips with a domain-specific language and graphical feedback
- T Ngoc: Negotiating privacy and utility: a study on Google Analytics implementation
- A Zeilstra: Proposal for a Pyramid scheme
- B Ruiken: A Lens-based formalisation of view-based editing for variant-rich software systems
- E Kirmiziyüz: Assisting scientist programmers in software engineering and development
- F Slijkhuis: Finite-state automata as T-cell receptor repertoires
- G de Kruijf: Training a Dutch (+English) BERT model applicable for the legal domain
- G Hendriksen: Extracting structured web content using deep neural language models
- G Keizer: Third-party risk management in the financial services industry
- G Noordbruis: Model-based testing smart cable guard
- G Versteeg: Quality of service in a cloud native environment
- H Werner: On the influence of tokenizers in NLP pipelines
- J Tiemessen: The time is ticking: the effect of deceptive countdown timers on consumers' buying behavior and experience
- J Vrancken: Detecting capabilities in malware binaries by searching for function calls
- L Meszaros: Nitrogen signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana roots
- M van Os: From science to practice: a normative gap analysis on digital twins
- R Holubek: Designing the teaching pattern: a structured approach to teach design patterns
- R van Ginkel: Developing guidelines to optimize the process of communicating newly found cyber threats
- S Versteeg: Using fast visual inpainting transformers for anomaly detection
- T Hulshof: Using SysML for model-based testing
- T Kunnen: Data governance in advanced analytics: opportunities and challenges
- T van Ouwerkerk: Evading the policy: a measurement on referrer policy circumvention in 3k e-commerce websites
- A Ernest: Multi-scale graph-based clustering of images using Markov theory
- A Prasad: Product price prediction
- B Westerweel: User location detection - metadata based classification
- C van Aarle: Federated regression analysis on personal data stores
- E Martynova: Artificial intelligence-assisted detection of adhesions on cine-MRI
- G Alberts: Implementing asynchronous I/O in iTasks
- G Aydin: Entity linking in funding domain
- G Dekkers: Optimizing local product performance of fast-moving consumer goods
- J Craaijo: libLISA: Learning instruction set architectures from scratch
- J Moerman: Asm3: modeling assembly languages efficiently in Why3
- J Muris: The consequences of artificial intelligence in human capital management in the next five to ten years
- J Sunnotel: Conceptualisation of problem-solution patterns
- K Schreurs: Precipitation nowcasting using generative adversarial networks
- L Kuiper: Exploring query re-optimization in a modern database system
- L van Arragon: Towards improving the performance of model driven optimisation
- L van Bemmel: Automatic selection of the most characterizing features for different types of atypical speech
- L Verkleij: A study in meta
- M Swanenberg: Structure learning on an increasing amount of available data
- M van Dijk: Battling disinformation: towards comprehensible digital signature semantics
- M van Leuken: Runaway keystream generators and their parallelizability and G&D-resistance
- M Verbrugge: The BERT ranking paradigm: training strategies evaluated
- M Verwoert: Cyberattack scenarios for remote electronic voting consultations using IRMA
- M Wijkhuizen: Supporting sign language learning with a visual dictionary
- M Witsenboer: Image based time synergy
- N Okker: A pragmatic approach to active failure diagnosis of discrete-event systems
- N Roos: The organisational structure as a cause for HIT problems
- N van den Hork: Algorithmic differentiation of STIC lesions from normal epithelium in the fallopian tube on H&E stained slides
- R Joosse: Evaluating adversarial attack detection using formal verification methods
- R Li: Machine learning with electronic patient records for diagnosis prediction in general practice
- R van Ginkel: Calculating the vulnerability remediation order based on open source intelligence
- S Crooijmans: Reducing the power consumption of IoT devices in task-oriented programming
- B Petersen: Automated testing from sequence diagrams to model-based testing
- C Mandjes: Breaking best practice protection of the TLS protocol in an Android environment
