Library interfaces.monad_interface
The structure of a monad.
Require Import HoTT.
Section functor.
Variable (F : Type → Type).
Context `{Functorish F}.
Class Functor :=
fmap_compose {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) :
fmap F (g o f) = fmap F g o fmap F f
End functor.
Section monad_operations.
Variable (F : Type → Type).
Class hasPure :=
pure : ∀ (A : Type), A → F A
Class hasBind :=
bind : ∀ (A : Type), F(F A) → F A
End monad_operations.
Arguments pure {_} {_} _ _.
Arguments bind {_} {_} _ _.
Section monad.
Variable (F : Type → Type).
Context `{Functor F} `{hasPure F} `{hasBind F}.
Class Monad :=
bind_assoc : ∀ {A : Type},
bind A o bind (F A) = bind A o fmap F (bind A) ;
bind_neutral_l : ∀ {A : Type},
bind A o pure (F A) = idmap ;
bind_neutral_r : ∀ {A : Type},
bind A o fmap F (pure A) = idmap
End monad.
Section functor.
Variable (F : Type → Type).
Context `{Functorish F}.
Class Functor :=
fmap_compose {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) :
fmap F (g o f) = fmap F g o fmap F f
End functor.
Section monad_operations.
Variable (F : Type → Type).
Class hasPure :=
pure : ∀ (A : Type), A → F A
Class hasBind :=
bind : ∀ (A : Type), F(F A) → F A
End monad_operations.
Arguments pure {_} {_} _ _.
Arguments bind {_} {_} _ _.
Section monad.
Variable (F : Type → Type).
Context `{Functor F} `{hasPure F} `{hasBind F}.
Class Monad :=
bind_assoc : ∀ {A : Type},
bind A o bind (F A) = bind A o fmap F (bind A) ;
bind_neutral_l : ∀ {A : Type},
bind A o pure (F A) = idmap ;
bind_neutral_r : ∀ {A : Type},
bind A o fmap F (pure A) = idmap
End monad.