include/rtdm/rtcan.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Real-Time Driver Model for RT-Socket-CAN, CAN device profile header.

Copyright (C) 2006 Wolfgang Grandegger <>

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Sebastian Smolorz <>

This RTDM CAN device profile header is based on:

include/linux/can.h, include/linux/socket.h, net/can/pf_can.h in linux-can.patch, a CAN socket framework for Linux

Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, Robert Schwebel, Benedikt Spranger, Marc Kleine-Budde, Pengutronix

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU

General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

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Data Structures

struct  can_bittime_std
 Standard bit-time parameters according to Bosch. More...
struct  can_bittime_btr
 Hardware-specific BTR bit-times. More...
struct  can_bittime
 Custom CAN bit-time definition. More...
struct  can_filter_t
 Filter for reception of CAN messages. More...
struct  sockaddr_can
 Socket address structure for the CAN address family. More...
struct  can_frame_t
 Raw CAN frame. More...


#define AF_CAN   29
 CAN address family.
#define PF_CAN   AF_CAN
 CAN protocol family.
#define SOL_CAN_RAW   103
 CAN socket levels.
CAN ID masks
Bit masks for masking CAN IDs

 Bit mask for extended CAN IDs.
#define CAN_SFF_MASK   0x000007FF
 Bit mask for standard CAN IDs.
CAN ID flags
Flags within a CAN ID indicating special CAN frame attributes

#define CAN_EFF_FLAG   0x80000000
 Extended frame.
#define CAN_RTR_FLAG   0x40000000
 Remote transmission frame.
#define CAN_ERR_FLAG   0x20000000
 Error frame (see Errors), not valid in struct can_filter.
 Invert CAN filter definition, only valid in struct can_filter.
Particular CAN protocols
Possible protocols for the PF_CAN protocol family

Currently only the RAW protocol is supported.

#define CAN_RAW   1
 Raw protocol of PF_CAN, applicable to socket type SOCK_RAW.
CAN controller modes
Special CAN controllers modes, which can be or'ed together.

These modes are hardware-dependent. Please consult the hardware manual of the CAN controller for more detailed information.

Timestamp switches

 Switch off taking timestamps.
 Do take timestamps.
RAW socket options
Setting and getting CAN RAW socket options.

#define CAN_RAW_FILTER   0x1
 CAN filter definition.
#define CAN_RAW_ERR_FILTER   0x2
 CAN error mask.
#define CAN_RAW_LOOPBACK   0x3
 CAN TX loopback.
#define CAN_RAW_RECV_OWN_MSGS   0x4
 CAN receive own messages.
CAN device IOCTLs

#define SIOCGIFINDEX   defined_by_kernel_header_file
 Get CAN interface index by name.
#define SIOCSCANBAUDRATE   _IOW(RTIOC_TYPE_CAN, 0x01, struct ifreq)
 Set baud rate.
#define SIOCGCANBAUDRATE   _IOWR(RTIOC_TYPE_CAN, 0x02, struct ifreq)
 Get baud rate.
#define SIOCSCANCUSTOMBITTIME   _IOW(RTIOC_TYPE_CAN, 0x03, struct ifreq)
 Set custom bit time parameter.
 Get custum bit-time parameters.
#define SIOCSCANMODE   _IOW(RTIOC_TYPE_CAN, 0x05, struct ifreq)
 Set operation mode of CAN controller.
#define SIOCGCANSTATE   _IOWR(RTIOC_TYPE_CAN, 0x06, struct ifreq)
 Get current state of CAN controller.
#define SIOCSCANCTRLMODE   _IOW(RTIOC_TYPE_CAN, 0x07, struct ifreq)
 Set special controller modes.
#define SIOCGCANCTRLMODE   _IOWR(RTIOC_TYPE_CAN, 0x08, struct ifreq)
 Get special controller modes.
 Enable or disable storing a high precision timestamp upon reception of a CAN frame.
#define RTCAN_RTIOC_RCV_TIMEOUT   _IOW(RTIOC_TYPE_CAN, 0x0A, nanosecs_rel_t)
 Specify a reception timeout for a socket.
#define RTCAN_RTIOC_SND_TIMEOUT   _IOW(RTIOC_TYPE_CAN, 0x0B, nanosecs_rel_t)
 Specify a transmission timeout for a socket.
Error mask
Error class (mask) in can_id field of struct can_frame to be used with CAN_RAW_ERR_FILTER.

Note: Error reporting is hardware dependent and most CAN controllers report less detailed error conditions than the SJA1000.