- D Greconici: KYBER on RISC-V
- E Kok: Utilizing the Hadoop ecosystem to improve in-house data analysis of spacecraft housekeeping data
- E Sijben: Causal Shapley values for interpretable machine learning
- E van der Veen: Mutable collection types in shallow embedded DSLs
- G Mulder: Step aside! A fuzzy trip down side-channel lane
- G Raya: Unsupervised out-of-distribution detection in digital pathology
- L Floor: Ensemble learning with small machine learning algorithms for network intrusion detection
- M Biondina: Policy distillation from world models
- M Masoodi: Cryptographic insecurity in Android apps
- M Suilen: Entropy guided decision making in multiple-environment Markov decision processes
- M Vink: A comprehensive taxonomy of wifi attacks
- N Dekkers: Detecting privacy sensitive information in large file systems
- O Vishnyakova: Text-independent speaker recognition
- P Boers: Graph representations of news articles for background linking
- R Bouman: Improving space weather analysis using Spark Structured Streaming
- R Kluge: Combining AI with radiologists
- R Kluge: Pneumothorax detection on chest radiographs
- S Jansen: A modular approach towards the runtime verification of machine control applications
- S ter Stege: Optimal demand forecasting in practice
- T de Boer: A feasibility study for deep learning image guided guidewire tracking for image-guided interventions
- T Janssen: Re-ranking BERT revisiting passage re-ranking with BERT on MS MACRO
- T Nijholt: BlueSpec: Development of an LMP state machine and a stateful black-box BR/EDR LMP fuzzer
- T Nikken: Satisfiability modulo theories based packing of scalable rectangles for real-time layout generation
- T van Capelleveen: Security analysis of aftermarket remote keyless entry systems for consumer vehicles
- W de Boer: Secure computation on the SAP cloud platform
- Y van Zantvoort: Success factors for new technology ventures
- A Andrade: Model-based reliability testing in image-guided therapy systems
- A Bulonza: Structural and technological diagnosis of quality of services and time management problems at Sun-Power
- A Menne: The potential of temporal databases for the application in data analytics
- B Blaauwendraad: Post-quantum hash-based signatures for multi-chain blockchain technologies
- B Brenninkmeijer: On the generation and evaluation of tabular data using GANs
- C Boot: Applying supervised learning on malware authorship attribution
- C Staps: Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems
- C Strucks: Protecting implicit sensitive information from inference attacks
- D van Dam: Analysing the Signal Protocol
- D Verheijden: Modelling user context using deep neural networks
- F Roelofs: Analysis and comparison of identification and authentication systems under the eIDAS regulation
- I Derksen: Backup and recovery of IRMA credentials
- J Luppes: Classifying short text for the Harmonized System with convolutional neural networks
- J Martens: Resynchronizability of origin transducers
- J van Hulst: Long- and short-term dependencies for sequential recommendation
- J van Keulen: The Coderclass decoded
- K Jacobs: Phrase extraction models used for entity salience detection
- L de Bruin: Analyzing the Tahoe-LAFS filesystem for privacy friendly replication and file sharing
- L Deelen: Detection of cryptominers in the wild
- M Geluk: Designing unplugged methods for computer programming
- M Huijben: Efficient constrained random sampling for use in a model based testing tool
- M Kok: Matastases detection in lymph nodes using transfer learning
- M Rosso: An attack simulation methodology for empirical SOC performance evaluation
- M Schellevis: Improving self-supervised single view depth estimation by masking occlusion
- N Roelofs: Online template attack on ECDSA
- O Danba: Optimizing NTRU using AVX2
- O van Maaren: How do privacy dashboards affect customers' intention to purchase at an online retailer
- R Eijkelenberg: A comparison between blockchain-based and non-blockchain-based ABC technology in the light of EU data protection law
- R Hissink Muller: Demystification of the blockchain phenomenon
- R Middelweerd: Defining who is attacking by how they are hacking
