Xenomai API Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
can_bittimeCustom CAN bit-time definition
can_bittime_btrHardware-specific BTR bit-times
can_bittime_stdStandard bit-time parameters according to Bosch
can_filter_tFilter for reception of CAN messages
can_frame_tRaw CAN frame
RT_TASK_INFOStructure containing task-information useful to users
RT_TASK_MCBStructure used in passing messages between tasks
rtdm_device_info_tDevice information
rtdm_operationsDevice operations
rtser_config_tSerial device configuration
rtser_event_tAdditional information about serial device events
rtser_status_tSerial device status
sockaddr_canSocket address structure for the CAN address family
xnpodReal-time pod descriptor
xnsched_tScheduling information structure

Generated on Mon Mar 24 18:02:44 2008 for Xenomai API by  doxygen 1.5.3