Two decades of secure software development: Shifting left, right and down
Draft, 2025
Data Processing Diagrams: A Modeling Technique for Privacy in Complex Data Processing Systems
Job Doesburg, Bernard van Gastel and Erik Poll
IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management, "Generating futures", Advances in Infomation and Communication Technology,
Springer, 2024.
Stateful Fuzzing of OPC UA
Cristian Daniele, Mark Fijneman and Erik Poll
17th International Conference on Information Technology and Communications Security (SecITC), LNCS, Springer, 2024
On the (in)efficiency of fuzzing network
Seyed Benham Andarzian, Cristian Daniele, Erik Poll
Annals of Telecommunications, Springer Nature, 2024. Open Access journal version
Uses of Active and Passive Learning in Stateful Fuzzing
Seyed Benham Andarzian, Cristian Daniele, Erik Poll
Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security (FCS), 2024
Fuzzers for Stateful Systems: Survey and Research Directions
Cristian Daniele, Seyed Benham Andarzian, Erik Poll
ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 56, Issue 9, pages 1-23, 2024. An earlier version appeared as arXiv:2301.02490 .
Green-Fuzz: Efficient Fuzzing for Network Protocol Implementations
Seyed Benham Andarzian, Cristian Daniele, Erik Poll
Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2023), LNCS volume 14551, pp 253-268, Springer, 2024
Secure Input Handling
Lecture notes for Software Security course, last updated Aug
Evaluating the Fork-Awareness of Coverage-Guided Fuzzers
Marcello Maugeri, Cristian Daniele, Giampaolo Bella, Erik Poll Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP), pp. 424-429, Scitepress, 2023
Language-Based Security Lecture notes on Software Security course, last updated Aug 2023
Security of EV-charging protocols
Pol Van Aubel and Erik Poll
arXiv:2202.04631, 2022
Deep Repulsive Prototypes for Adversarial Robustness
Alex Serban, Erik Poll, Joost Visser
arXiv:2105.12427, 2021
Compromised through Compression: Privacy Implications of Smart Meter Traffic Analysis
Pol Van Aubel and Erik Poll
EAI SecureComm 2021, Springer, 2021
Blockchain Adoption Drivers: The Rationality of Irrational Choices
Tommy Koens, Pol Van Aubel, Erik Poll
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 33, No. 8, Wiley, 2021.
DOI link
Towards Using Probabilistic Models to Design Software Systems with Inherent Uncertainty
Alex Serban, Erik Poll and Joost Visser
European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), 2020
Adversarial Examples on Object Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey
Alex Serban, Erik Poll and Joost Visser
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 53, No. 3, ACM, 2020. DOI link
Learning to Learn from Mistakes: Robust Optimization for Adversarial Noise
Alex Serban, Erik Poll and Joost Visser
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), 2020
Drivers and Impediments: Experts Opinions on Blockchain Adoption in the Netherlands
Maarten Vergouwen, Tommy Koens, and Erik Poll
International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA), IEEE, 2020
DOI link
Formal Methods for Security Functionality and for Secure
Invited keynote lecture at Formal Methods - The Next 30 Years, Third World Congress, (FM 2019), LNCS Vol. 11800, Springer, 2019
Formal Methods for Security?
In: Huisman et al. (eds), A Research Agenda for Formal Methods in the Netherlands, Technical Report UU-CS-2019-004, University of Utrecht, 2019
Non-Repudiation and End-to-End Security for EV-charging
Pol Van Aubel, Erik Poll and Joost Rijneveld International
Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT-Europe), IEEE, 2019.
DOI link
Smart metering in the Netherlands: what, how and why
Pol Van Aubel and Erik Poll International
Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Volume 109, 2019, pp. 719-725, Elsevier, 2019. DOI link
Adversarial Examples - A Complete Characterisation of the Phenomenon
Alex Serban, Erik Poll and Joost Visser arXiv:1810.01185, 2019
Supervised Learning for State-Sponsored Malware Attribution
Coen Boot, Alex Serban, and Erik Poll. Unpublished manuscript,
Assessing Interoperability Solutions for Distributed Ledgers
Tommy Koens and Erik Poll Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 59, Elsevier, 2019
Strings considered harmful ;login:, volume 43(4), pp. 21-25, USENIX, 2018
(Some) security by construction
through a LangSec approach
Invited keynote talk, ISoLa 2018. LNCS volume 11244, pp. XI-XII, Springer, 2018
A security analysis of the ETSI ITS vehicular communications
Alex Serban, Erik Poll and Joost Visser
Safety, security, and privacy in automotive systems (STRIVE 2018)
at SAFECOMP 2018,
LNCS volume 11094, pp. 365-373, Springer, 2018
What Blockchain Alternative Do You Need?