- S Arissen: Blockchain for post-trade settlement, clearing and custody of financial instruments
- S Schekermans: Receiver anonymity within a distributed file sharing protocol
- T Crijns: Have a chat with BERT passage re-ranking using conversational context
- T Nobel: Keeping up with expressing the sense of structured natural language semantics
- T van Dijk: Stealthy and in-depth behavioural malware analysis with Zandbak
- W Boumans: A comprehensive meta model for the current data landscape
- A Dimas: Changeability of ERP systems
- A van de Griend: Natural language generation for commercial applications
- A Verstegen: Analysis, reverse-engineering and implementation of HITAG2-based remote keyless entry systems
- B Ghazal: Evaluating the use of Amy Webb's methodology as technological forecasting tool for the disruptive innovation
- B Klaase: Inferring webdocument clusters based on structural similarity
- B Zhang: Why creepy ad is the new black
- C Kamphuis: Automatic segmentation of retinal layers in optical coherence tomography using deep learning techniques
- C Smits: Model based concept mining applied to information security data
- D van Loon: Combining process modelling and process evaluation in a complex service delivery work process
- E Gerritse: Network deconvolution
- F de Ridder: Graph augmentation
- G vd Meijde: A practical application of model learning and code generation
- K Vijverberg: Object localization and path prediction using radar and other sources towards autonomous shipping
- M de Andrade: Developing real life, task oriented applications for the Internet of Things
- M Venema: Decentralized attribute-based encryption for DECODE
- S Brugman: Deep learning for Legal Tech: exploring NER on Dutch court rulings
- S Kayadi: Supporting lean transformation with IT
- S van Valburg: Fuzzing open VPN
- T Sandmann: Online template attack on a hardware implementation of FourQ
- T van Niedek: Random walk with restart for automatic playlist continuation and query-specific adaptations
- V Cazorla: Hierarchical reinforcement learning in Space Fortress
- W Kuhnen: OPTLS Revisited
- W vd Linde: Post-quantum blockchain using one-time signature chains
- A Aminuddin: Entropy-based adaptation for URL classification
- A Oortgiese: A distributed server architecture for task oriented programming
- A Zwilling: Electronic identity management systems in the European Union
- B Zondag: Investigating students' concurrent programming strategies
- C van Hemert: De praktische implementatie van de meldplicht datalekken in het onderwijs
- C vd Bogaard: Predicting chromatin accessibility with convolutional neural networks
- D Hendriks: The selection process of model based platforms
- D vd Vooren: Improving the efficiency of SVG in iTasks using deltas
- F Dorssers: Triple scoring utilizing annotated web data
- H Alhasan: How can Lowlands-Socio Technical systems design contribute to redesigning healthy organizations when deploying enterprise architecture
- H Singh: Designing a value co-creation language
- J Bleier: Improving the usefulness of alerts generated by automated static analysis tools
- J Kluten: The intricate issue of technology-driven change
- J Seesink: Liquid requirements engineering
- L Scholten: Photo collection summarization
- L vd Berg: The road to the future of cars
- M Braimniotis: A transformation from ORM conceptual models to Neo4j graph database
- M Dundar: Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen de concepten van Pronto/DEMO en case management
- M Jansen: Framework for executing, measuring and optimizing the sales process
- M Lubbers: Task oriented programming and the Internet of Things
- M Nanne: An offline analysis of the CLEF-NEWSREEL evaluation
- M Ouborg: Distributed group model building
- M Tijssen: Creating secure IoT systems
- M van Latum: Stakeholder involvement in de-escalations
- N Adityasatria: Applying model learning and domain specific languages to refactor legacy software
- N Walasek: Semi-supervised opinion mining
- N Weber: Unsupervised learning in human activity recognition
- P Huberts: Software development for the public sector
- P Meessen: Long term data storage using peer-to-peer technology
- P vd Luitgaarden: Role discovery in industrial control networks using the semi-supervised learning approach self-training
