module SyntaxRaw where

import Level
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit as Unit
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.List as List renaming ([] to Ø; [_] to [_]L)
open import NonEmptyList as NList
open import Data.Vec as Vec hiding ([_]; _++_)
open import Data.Product as Prod
open import Function

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PE hiding ([_])
open import Relation.Binary using (module IsEquivalence; Setoid; module Setoid)
open ≡-Reasoning

open import Common.Context as Context

open import Algebra
open Monoid {{ ... }} hiding (refl)

data Phantom {A : Set} (a : A) : Set where
  phantom : Phantom a

record Univ (P : Phantom tt) : Set where
    x : 

U : Set
U = Σ (Phantom tt) Univ

 : U
 = (phantom , record { x = tt })

length' : {A : Set}  List A  
length' Ø = 0
length' (x  xs) = suc (length' xs)

length'-hom : {A : Set}  (l₁ l₂ : List A) 
             length' (l₁ ++ l₂)  length' l₁ + length' l₂
length'-hom Ø        l₂ = refl
length'-hom (x  l₁) l₂ = cong suc (length'-hom l₁ l₂)

length'ᵣ-1 : {A : Set} (l : List A) (a : A) 
             (length' l) + 1  length' (l ++ a  Ø)
length'ᵣ-1 Ø a = refl
length'ᵣ-1 (x  l) a = cong suc (length'ᵣ-1 l a)

length'-commute₁ : {A : Set} (l : List A) (a : A) 
                   length' (a  l)  length' (l ++ a  Ø)
length'-commute₁ Ø a = refl
length'-commute₁ (x  l) a = cong suc (length'-commute₁ l a)

mvVar :  {A} (Γ₁ Γ₂ : List A) (x : A)  Γ₂ ++ x  Γ₁  Γ₂  x ++ Γ₁
mvVar Γ₁ Ø x = refl
mvVar Γ₁ (y  Γ₂) x = cong  u  y  u) (mvVar Γ₁ Γ₂ x)

mvVar-length :  {A} (Γ₁ Γ₂ : List A) (x : A) 
               length' (Γ₂ ++ x  Γ₁)  length' (Γ₂  x ++ Γ₁)
mvVar-length Γ₁ Γ₂ x = cong length' (mvVar Γ₁ Γ₂ x)

data FP : Set where
  μ : FP
  ν : FP

RawCtx : Set
RawCtx = Ctx U

instance ctx-monoid : Monoid _ _
ctx-monoid = List.monoid U

RawVar : RawCtx  U  Set
RawVar = Var

TyCtx : Set
TyCtx = Ctx RawCtx

instance tyctx-monoid : Monoid _ _
tyctx-monoid = List.monoid RawCtx

TyVar : TyCtx  RawCtx  Set
TyVar = Var

CtxMor : (TyCtx  RawCtx  RawCtx  Set)  RawCtx  RawCtx  Set
CtxMor R Γ₁ Γ₂ = Vec (R Ø Γ₁ Ø) (length' Γ₂)

FpData : (TyCtx  RawCtx  RawCtx  Set)  TyCtx  RawCtx  Set
FpData R Θ Γ = NList (Σ RawCtx  Γ'  CtxMor R Γ' Γ × R (Γ  Θ) Γ' Ø))

-- | List of types, context morphisms and terms (Aₖ, fₖ, gₖ) such that
--            Γₖ, x : Aₖ[C/X] ⊢ gₖ : C fₖ or
--            Γₖ, x : C fₖ ⊢ gₖ : Aₖ[C/X],
-- which are the premisses of the rule for recursion and corecursion,
-- respectively.
FpMapData : (TyCtx  RawCtx  RawCtx  Set)  RawCtx  Set
FpMapData R Γ = NList (Σ RawCtx λ Γ' 
                         R [ Γ ]L Γ' Ø × CtxMor R Γ' Γ × R Ø (  Γ') Ø)

-- | Types and objects with their corresponding (untyped) type, object
-- variable contexts and parameter contexts.
-- Note that, if Θ | Γ₁ ⊢ M ⊸ Γ₂, i.e., M : Raw Θ Γ₁ Γ₂,
-- then Γ₂ needs to be read in reverse. The reason is that Γ₂ signifies
-- parameters that are instantiated in application-style. Also, variables
-- can be moved for types like in
-- Γ₁, x : A ⊢ B : Γ₂(∗)  → Γ₁ ⊢ λx.B : (x : A) ⊸ Γ₂(∗).
data Raw : TyCtx  RawCtx  RawCtx  Set where
  ----- Common constructors
  instRaw : {Θ : TyCtx} {Γ₁ Γ₂ : RawCtx} {A : U} 
            Raw Θ Γ₁ (Γ₂  A)  Raw Ø Γ₁ Ø  Raw Θ Γ₁ Γ₂