Tommy Koens and Erik Poll
Data Privacy Management, Cryptocurrencies and
Blockchain Technology (DPM 2018 @ CBT 2018), LNCS volume 11025, pp. 113-129, Springer, 2018.
Is Java Card ready for hash-based signatures?
Joost Rijneveld, Ebo van der Laan, Erik Poll, Joeri de Ruiter, Peter Schwabe and
Jan Verschuren
IWSEC 2018, LNCS volume 11049, pp. 127-142, Springer, 2018.
LangSec revisited: input security flaws of the second kind
5th Workshop on Language-Theoretic Security (LangSec'18), IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, pp. 329-334, IEEE, 2018
A standard driven functional software architecture for fully autonomous vehicles
Alex Serban, Erik Poll and Joost Visser
Workshop of Automotive Software/System Architectures (WASA'18), pp. 120-127, IEEE, 2018
Privacy by Design for Local Energy Communities
Pol Van Aubel, Michael Colesky, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Erik Poll and Carlos Montes Portela,
CIRED workshop on microgrids and local energy communities, AIM/CIRED, 2018
Tactical Safety Reasoning. A Case for Autonomous Vehicles
Alex Serban, Erik Poll and Joost Visser
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring 2018), pp. 1-5, IEEE, 2018
Inferring OpenVPN State Machines Using Protocol State Fuzzing
Lesly-Ann Daniel, Joeri de Ruiter and Erik Poll
SPIDA, EuroS&P Workshops, pp. 11-19, IEEE, 2018
The Drivers behind Blockchain Adoption: The Rationality of Irrational Choices
Tommy Koens and Erik Poll
Large Scale Distributed Virtual Environments (LSDVE) at EuroPar 2018, LNCS volume 11339, pp. 535-545, Springer, 2018
Model Learning and Model Checking of SSH
Paul Fiterau-Brostean, Toon Lenaerts, Erik Poll, Joeri de Ruiter,
Frits Vaandrager and Patrick Verleg
SPIN 2017, pp. 142-151, ACM, 2017.
More info: the inferred models for OpenSSH, DropBear and BitVise and
the source code
Analysing and Improving
Security Code Reviews
Max Tijssen, Erik Poll, Theodoor Scholte and Haiyun Xu
Technical report, 2017
Logical Attacks on Secured Containers of the
Java Card Platform
Sergei Volokitin and Erik Poll
CARDIS 2016, LNCS volume 10146, pp. 122-136, Springer, 2017.
EMV in a nutshell
Jordi van den Breekel, Diego A. Ortiz-Yepes, Erik Poll and Joeri de Ruiter
Technical report, 2016
VerifyThis 2016: A Program Verification
Marieke Huisman, Rosemary Monahan, Peter Müller and Erik Poll
Technical Report, University Twente, 2016
Protocol state fuzzing of TLS
Joeri de Ruiter and Erik Poll
USENIX Security 2015, pp. 193-206, USENIX Association, 2015
More info, incl. inferred models
Securing the information infrastructure for
EV charging
Fabian van den Broek,
Erik Poll and
Bárbara Vieira
International Workshop on Communication Applications in Smart
Grid (CASG 2015), LNICST volume 154, pp. 61-74, Springer, 2015.
An RFID skimming gate using Higher
René Habraken, Peter Dolron, Erik Poll and Joeri de
RFIDsec 2015, LNCS volume 9440, pp. 122-137, Springer, 2015.
Protocol state machines and
session languages: specification, implementation,
and security flaws
Erik Poll, Joeri de Ruiter and Aleksy Schubert
2nd Workshop on Language-Theoretic Security (LangSec'15), Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), pp. 125-133,
IEEE, 2015
A Security Architecture for the
Publish/Subscribe C-DAX Middleware
Florian Heimgärtner, Michael Höfling, Bárbara
Vieira, Erik Poll and Michael Menth
Workshop on Security and Privacy for Internet of
Things and Cyber-Physical Systems (ICC Workshops 2015), pp. 2616-2621, IEEE, 2015
An Information-Centric Communication
Infrastructure for Real-Time State Estimation of Active
Distribution Networks
W.K. Chai, N. Wang, K. V. Katsaros, G. Kamel, S. Melis, M.