- R Filiano: Delivering content: the right content at the right time and at the right place to the right person
- S Kikitamara: Digital identity management on blockchain for open model energy system
- S vd Bosch: Automatic feature generation and selection in predictive analytics solutions
- T Kutscha: Towards a practical application of the neo-piagetian theory for novice programmers
- T Rinsma: Seeing through obfuscation interactive detection and removal of opaque predicates
- T Schroeter: Improving the model based testing process of TorXakis by developing a graphical user interface
- B Goedhard: On the determination of the optimal methodology for ERP projects
- B van Berkel: Word translation with Wikipedia
- D Peelen: Working with unreliable observers using reactive extensions
- F Zanjani: Improving semantic video segmentation by dynamic scene integration
- G Geltink: A lightweight PUF-based privacy preserving authentication protocol
- G van Heerdt: An abstract automata learning framework
- H Dang: Processing and analyzing functional near-infrared spectroscopy data
- H Harmannij: Polymorphic pseudonymization in educational identity federations
- H Prins: Matching ontologies with distributed word embeddings
- J Groothuijse: Parallelism by means of multithreading in Clean
- J Piers: Task-oriented programming for developing non-distributed interruptible embedded systems
- J Reijers: Payment service directive 2
- K Valk: Comprehensive security analysis of a toys-to-life game and possible countermeasures
- K van Ingen: Attribute-based authentication and signatures for regulating home access
- L Bade: Resilience of the Domain Name System
- L Liu: Efficacy of data cleaning on financial entity identifier matching
- M klusman: Event Driven Architecture in software development projects
- M Schoolderman: Verification of Goroutines using Why3
- N Makris: Creating adaptable and adaptive user interface implementations in model driven developed software
- N Samwel: Side-channel analysis of Keccak and Ascon
- P Jakubeit: NewHope for ARM
- P Verleg: Inferring SSH state machines using protocol state fuzzing
- R Mahmudlu: The application of linear transformation methods in the domain of side-channel analysis
- R Spaan: Secure updates in automotive systems
- S Acifovic: Security analysis of the Payleven mobile point-of-sale platform
- S Reitsma: Using concept detectors to improve performance of visual question answering
- S Rinis: An agent technology based digital marketplace for education
- S Volokitin: Good, bad and ugly design of Java card security
- T Janssen: Retail store workforce forecasting with aggregated output regression
- T Novickis: Protocol state fuzzing of an Open VPN
- A Jongsma: Exchanging threat information between semi-honest parties
- A Taha: A generic data model for strategy matching
- B Visser: Additional source of entropy as a service in the Android user space
- D Hendrix: Model-based robustness analysis of indoor lighting systems
- E Boss: Solving prime-field ECDLPs on GPUs with OpenCL
- E Croes: Software architectural styles in the internet of things
- E Dongelmans: Zeggenschap over ICT-voorzieningen
- E Kelly: ECA logic analysis
- E Lorente: Reverse engineering WirelessHart hardware
- G Smelt: IRMA verified assurer
- H Berntsen: Adversarial background augmentation improves object localisation using convolutional neural networks
- J Arendsen: Exploring the design space for dynamic interfaces
- J Kockelkorn: Over het NOREA privacy impact assessment
- J Monsma: Model-based testing of web applications
- J Rijneveld: Implementing SPHINCS with restricted memory
- J top: Information value in a decision making context
- J van Stegeren: Correctness and termination of Tomte components for active register automata learning
- K Stoffelen: Intrinsic side-channel analysis resistance and efficient masking
- L a Campo: Towards hybrid clustering for B2C customer segmentation
- L Kluitmans: Combining causal models for biomedical applications
- M Bovy: Open data: facilitator of the energy transition
- M Derks: Fair privacy: improving usability of the Android permission system
- M Hendriks: Gaming the system
- M Henrix: Performance improvement in automata learning
- M Vijfvinkel: Technology and the right to be forgotten
