Education Innovation

Over the last fifteen years, my professional journey has centred around research and teaching at the university level, reflecting a passion rooted in childhood. Since my earliest years, I've been drawn to the joy of understanding and the thrill of those crucial moments of insight, particularly within mathematics, which represents the essence of human thinking for me. However, it's been in the past eight years that my focus has gradually shifted towards identifying and addressing challenges in education through various projects aimed at innovation.

During this time, I've carried out a number of projects with the goal of reimagining educational practices, from encouraging science students to take ownership of their learning to creating engaging learning materials and designing courses based on the growth mindset. While these projects have been meaningful to me and to the participants, my primary enthusiasm lies in reshaping computer science education to better align with the realities and challenges of the modern world, while also striving for inclusivity and efficiency.

In essence, my goal is to contribute to the improvement of computer science education, making it more accessible, engaging, and relevant to both learners and educators alike. I hope to play an important part in shaping a more dynamic and impactful educational landscape, one that nurtures the potential of each individual while preparing them for the complexities of tomorrow.