Hoefling, B. Vieira, P. Romano, S. Sarri, T. Tsegay, B.
Yang, F. Heimgaertner, M. Pignati, M. Paolone, C. Develder,
M. Menth, G. Pavlou, E. Poll, M. Mampaey and H. Bontius
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 2134-2146, IEEE, 2015.
Analysis of secure key storage solutions on
Tim Cooijmans, Joeri de Ruiter and Erik Poll
Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices (SPSM'2014), pp. 11-20, ACM, 2014
Automated Reverse Engineering using LEGO® .
Also see
movie of our Lego hacker in action .
Georg Chalupar, Stefan Peherstorfer, Erik Poll and Joeri de Ruiter
WOOT (Workshop on Offensive Technologies), USENIX, 2014.
More info and the inferred models
Digitale handtekeningen: nieuwe technologie & nieuwe wet- en regelgeving [Addendum]
Fabian van den Broek and Erik Poll
Privacy & Informatie , Vol 1, pp. 2-10, februari 2014.
A security protocol for Information-Centric Networking in smart grids
Bárbara Vieira and Erik Poll
SEGS (Smart Energy Grid Security Workshop), pp. 1-10, ACM, 2013.
Using Trusted Execution Environments in Two-Factor Authentication: comparing approaches
Roland van Rijswijk-Deij and Erik Poll
Open Identity Summit 2013, Lecture Notes in Informatics, volume 223, pp. 20-31, Springer, 2013.
A comparison of time-memory trade-off attacks on stream ciphers
Fabian van den Broek and Erik Poll,
AFRICACRYPT, LNCS volume 7918, pp. 406-423, Springer, 2013.
Formal models of bank cards for free
Fides Aarts, Erik Poll and Joeri de Ruiter
SECTEST (International Workshop on Security Testing), pp. 461-468, IEEE, 2013.
More info and the inferred models
The Radboud Reader: a minimal trusted smartcard
reader for securing online transactions
Erik Poll and Joeri de Ruiter
Third IFIP WG 11.6 Working Conference, IDMAN 2013. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, volume 396, p. 107-120, Springer, 2013.
Designed to fail: a USB-connected reader for online banking  
Arjan Blom, Gerhard de Koning Gans, Erik Poll, Joeri de Ruiter and Roel Verdult.
NordSec 2012, LNCS volume 7616, pp 1-16, 2012.
Risicoanalyse Slimme Meter Keten: Privacy en Security in het nieuwe marktmodel
Bert-Jan te Paske, Colette Cuijpers, Marko van Eekelen,
Erik Poll and Bas van Schoonhoven.
Report by TNO, Raboud University and Tilburg University for the NMA (Nederlandse Mededigings Autoriteit), TNO report 2012 R10633, 2012.
Formal analysis of the EMV protocol suite
 [F# sources for EMV ]
Joeri de Ruiter and Erik Poll
Theory of Security and Applications (TOSCA 2011), LNCS volume 6993, pp. 113-129, 2012.
Rigorous specifications of the SSH Transport Layer
Erik Poll and Aleksy Schubert
Technical Report ICIS-R11004, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2011.
Biometrics and Smart Cards in Identity Management
Bart Jacobs and Erik Poll
In `Innovating Government. Normative, policy and
technological dimensions of modern government',
S. van der Hof and M. M. Groothuis (eds),
pages 419-439,
T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer, 2011.
Operational and Technical security of Electronic Passports.
Report by PwC, Collis and the Radboud University for the EU
Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation
at the External Borders (FRONTEX), 2011.
Midlet Navigation Graphs in JML
Wojciech Mostowski and Erik Poll
13th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2010), LNCS volume 6527, pp. 17-32, 2010.
Electronic Passports in a Nutshell
Wojciech Mostowski and Erik Poll
Technical Report ICIS-R10004, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 2010.
Risicoanalyse EPD-DigiD naar aanleiding van de A5/1 kwetsbaarheid in GSM
Fabian van den Broek,
Adri de Bruijn,
Erik Poll,
Jeroen Prins,
Erik Verheul and
Otto Vermeulen
Report by PwC and the Radboud Universiteit for the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), 2010.
