Library list_representation.list_representation

Definition of Finite Sets as via lists.
Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Export set_names.

Module Export FSetC.

  Section FSetC.
    Private Inductive FSetC (A : Type) : Type :=
    | Nil : FSetC A
    | Cns : A FSetC A FSetC A.

    Global Instance fset_empty : A,hasEmpty (FSetC A) := Nil.

    Variable A : Type.
    Arguments Cns {_} _ _.
    Infix ";;" := Cns (at level 8, right associativity).

    Axiom dupl : (a : A) (x : FSetC A),
        a ;; a ;; x = a ;; x.

    Axiom comm_s : (a b : A) (x : FSetC A),
        a ;; b ;; x = b ;; a ;; x.

    Axiom trunc : IsHSet (FSetC A).
  End FSetC.

  Arguments Cns {_} _ _.
  Arguments dupl {_} _ _.
  Arguments comm_s {_} _ _ _.

  Infix ";;" := Cns (at level 8, right associativity).

  Section FSetC_induction.
    Variable (A : Type)
             (P : FSetC A Type)
             (H : x : FSetC A, IsHSet (P x))
             (eP : P )
             (cnsP : (a:A) (x: FSetC A), P x P (a ;; x))
             (duplP : (a: A) (x: FSetC A) (px : P x),
                 dupl a x # cnsP a (a;;x) (cnsP a x px) = cnsP a x px)
             (commP : (a b: A) (x: FSetC A) (px: P x),
                 comm_s a b x # cnsP a (b;;x) (cnsP b x px) =
                 cnsP b (a;;x) (cnsP a x px)).

    Fixpoint FSetC_ind
             (x : FSetC A)
             {struct x}
      : P x
      := (match x return _ _ _ P x with
          | Nilfun _fun _fun _eP
          | a ;; yfun _fun _fun _cnsP a y (FSetC_ind y)
          end) H duplP commP.
  End FSetC_induction.

  Section FSetC_recursion.
    Variable (A : Type)
             (P : Type)
             (H : IsHSet P)
             (nil : P)
             (cns : A P P)
             (duplP : (a: A) (x: P), cns a (cns a x) = (cns a x))
             (commP : (a b: A) (x: P), cns a (cns b x) = cns b (cns a x)).

    Definition FSetC_rec : FSetC A P.
      simple refine (FSetC_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ );
        try (intros; simple refine ((transport_const _ _) @ _ )); cbn.
      - apply nil.
      - apply (fun afun _cns a).
      - apply duplP.
      - apply commP.
  End FSetC_recursion.

  Instance FSetC_recursion A : HitRecursion (FSetC A) :=
      indTy := _; recTy := _;
      H_inductor := FSetC_ind A; H_recursor := FSetC_rec A

  Section FSetC_prim_recursion.
    Variable (A : Type)
             (P : Type)
             (H : IsHSet P)
             (nil : P)
             (cns : A FSetC A P P)
             (duplP : (a : A) (X : FSetC A) (x : P),
                 cns a (a ;; X) (cns a X x) = (cns a X x))
             (commP : (a b: A) (X : FSetC A) (x: P),
                 cns a (b ;; X) (cns b X x) = cns b (a ;; X) (cns a X x)).

    Definition FSetC_prim_rec : FSetC A P.
      simple refine (FSetC_ind A (fun _P) (fun _H) nil cns _ _ );
        try (intros; simple refine ((transport_const _ _) @ _ )); cbn.
      - apply duplP.
      - apply commP.
  End FSetC_prim_recursion.
End FSetC.

Infix ";;" := Cns (at level 8, right associativity).