Note: In case of a bus-off error condition (CAN_ERR_BUSOFF), the CAN controller is not restarted automatically. It is the application's responsibility to react appropriately, e.g. calling CAN_MODE_START.

Note: Bus error interrupts (CAN_ERR_BUSERROR) are enabled when an application is calling a Recv function on a socket listening on bus errors (using CAN_RAW_ERR_FILTER). After one bus error has occured, the interrupt will be disabled to allow the application time for error processing and to efficiently avoid bus error interrupt flooding.

#define CAN_ERR_TX_TIMEOUT   0x00000001U
 TX timeout (netdevice driver).
#define CAN_ERR_LOSTARB   0x00000002U
 Lost arbitration (see data[0]).
#define CAN_ERR_CRTL   0x00000004U
 Controller problems (see data[1]).
#define CAN_ERR_PROT   0x00000008U
 Protocol violations (see data[2], data[3]).
#define CAN_ERR_TRX   0x00000010U
 Transceiver status (see data[4]).
#define CAN_ERR_ACK   0x00000020U
 Received no ACK on transmission.
#define CAN_ERR_BUSOFF   0x00000040U
 Bus off.
#define CAN_ERR_BUSERROR   0x00000080U
 Bus error (may flood!).
#define CAN_ERR_RESTARTED   0x00000100U
 Controller restarted.
 Omit EFF, RTR, ERR flags.
Arbitration lost error
Error in the data[0] field of struct can_frame.

Controller problems
Error in the data[1] field of struct can_frame.

#define CAN_ERR_CRTL_UNSPEC   0x00
 RX buffer overflow.
 TX buffer overflow.
#define CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_WARNING   0x04
 reached warning level for RX errors
#define CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_WARNING   0x08
 reached warning level for TX errors
#define CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_PASSIVE   0x10
 reached passive level for RX errors
#define CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_PASSIVE   0x20
 reached passive level for TX errors
Protocol error type
Error in the data[2] field of struct can_frame.

#define CAN_ERR_PROT_UNSPEC   0x00
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_BIT   0x01
 single bit error
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_FORM   0x02
 frame format error
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_STUFF   0x04
 bit stuffing error
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_BIT0   0x08
 unable to send dominant bit
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_BIT1   0x10
 unable to send recessive bit
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_OVERLOAD   0x20
 bus overload
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_ACTIVE   0x40
 active error announcement
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_TX   0x80
 error occured on transmission
Protocol error location
Error in the data[3] field of struct can_frame.

#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_UNSPEC   0x00
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_SOF   0x03
 start of frame
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_ID28_21   0x02
 ID bits 28 - 21 (SFF: 10 - 3).
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_ID20_18   0x06
 ID bits 20 - 18 (SFF: 2 - 0 ).
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_SRTR   0x04
 substitute RTR (SFF: RTR)
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_IDE   0x05
 identifier extension
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_ID17_13   0x07
 ID bits 17-13.
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_ID12_05   0x0F
 ID bits 12-5.
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_ID04_00   0x0E
 ID bits 4-0.
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_RTR   0x0C
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_RES1   0x0D
 reserved bit 1
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_RES0   0x09
 reserved bit 0
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_DLC   0x0B
 data length code
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_DATA   0x0A
 data section
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_CRC_SEQ   0x08
 CRC sequence.
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_CRC_DEL   0x18
 CRC delimiter.
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_ACK   0x19
 ACK slot.
 ACK delimiter.
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_EOF   0x1A
 end of frame
#define CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_INTERM   0x12
Protocol error location
Error in the data[4] field of struct can_frame.

#define CAN_ERR_TRX_UNSPEC   0x00
 0000 0000
#define CAN_ERR_TRX_CANH_NO_WIRE   0x04
 0000 0100
 0000 0101
 0000 0110
 0000 0111
#define CAN_ERR_TRX_CANL_NO_WIRE   0x40
 0100 0000
 0101 0000
 0110 0000
 0111 0000
 1000 0000


typedef uint32_t can_id_t
 Type of CAN id (see CAN_xxx_MASK and CAN_xxx_FLAG).
typedef can_id_t can_err_mask_t
 Type of CAN error mask.
typedef uint32_t can_baudrate_t
 Baudrate definition in bits per second.
typedef enum
typedef enum CAN_MODE can_mode_t
typedef int can_ctrlmode_t
typedef enum CAN_STATE can_state_t


 Supported CAN bit-time types. More...
CAN operation modes
Modes into which CAN controllers can be set

CAN controller states
States a CAN controller can be in.

enum  CAN_STATE {

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