Teaching program specification and verification using JML and
Erik Poll
Teaching Formal Methods (TFM 2009), LNCS volume 5846, pp. 92-104, 2009
Model-Based Testing of Electronic Passports
Wojciech Mostowski, Erik Poll, Julien Schmaltz, Jan Tretmans en Ronny Wichers Schreur
FMICS 2009, LNCS volume 5825, pp. 207-209, Springer, 2009
Type-based Object Immutability with Flexible Initialization
Christian Haack and Erik Poll
ECOOP 2009, LNCS volume 5653, pp. 520-545, Springer, 2009
A longer version of the paper is available
Technical report ICIS-R09001 , Radboud University Nijmegen, Jan. 2009
Explicit information flow properties in JML
Christian Haack, Erik Poll and Aleksy Schubert
Malicious Code on Java Card Smartcards: Attacks and Countermeasures
Wojciech Mostowski and Erik Poll
CARDIS 2008, LNCS volume 5189, pp. 1-16, Springer, 2008
Formal Nova interface specification: Formal specification of the micro-hypervisor interface
Hendrik Tews, Tjark Weber, Erik Poll, and Marko van Eekelen
Technical report, Radboud University, 2008
Multi-level security, 3 1/2 decades later
Erik Muller, Tim Grant and Erik Poll
13th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium
(ICCRTS'08), Bellevue, Washington, USA, 2008
Fingerprinting Passports
Henning Richter, Wojciech Mostowski and Erik Poll
NLUUG 2008 Spring Conference on Security, pp. 21-30, 2008
BML Reference Manual
Jacek Chrzaszcz,
Marieke Huisman,
Aleksy Schubert,
Joe Kiniry,
Mariela Pavlova and
Erik Poll
In progress. Available online
Testing the Java Card Applet Firewall
[Erratum ]
[Associated software for these tests ]
Wojciech Mostowski and Erik Poll
Technical Report ICIS-R07029, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, December 2007.
AHA: Amortized Heap Space Usage Analysis
Marko van Eekelen, Olha Shkaravska, Ron van Kesteren, Bart Jacobs, Erik Poll and Sjaak Smetsers.
In: M. Morazán and H. Nillsson (eds). Trends in Functional Programming volume 8 (Selected Papers of the Eighth Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2007), 2008. pp. 36-53.
Computer security
through correctness and transparancy
Hans Meijer, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Bart Jacobs and Erik Poll
In: K. de Leeuw, J. Bergstra
(eds.), The
History of Information Security , pp. 637-653 , Elsevier, 2007
Testing the eSTV program for the Scottish local government electiona s
Pieter Koopman, Engelbert Hubbers, Wolter Pieters, Erik Poll, and Rene de Vries
Technical report, Radboud University, 2007
A JML Tutorial: Modular Specification and Verification of Functional Behavior for Java
Gary T. Leavens, Joseph R. Kiniry and Erik Poll
CAV'07, LNCS volume 4590, pp. 37, Springer, 2007.
Verifying an implementation of SSH
Erik Poll and Aleksy Schubert
WITS'07, pp. 164-177, 2007 [Figure 2 corrected since publication in WITS'07]
Immutable Objects for a Java-like Language
Christian Haack, Erik Poll, Jan Schäfer and Aleksy Schubert
ESOP'07, LNCS volume 4421, pp. 347-362, Springer, 2007
A Comparison of Java Cards: State-of-Affairs 2006
Wojciech Mostowski, Jing Pan, Srikanth Akkiraju, Erik de Vink, Erik Poll and Jerry den Hartog
CS-Report CSR 07-06, TU Eindhoven, 2007.
Mobius: Mobility, ubiquity, security
G. Barthe, L. Beringer, P. Crégut, B. Gregoire, M. Hoffman, P. Müller, E. Poll, G. Puebla, I. Stark and E. Vétillard. In Trustworthy Global
Computing (TGC'06), LNCS volume 4661, pp 10-29, Springer, 2007
Tearing Java Cards
Engelbert Hubbers, Wojciech Mostowski and Erik Poll
e-Smart 2006
JML Reference Manual
Gary T. Leavens, Erik Poll, Curtis Clifton, Yoonsik Cheon,
Clyde Ruby, David Cok, Peter Müller, Joseph Kiniry,
Patrice Chalin
In progress, 2002-...
