Implicit Complexity through Higher Order Rewriting (ICHOR)
From September 2019 to September 2023 I have led the NWO TOP
project Implicit Complexity through Higher Order Rewriting, grant
number 612.001.803/7571. This page lists the work performed as part of
this project.
Project goals
The goal of ICHOR is to study computational complexity of and using
higher-order term rewriting systems. Our particular focus is to develop methods
that involve algebra interpretations.
To date, the project has resulted in eight publications in formal conference/workshop
proceedings, and six informal papers.
Use the green download buttons to obtain the author copies.
Publications in formal conference/workshop proceedings
- On Basic Feasible Functionals and the Interpretation Method,
by Patrick Baillot, Ugo dal Lago, Cynthia Kop and Deivid Vale, proceedings for FoSSaCS 2024
- Certifying Higher-Order Polynomial Interpretations,
by Niels van der Weide, Deivid Vale and Cynthia Kop, proceedings for ITP 2023
- Cost-Size Semantics for Call-By-Value Higher-Order Rewriting,
by Cynthia Kop and Deivid Vale, proceedings for FSCD 2023
Cutting a Proof into Bite-Sized Chunks: Incrementally proving termination in higher-order term rewriting,
by Cynthia Kop, proceedings for FSCD 2022

- Analyzing Innermost Runtime Complexity Through Tuple Interpretations,
by Liye Guo and Deivid Vale, proceedings for LSFA 2022
Tuple Interpretations for Higher-Order Complexity,
by Cynthia Kop and Deivid Vale, proceedings for FSCD 2021
Nominal Equational Problems,
by Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, Maribel Fernández, Daniele Nantes-Sobrinho and Deivid Vale, proceedings for FoSSaCS 2021
Cons-free Programs and Complexity Classes between LOGSPACE and PTIME by Neil Jones, Siddharth Bhaskar, Cynthia Kop and Jakob Grue Simonsen, proceedings for VPT 2020
Publications in informal workshop proceedings

- Complexity Analysis for Call-by-Value Higher-Order Rewriting,
by Cynthia Kop and Deivid Vale, proceedings for WST 2023

- Nijn/ONijn: A New Certification Engine for Higher-Order Termination,
by Cynthia Kop, Deivid Vale and Niels van der Weide, proceedings for HOR 2023
- Tuple Interpretations and Applications to Higher-Order Runtime Complexity
by Cynthia Kop and Deivid Vale, proceedings for WST 2022
- Nominal Disunification via Fixed-Point Constraints,
by Leonardo M. Batista, Maribel Fernández, Daniele Nantes-Sobrinho and Deivid Vale,
proceedings for UNIF 2021
Formalizing higher-order termination in COQ
by Deivid Vale and Niels van der Weide, proceedings for WST 2021
Tuple Interpretations for Higher-Order Complexity (extended abstract)
by Cynthia Kop and Deivid Vale, proceedings for LCC 2020
PhD theses
On Semantical Methods for Higher-Order Complexity Analysis,
by Deivid Vale,
PhD thesis defended at Radboud University on 19 April 2024
Submitted to journals and conferences
- A characterization of Basic Feasible Functionals through higher-order rewriting and tuple interpretations
by Patrick Baillot, Ugo dal Lago, Cynthia Kop and Deivid Vale; submitted to LMCS for the Special Issue of FoSSaCS 2024.
Project members
Cynthia Kop |
Deivid Vale |