Library implementations.lists

Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import FSets set_interface kuratowski.length prelude dec_fset.

Section Operations.
  Context `{Univalence}.

  Global Instance list_empty A : hasEmpty (list A) := nil.

  Global Instance list_single A: hasSingleton (list A) A := fun acons a nil.

  Global Instance list_union A : hasUnion (list A).
    intros l1 l2.
    induction l1.
    × apply l2.
    × apply (cons a IHl1).

  Global Instance list_membership A : hasMembership (list A) A.
    intros a l.
    induction l as [ | b l IHl].
    - apply False_hp.
    - apply (hor (a = b) IHl).

  Global Instance list_comprehension A: hasComprehension (list A) A.
    intros ϕ l.
    induction l as [ | b l IHl].
    - apply nil.
    - apply (if ϕ b then cons b IHl else IHl).

  Fixpoint list_to_set A (l : list A) : FSet A :=
    match l with
    | nil
    | cons a l{|a|} (list_to_set A l)

End Operations.

Section ListToSet.
  Variable A : Type.
  Context `{Univalence}.

  Lemma member_isIn (a : A) (l : list A) :
    member a l = a (list_to_set A l).
    induction l ; unfold member in × ; simpl in ×.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite IHl.
      unfold hor, merely, lor.
      apply path_iff_hprop ; intros z ; strip_truncations ; destruct z as [z1 | z2].
      × apply (tr (inl (tr z1))).
      × apply (tr (inr z2)).
      × strip_truncations ; apply (tr (inl z1)).
      × apply (tr (inr z2)).

  Definition empty_empty : list_to_set A = := idpath.

  Lemma filter_comprehension (ϕ : A Bool) (l : list A) :
    list_to_set A (filter ϕ l) = {| list_to_set A l & ϕ |}.
    induction l ; cbn in ×.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct (ϕ a) ; cbn in × ; unfold list_to_set in IHl.
      × refine (ap (fun y{|a|} y) _).
        apply IHl.
      × rewrite nl.
        apply IHl.

  Definition singleton_single (a : A) : list_to_set A (singleton a) = {|a|} :=
    nr {|a|}.

  Lemma append_union (l1 l2 : list A) :
    list_to_set A (list_union _ l1 l2) = (list_to_set A l1) (list_to_set A l2).
    induction l1 ; simpl.
    - apply (nl _)^.
    - rewrite IHl1, assoc.

  Fixpoint reverse (l : list A) : list A :=
    match l with
    | nilnil
    | cons a l{|a|} (reverse l) {|a|}

  Lemma reverse_set (l : list A) :
    list_to_set A l = list_to_set A (reverse l).
    induction l ; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite IHl, append_union.
      rewrite nr, comm, <- assoc, idem.
      apply comm.

End ListToSet.

Section lists_are_sets.
  Context `{Univalence}.

  Global Instance lists_sets : sets list list_to_set.
    split ; intros.
    - apply empty_empty.
    - apply singleton_single.
    - apply append_union.
    - apply filter_comprehension.
    - apply member_isIn.
End lists_are_sets.

Section refinement_examples.
  Context `{Univalence}.
  Context {A : Type}.

  Definition list_all (ϕ : A hProp) : list A hProp
    := refinement list list_to_set (all ϕ).

  Lemma list_all_set (ϕ : A hProp) (X : list A)
    : list_all ϕ X = all ϕ (list_to_set A X).
    induction X ; try reflexivity.

  Lemma list_all_intro (X : list A) (ϕ : A hProp)
    : (HX : a, a X ϕ a), list_all ϕ X.
    rewrite list_all_set.
    intros H1.
    assert ( (a : A), a (list_to_set A X) ϕ a) as H2.
      intros a H3.
      rewrite <- (member_isIn A a X) in H3.
      apply (H1 a H3).
    apply (all_intro _ _ H2).

  Lemma list_all_elim (X : list A) (ϕ : A hProp) a
    : list_all ϕ X (a X) ϕ a.
    rewrite list_all_set, (member_isIn A a X).
    apply all_elim.

  Definition list_exist (ϕ : A hProp) : list A hProp
    := refinement list list_to_set (exist ϕ).

  Lemma list_exist_set (ϕ : A hProp) (X : list A)
    : list_exist ϕ X = exist ϕ (list_to_set A X).
    induction X ; try reflexivity.

  Lemma listexist_intro (X : list A) (ϕ : A hProp) a
    : a X ϕ a list_exist ϕ X.
    rewrite list_exist_set, (member_isIn A a X).
    apply exist_intro.

  Lemma exist_elim (X : list A) (ϕ : A hProp)
    : list_exist ϕ X hexists (fun aa X × ϕ a).
    rewrite list_exist_set.
    assert (hexists (fun a : Aa (list_to_set A X) × ϕ a)
             hexists (fun a : Aa X × ϕ a))
      as H2.
      intros H1.
      destruct H1 as [a H1].
      rewrite <- (member_isIn A a X) in H1.
      refine (tr(a;H1)).
    intros H1.
    apply (H2 (exist_elim _ _ H1)).

  Context `{MerelyDecidablePaths A}.

  Global Instance dec_memb a (l : list A) : Decidable (a l).
    induction l as [ | a0 l] ; simpl.
    - apply _.
    - unfold Decidable.
      destruct IHl as [t | p].
      × apply (inl(tr(inr t))).
      × destruct (H0 a a0) as [t | p'].
        ** left.
           apply (tr(inl t)).
        ** refine (inr(fun n_)).
           destruct n as [n1 | n2].
           *** apply (p' (tr n1)).
           *** apply (p n2).

  Global Instance dec_memb_list : hasMembership_decidable (list A) A.
    intros a l.
    destruct (dec (a l)).
    - apply true.
    - apply false.

  Lemma fset_list_memb a (l : list A) : a _d (list_to_set A l) = a _d l.
    unfold member_dec, dec_memb_list, fset_member_bool.
    destruct (dec a (list_to_set A l)), (dec a l) ; try reflexivity.
    - contradiction n.
      rewrite <- (f_member _ list_to_set) in t.
      apply t.
    - contradiction n.
      rewrite (f_member _ list_to_set) in t.
      apply t.

  Definition set_length : list A nat
    := refinement list list_to_set length.

  Definition set_length_nil : set_length nil = 0 := idpath.

  Definition set_length_cons a l
    : set_length (cons a l) = if (a _d l) then set_length l else S(set_length l).
    unfold set_length, refinement.
    rewrite length_compute, fset_list_memb.
End refinement_examples.