Beyond Assertions: Advanced Specification and
Verification with JML and ESC/Java2
Patrice Chalin, Joe Kiniry, Gary Leavens and Erik Poll
LNCS volume 4111, pp. 342-363, Springer, 2005
An overview of JML tools and applications
Lilian Burdy, Yoonsik Cheon, David Cok, Michael Ernst,
Joe Kiniry, Gary T. Leavens, K. Rustan M. Leino and Erik Poll
STTT, volume 7, Number 3, pp. 212-232, Springer, 2005
Available at
Transactions and non-atomic API methods in Java Card: specification ambiguity and strange implementation behaviours
Engelbert Hubbers and Erik Poll
Technical Report NIII-R0438, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2004.
Reasoning about Card Tears and Transactions in Java Card
Engelbert Hubbers and Erik Poll
FASE'04 , pp. 114 - 128, LNCS volume 2984, Springer, 2004.
Java Program Verification at Nijmegen: Developments and Perspective
Bart Jacobs and Erik Poll
Software Security - Theories and Systems (ISSS'03) ,
pp. 134-153, LNCS volume 3233, Springer, 2004.
Formal Techniques for Java-Like Programs
Susan Eisenbach, Gary T. Leavens, Peter Müller, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter and Erik Poll
ECOOP 2003 Workshop Reader, LNCS volume 3013, pp. 62-71, 2004
Coalgebras and Monads in the Semantics of Java
Bart Jacobs and Erik Poll
Theoretical Computer Science , volume 291, Issue 3, pp. 329-349, Elsevier, 2003
Implementing a Formally Verifiable Security Protocol in Java Card
Engelbert Hubbers, Martijn Oostdijk and Erik Poll
SPC'03 ,
First International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing,
Boppard, Germany, 2003
Verifying JML specifications with model fields
Cees-Bart Breunesse and Erik Poll
ECOOP workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP'03) ,
Darmstadt, July 2003
An overview of JML tools and applications
Lilian Burdy, Yoonsik Cheon, David Cok, Michael Ernst,
Joe Kiniry, Gary T. Leavens, K. Rustan M. Leino and Erik Poll
FMICS'03, volume 80 of ENTCS, Elsevier, 2003
From Finite State Machines to Provably Correct JavaCard Applets
Engelbert Hubbers, Martijn Oostdijk and Erik Poll
Workshop of IFIP WG 11.2 - Small Systems Security,
SEC'03, Athens, May 2003
Opportunities and challenges for formal specification of Java programs
Joseph Kiniry and Erik Poll
Position paper, Trusted Components Workshop , Prato, Italy, January 2003
Static Analysis for JML's assignable Clauses
Fausto Spoto and Erik Poll
(International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages),
New Orleans, January 2003
A Java Reference Model of Transacted Memory for Smart Cards
Erik Poll, Pieter Hartel and Eduard de Jong
Fifth Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (CARDIS'02) , pp. 75-86, USENIX, 2002
Formal specifications for the Java Card API 2.1.1
written in the specification language JML
Formal Techniques for Java-Like Programs
Sophia Drossopoulou, Susan Eisenbach, Gary T. Leavens, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter and Erik Poll
ECOOP 2002 Workshop Reader, LNCS volume 2548, pp. 203-210, 2002
Towards a full formal specification of the Java Card API
Hans Meijer and Erik Poll
Smart Card Programming and Security ,
LNCS volume 2140, pp. 165-178, Springer, 2001
Formal Specification and Verification of JavaCard's Application Identifier Class
Joachim van den Berg, Bart Jacobs and Erik Poll
Java on Smart Cards: Programming and Security ,
LNCS volume 2041, pp. 137-150, Springer, 2001
A Coalgebraic Semantics of Subtyping
Erik Poll
Theoretical Informatics and Applications , volume 35(1), pp. 61-82, 2001
Formal Specification of the JavaCard API in JML: the APDU class
Erik Poll, Joachim van den Berg, Bart Jacobs
Computer Networks , volume 36, Issue 4, pp. 407-421, Elsevier Science, 2001.
