Welcome to my webpage

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I am a Professor in the Digital Security (DiS) group and I am adjunct professor at the Selmer Center of University of Bergen in Norway. I joined the institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS) at the Radboud University in August 2009. Before that I was PostDoc at KU Leuven Belgium where I also got my PhD in 2005. Before that I worked as a cryptographer for Pijnenburg Securealink (later SafeNet B.V.) in The Netherlands. I got my Professional Doctorate in Engineering from TU Eindhoven in 2001.

I have received a VIDI grant from the Dutch government in 2014 to work on new side-channel analysis methods and countermeasures for secure embedded devices.

Since 2018, I am a senior member of IEEE and an Editorial board member of ACM TECS. I served as an AE for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2018-2022 and JCEN, 2012-2018.

I was a program co-chair of CHES 2014 in Busan, Korea (the IACR flagship conference on crypto hardware and embedded systems) with Matt Robshaw and of Africacrypt 2022 with Joan Daemen. I also chaired ACMWiSec 2021 with Rene Mayrhofer (virtual) and ACNS2024 in Abu Dhabi with Christina Popper.

With Stjepan Picek I was a general co-chair of EUROCRYPT 2020 (the first online IACR conference) and EUROCRYPT 2021 in Zagreb as the first hybrid IACR conference. I was general co-chair of Real World Crypto Symposium for 2021 (virtual) and 2022 (physical in Amsterdam) with Joan Daemen and Peter Schwabe.

My research

My research interests are in applied cryptography and embedded systems security. I am looking into security and privacy of embedded (crypto) devices such as smartcards, mobile phones and IoT devices. Some of the topics I work on include implementations of cryptography, both high performance and low-cost i.e. in constrained environments. I work on implementation attacks i.e. side-channel and faults and I have a preference for curve-based cryptography (both classical and post-quantum i.e. ECC and isogeny-based).

Recently, I've been looking into machine/deep learning for security and privacy and how we can use it for side-channel analysis. Another direction we consider is to perform side-channel analysis on neural nets implementations. I'm also interested in low-cost countermeasures against all kinds of physical attacks, faults and side-channel.

Recent publications


For a complete list of my publications check my DBLP and Google Scholar pages.

Programme Committees

Upcoming events

PostDocs/PhD students

I am happy to work with some highly motivated PostDocs and PhD students:

Past PhD students and PostDocs


  • Antonio de la Piedra, PostDoc 2015-2016
  • Ilya Kizhvatov, PostDoc 2016-2017
  • Vincent Grosso, PostDoc 2016-2017, now with CNRS/Laboratory Hubert Curien, FR
  • Veelasha Moonsamy, PostDoc 2015-2017, now at Ruhr University Bochum
  • Joost Renes, PostDoc in 2019, now with NXP
  • Estuardo Alpirez Bock, PostDoc in 2022
  • Lukasz Chmielewski, PostDoc 2020-2022, now assistant professor at Masaryk University, Brno
  • Silvia Mella, PostDoc 2021-2024, now assistant professor at Radboud University
  • PhD students:

  • Roel Verdult, PhD in 2015
  • Stjepan Picek, PhD in 2015, now associate professor at Radboud University
  • Baris Ege, PhD in 2016, now with Riscure
  • Anna Krasnova, PhD in 2017, now with Philips
  • Louiza Papachristodoulou, PhD in 2019, now with ASML
  • Lukasz Chmielewski, PhD in 2019, now with Masaryk University, Brno
  • Joost Renes, PhD in 2019, PostDoc until Jan. 2020, now with NXP
  • Kostas Papagiannopoulis, PhD in 2020, now assistant professor at University of Amsterdam
  • Pedro Maat Massolino, PhD in 2021, now with PQShield
  • Unai Rioja, PhD in 2022, now with Ikerlan
  • Niels Samwel, PhD in 2022 (co-supervised with Joan Daemen and Yuval Yarom), now with PQShield
  • Servio Paguada, PhD in 2023 (co-supervised with Ileana Buhan), now with Ikerlan
  • Contact Information

    Office: Room 03.10, Mercator 1 building @ RU campus
    Phone: +31 (024) 365 2076
    Email: lejla(at)cs.ru.nl
    Twitter: @lejla_batina

    Postal Address

    Faculty of Science
    Radboud University
    Postbus 9010
    6500 GL Nijmegen
    The Netherlands

    Visiting Address (How to get there)

    Digital Security Group
    Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (ICIS)
    Mercator 1, Room 03.10
    Toernooiveld 212
    6525 EC Nijmegen
    The Netherlands