- M Vos: Compression for FM MPX
- N Heijmink: Secure single sign-on
- P van den Bos: Enhancing active automata learning by a user log based metric
- R Janssen: Learning and model checking real-world TCP implementations
- R Liu: The role of Alipay in China
- R Oostrum: Personal data management systems
- R Putri: Privacy-trust-behavior in web-based insurance services
- S Derckx: A research on usability problems of frequent and infrequent users
- T de Ruijter: A big data view of on-street parking
- T Nagele: Client-side performance profiling of javaScript for web applications
- T Steenvoorden: Characterising fundamental ideas in international computer science curricula
- V Slieker: Protecting personal data in the cloud
- Y Smeets: Improving the adoption of dynamic web security vulnerability scanners
- A Buisman: Gamification in educational software development
- B Boshoven: Personalized life reasoning
- B Siebert: Evaluating the testing quality of software defined infrastructures
- B Verdiesen: Agile user experience
- C Thijssen: Side-channel attacks on the IRMA card
- D Romme: Executive functions as a predictor of a person's performance in information modelling
- F Jadidian: Applications of named entity recognition in customer relationship management systems
- H de Jong: Realtime optimalisatie van VRI's in een verkeersnetwerk
- J Cox: Measuring dependency freshness in software systems
- J Kremers: Security evaluation of mobile device management solutions
- J v Duijnhoven: How to improve requirements engineering
- K Huijben: A lightweight, flexible evaluation framework to measure the ISO 27002 information security controls
- K Reintjes: A benchmark approach to analyse the security of web frameworks
- L vd Wiel: Differentiating Shigella from E.coli using hierarchical feature selection on MALDI-ToF MS data
- M Baeten: Improving smart grid security using smart cards
- M Buuron: Towards a methodology for measuring plausibility
- M Drijvers: Efficient delegation of Idemix credentials
- M Kuznetcov: Measuring architectural technical debt
- M Liebrand: Improvements in structural contact prediction
- M van de Voort: Manifestation of real world social events on Twitter
- P da Luz: Botnet detection using passive DNS
- P Maandag: Experiments in unifying model checking approaches
- R Sizonenko: Enabling compile time variability modelling and implementation in business processes for Eclipse developers
- R van Os: Fysieke en digitale communicatie in de jeugdzorg
- R Verbruggen: Creating firewall rules with machine learning techniques
- S Keijzers: Energy consumption analysis of practical programming languages
- S van Oostenbrugge: Requirements specificatie in software-ontwikkelprocessen
- T Cooijmans: Secure key storage and secure computation in Android
- V Doppenberg: An approach to model reaction rules and transform them to procedural form
- W Burgers: Threesomes on the internet
- A Rampersad: Wat is de impact van de sociale media op de koersbewegingen van de aandelenmarkt
- B Vossen: Software development in healthcare innovation
- C Hillen: Beyond smart meters
- C Kleine Staarman: Agile requirements engineering en Scrum
- C Rutz: Model checking of symbolic transition systems with SMT solvers
- E Cassidy: Linking business-IT alignment interventions to organizational culture, structure, strategy and change readiness
- F Oberscheven: Software quality assessment in an agile environment
- H vd Brink: Predicting TV ratings using Twitter
- J Hendricksen: Profiler: deriving a digital profile from open source information
- J Vogels: A serious gaming approach to content elicitation for FCO-IM
- K Papagiannopoulos: High-throughput implementations of lightweight ciphers in the AVR ATtiny architecture
- L Onrust: Bayesian inference of structural brain networks with region-specific Dirichlet parameterisation
- M Bitter: Braille in mathematics education
- M Morbitzer: TCP idle scans in IPv6
- M Speksnijder: Gecontroleerde natuurlijke taal voor requirements
- P Sewuster: Information security in practice
- P vd Hurk: The cost of comparing secrets without leaking information
- R Janssen: A new approach to structured document building
- R Rutten: Uncovering group differences in progressive profiling
- R Thijssen: An argument based approach for easier process modeling using dialog games
