Open Search is a BIG deal!
... technically not THAT big a deal.
1. To improve the service
2. Targeted advertisements
Lawsuits over autocompletions
- Lawsuit France (2010): "cnfdi arnaque"
- Lawsuit Italy (2011): "[name] truffatore"
- Lawsuit Germany (2012): "bettina wulff prostituierte"
- Lawsuit Japan (2012): shows crimes by a man with the same name...
- Google update (2013) filters offensive completions for person names.
Autocompletion Stereotypes
Better prediction for longer queries...
- ... but need another key-stroke for short queries
- Improvements:
- Ask users about the usefulness of autocompletions
- Ask users about the ethics of autocompletions
- Linguistic knowledge to improve predictions
- PageRank and Spam scores to improve ethics
(links can also be manipulated)
arXiv 2007.02620v2
Open Search Outlook
- Research challenge: Content beats behavioral data!
- Do NOT track users/queries/clicks;
- Others (Ecosia, Qwant, Startpage) will add cool features.
- Research challenge: Federated search beats monolithic engines