On the Role of Invariants in Reasoning about Object-Oriented
Joachim van den Berg, Cees-Bart Breunesse, Bart Jacobs, Erik Poll
ECOOP workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs (FTfJP'01) ,
Budapest, June 2001
From Algebras and Coalgebras to Dialgebras
Erik Poll and Jan Zwanenburg
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'01) ,
volume 44 of ENTCS,
Elsevier, 2001
Formal Techniques for Java-Like Programs
Sophia Drossopoulou, Susan Eisenbach, Gary T. Leavens, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter and Erik Poll
ECOOP 2001 Workshop Reader, LNCS volume 2323, pp. 30-40, 2001
VerifiCard: A European Project for Smart Card Verification.
Bart Jacobs, Hans Meijer and Erik Poll
In: Newsletter 5 of the Dutch Association for Theoretical Computer Science (NVTI), 2001
A Logic for the Java Modeling Language JML
Bart Jacobs and Erik Poll
FASE'01 , LNCS volume 2029, pp. 284-299, Springer, 2001
JML: notations and tools supporting detailed design in Java
Gary T. Leavens, K. Rustan M. Leino, Erik Poll, Clyde Ruby and Bart Jacobs
OOPSLA 2000 Companion , Minneapolis, USA, October 2000
Specification of the JavaCard API in JML
Erik Poll, Joachim van den Berg, Bart Jacobs
Fourth Smart Card Research and Advanced Application IFIP Conference (CARDIS'2000) ,
First steps in formalising JML
Joachim van den Berg, Bart Jacobs and Erik Poll
ECOOP workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs (FTfJP'2000) ,
Sophia Antipolis, France, 2000
A Monad for Basic Java Semantics
Bart Jacobs and Erik Poll
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST'2000) ,
LNCS volume 1816,
pp. 150-164, Springer, 2000
A Coalgebraic Semantics of Subtyping
Erik Poll
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'2000) ,
volume 33 of ENTCS,
Elsevier, 2000
Integrating Computer Algebra and Reasoning through the Type System of Aldor
Erik Poll and Simon Thompson
Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS'2000) ,
LNCS volume 1794,
pp. 136-150, Springer, 2000
A Type-Theoretic Memory Model for Verification of Sequential Java Programs
Joachim van den Berg, Marieke Huisman, Bart Jacobs and Erik Poll
14th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT'99) ,
LNCS volume 1827, Springer, 2000.
Safe Proof Checking in Type Theory with Y
Herman Geuvers, Erik Poll and Jan Zwanenburg
Computer Science Logic (CSL'99) ,
LNCS volume 1683,
pp. 439-452, Springer,
The Type System of Aldor
Erik Poll and Simon Thompson
Technical Report 11-99
University of Kent at Canterbury, 1999.
Also as Technical Report CSI-R9928, University of Nijmegen, 1999.
Book review of "Algebra of Programming" by Richard Bird and Oege de Moor
Erik Poll and Simon Thompson
Journal of Functional Programming , volume 9, issue 3, pp. 347-354, May 1999. © Cambridge University Press
A Logic for Abstract Data Types as Existential Types
Erik Poll and Jan Zwanenburg
Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications (TLCA'99) ,
LNCS volume 1581, pp. 310-324, Springer, 1999
Adding the axioms to Axiom:
Towards a system of automated reasoning in Aldor
Erik Poll and Simon Thompson
Calculemus and Types'98 , Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Also as Technical Report 6-98, University of Kent at Canterbury, 1998.
Behavioural Subtyping for a Type-Theoretic Model of Objects
Erik Poll
FOOL5: Fifth International Workshop on Foundations of
Object-Oriented Languages , San Diego, USA, 1998
Expansion Postponement for Normalising Pure Type Systems
Erik Poll
Journal of Functional Programming , volume 8, issue 1, pp. 89-98, 1998
Subtyping and Inheritance for Categorical Datatypes
Erik Poll
Theories of Types and Proofs (TTP-Kyoto) ,
RIMS Lecture Notes 1023,
pp. 112-125,
Kyoto University Research Insitute for Mathematical Sciences, 1997
Subtyping and Inheritance for Inductive Types
Erik Poll
TYPES'97 Workshop on Subtyping, inheritance and
modular development of proofs , Durham, UK, 1997
System F with width-subtyping and record updating
Erik Poll
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software (TACS'97) ,
LNCS volume 1281, pp. 439-457, Springer, 1997
Pure Type Systems with Definitions
Paula Severi and Erik Poll
Logical Foundations of Computing Science (LFCS'94) , number 813 in LNCS, pp. 316-328. Springer, 1994
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