- S Hu: Dynamic QA systems using knowledge bases
- S Janssen: Neural network based model for productivity in software development
- W v Staal: Agent-based simulation with iTasks for navy patrol vessels
- A Cornelissen: Covert channel data leakage protection
- B Leusink: Agile software development process improvement in large organizations
- B vd Linden: Reacting to concurrent changes in shared data sources
- B Weymes: Recognising botnets in organisations
- D Schraven: The attractiveness of an outsourcing provider
- F de Bruin: Het ontwikkelen van gebruiksvriendelijke Apps voor smartphones
- F v Workum: Omgevingsbewuste systemen en risico's
- I Trepels: Bridging the digital divide in Zambia
- J Altena: Control selection based on effectiveness and cost within a fixed budget
- J Deunk: Guiding the business rules specification process
- J Kwee: An iterative specification game
- L Koot: Security of mobile TAN on smartphones
- M Sen: De waarde van Rich Internet Applicaties voor commerciele organisaties
- M Spreeuwenberg: Cloud computing
- M v Wieringen: Cooperation in the clouds
- N Braakensiek: Using the grounded theory method in the information science context
- N Gubbels: A feasibility study of loop bound analysis for loops with disjunctive guards
- N Wolfkamp: Impact telecommunicatiewet op online interactie
- P Verhoeven: Onderhoud van logica door business stakeholders
- R Usmany: Conceptual modeling for business process semantics
- R Viehoff: Call-by-name, call-by-value and abstract machines
- S Dorigo: Security information and event management
- S vd Velde: Wat docenten denken en studenten doen
- T Gok: SBVR en de deskundigen uit de bedrijfspraktijk
- T Stamper: Measuring the correspondence between business-IT alignment and employee alignment of a company
- V Gijsen: How does a map-reduce algorithm behave in an information-retrieval environment
- V Kool: OLAP cubes
- W Moerkerken: Sociale aspecten van software engineering
- W Smeenk: Applying automata learning to complex industrial software
- X Damen: Using fomal methods within the belastingdienst
- A Blom: ABN-AMRO E-dentifier2 reverse engineering
- A Evangelia: Let's game together
- A Gerritsen: Functional debugging: rapid prototyping and debugging for DSLs using functional programming
- B Hond: Fuzzing the GSM protocol
- B Mader: Localization and mapping with autonomous robots
- B v Delft: Abstraction, objects and information flow analysis
- B vd Linden: IOM2: innovation within an outsourcing relationship
- D Nabuurs: Improving Wizard of Oz creation by applying game concepts
- D Taufan: Method management system: rule-based method enactment using MediaWiki and semantic MediaWiki
- E Steinmann: A specification of a dialogue game for group model building
- F vd Loo: Comparison of penetration testing tools for web applications
- J Berndsen: E-mail as a human-computer dialog endpoint for workflow management systems
- J de Muijnck-Hughes: Data protection in the cloud
- J Schuhmacher: Classifier-based search in large document collections
- K Derks: Creating a business rules authoring tool
- K Hulsman: Combining probabilistic relational models with object-role models
- K Strijbosch: Adaptive case management
- M Alabbasy: Een business rules methode voor FCO-IM
- M Devillers: Business process modeling as a means to bridge the business-IT divide
- M Engberts: Van stembus naar uitslag: gegevensintegriteit verkiezingsproces
- M Hinne: Local approximation of centrality measures
- M Sprengers: GPU-based password cracking
- O Efthalia: An online game authoring community for children
- P v Bebber: Informed consent in behavioral advertising
- R Ben Moussa: Cross-site scripting voorkomen
- R Muijrers: RAM: rapid alignment method
- R v Summeren: Interactieve elementen in beeldschermexamens
- S de Bruijn: Strategy for the use of cloud computing
- S v Hooft: Towards an ICT framework for sustainable tourism
- T Holweg: Audience segregation a solution to protect online privacy
- T Lurvink: Methode voor formalisatie van wet- en regelgeving
- A Vermeij: Investigating domain model integration processes
- B Derlagen: How to use the CAcert infrastructure within an OpenID context
- B Geijtenbeek: Architectuur van digitale werkplaatsen
- B v Gastel: Verifying reentrant readers-writers
- C Schutter: Het toepassen van requirements management op enterprise-architectuur
- D Hamelink: Informatiebeveiliging in ziekenhuizen
- D Oldenhave: Formalism for a standard case management and its application on Scrum
- D Pijper: The digital workshop in collaborative learning
- D vd Linden: A method for durability analysis of development systems in computing
- E Deckers: Verifying properties of RefactorErl-transformations using QuickCheck
- E Jumpertz: Using QuickCheck and semantic analysis to verify correctness of Erlang refactoring transformations
- F Houben: Design space exploration with generated timed automata
- F Koopmans: Broader perception for local community identification
- F vd Berg: Strongly typed BPMN
- F vd Broek: Catching and understanding GSM signals
- H v Bijnen: Architectuur analyse van de slimme meter
- J Henrix: A graphical workflow editor for iTask
- J Hogenboom: Principal component analysis and side-channel attacks
- J Mutter: Generating a rule-based modelling agenda
- J Schoemaker: De rol van een editor
- K Rosken: Associatie analyse op profielen van sociale netwerksites
- L Nij Bijvank: Solving priority inversion in assembly machines for discrete semiconductors
- M Blokpoel: How action understanding can be rational, Bayesian and tractable
- M Pieterse: A tool for click data preprocessing
- M Schouwenaar: Dutch EMV-cards and internet banking
- M Schuts: Improving software development
- M Tissink: Communicatie van IT governance
- N Radstake: Learning Bayesian models using mammographic features
- P Arts: A flexible method for requirements engineering
- P v Leeuwen: Credit cards versus iDeal
- R Krebbers: Classical logic, control calculi and data types
- R Willems: Towards a modeling tool evaluation method
- S Castelein: Protecting shared state in a multi-core world: a comparison between traditional locking and transactional memory
- S Michels: Building iTask applications
- W Megchelenbrink: Relief-based feature selection in bioinformatics
- A Suhonic: Bewust zijn van het belang van informatiebeveiliging
- B Kasteel: The value of enterprise architecture
- B Lamers: Een functionele aanpak voor taalcreatie en transformatie
- B Schotten: Designing a game for basic process model elicitation
- B Visser: Lean principles in case management
- E Crombag: Monitoring the elderly using real time location sensing
- E de Ruiter: Applicatie classificatie bij fusies en overnames
- F Aarts: Inference and abstraction of communication protocols
- F Kooman: Using mobile phones for public transport payment
- F Koopmans: Tracking local community evolution
- F Kusters: Massively parallel computing as a service
- G de Koning: Analysis of the MIFARE classic used in the OV-chipkaart project
- I Wilmont: A gaming approach to collaborative modelling
- J Akkermans: Compliance towards the belastingdienst
- J Claessens: Deploying the semantic web in the welfare environment
- J Groenewegen: Playing archimate models
- J Herregodts: Wat valt er onder de EU richtlijn omtrent de bewaarplicht van verkeersgegevens
- J Koppers: Location based services
- J Uijen: Learning models of communication protocols using abstraction techniques
- J Voesten: Rule-based BPM using the AREF modeling language
- K Kluijtmans: Uw dossiers, het ziekenhuis en het EPD
- K v Boekel: Architectuurprincipes: functie en formulering
- M Dam and K Wessels: The human firewall of behavioral information security
- M Ermers: Solving NP complete problems with memetic algorithms
- M Moraal: Optimal deployment of distributed systems
- M Smith: Quality of information system negotiation processes
- M vd Goor: Indoor localization in wireless sensor networks
- M vd Tillaart: Propositions into a framework
- M v Ede: Mobiele telefoon als betaalmiddel
- P v Rens: Software metrics: het verband tussen de onderhoudbaarheid en het aantal bugs van software
- R Kersten: A strict-size logic for featherweight Java extended with update
- R Swinkels: Operationeel risico modelleren
- W Elbers: Optimizing web interest
- W Hoolwerf: Een snel identificatie algoritme voor XML berichten
- W Klomp: Risicomodellering in het medische domein
- Z Bajic: Beveiliging van draadloze thuisnetwerken
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