  ----- Object constructors
  unitRaw : (Γ : RawCtx)  Raw Ø Γ Ø
  objVarRaw : {Γ : RawCtx} {A : U}  RawVar Γ A  Raw Ø Γ Ø
  -- | initial/final dialgebra. dialgRaw ρ k is either αₖ or ξₖ, depending on ρ.
  dialgRaw : (Δ : RawCtx) (Γ : RawCtx) (A : U)  FP    Raw Ø Δ (A  Γ)
  recRaw : (Γ Δ : RawCtx)  FpMapData Raw Γ  FP  Raw Ø Δ (  Γ)

  ----- Type constructors
  ⊤-Raw : (Θ : TyCtx) (Γ : RawCtx)  Raw Θ Γ Ø
  tyVarRaw : {Θ : TyCtx} (Γ₁ : RawCtx) {Γ₂ : RawCtx}  TyVar Θ Γ₂  Raw Θ Γ₁ Γ₂
  paramAbstrRaw : {Θ : TyCtx} {Γ₂ : RawCtx} (Γ₁ : RawCtx) {A : U} 
                  Raw Θ (A  Γ₁) Γ₂  Raw Θ Γ₁ (Γ₂  A)
  -- | Constructor for fixed points. The first component is intended to be
  -- the context morphism, the second is the type.
  fpRaw : {Θ : TyCtx} {Γ₂ : RawCtx} (Γ₁ : RawCtx) 
          FP  FpData Raw Θ Γ₂  Raw Θ Γ₁ Γ₂

weakenObjVar : (Γ₁ : RawCtx) {Γ₂ : RawCtx} 
               (A : U) {B : U}  RawVar (Γ₁ ++ Γ₂) B  RawVar (Γ₁ ++ A  Γ₂) B
weakenObjVar Ø         A x           = succ _ x
weakenObjVar (._  Γ₁) A zero        = zero
weakenObjVar (B  Γ₁)  A (succ ._ x) = succ _ (weakenObjVar Γ₁ A x)

weaken : {Θ : TyCtx} (Γ₁ : RawCtx) {Γ₂ Γ₃ : RawCtx} 
         (A : U)  Raw Θ (Γ₁ ++ Γ₂) Γ₃  Raw Θ (Γ₁ ++ A  Γ₂) Γ₃
weaken Γ₁ {Γ₂} A (instRaw t s)                     =
  instRaw (weaken Γ₁ A t) (weaken Γ₁ A s)
weaken Γ₁ {Γ₂} A (unitRaw .(Γ₁ ++ Γ₂))             = unitRaw _
weaken Γ₁ {Γ₂} A (objVarRaw x)         =
  objVarRaw (weakenObjVar Γ₁ A x)
weaken Γ₁ {Γ₂} A (dialgRaw .(Γ₁ ++ Γ₂) Γ B ρ k)    = dialgRaw _ Γ B ρ k
weaken Γ₁ {Γ₂} A (recRaw Γ .(Γ₁ ++ Γ₂) gs ρ)       = recRaw Γ _ gs ρ
weaken Γ₁ {Γ₂} A (⊤-Raw Θ .(Γ₁ ++ Γ₂))             = ⊤-Raw Θ _
weaken Γ₁ {Γ₂} A (tyVarRaw .(Γ₁ ++ Γ₂) X)          = tyVarRaw _ X
weaken Γ₁ {Γ₂} A (paramAbstrRaw .(Γ₁ ++ Γ₂) {B} C) =
  paramAbstrRaw (Γ₁ ++ A  Γ₂) (weaken (B  Γ₁) A C)
weaken Γ₁ {Γ₂} A (fpRaw .(Γ₁ ++ Γ₂) ρ D)           = fpRaw _ ρ D

weaken₁ :  {Θ Γ₁ Γ₂}  (A : U)  Raw Θ Γ₁ Γ₂  Raw Θ (A  Γ₁) Γ₂
weaken₁ = weaken Ø

ctxid : (Γ : RawCtx)  CtxMor Raw Γ Γ
ctxid Ø = []
ctxid (A  Γ) = (objVarRaw {A  Γ} {A} zero)
        (weaken Ø A) (ctxid Γ)

-- | Build the instantiation "t f" of a raw term t by a context morphism f
instWCtxMor : {Θ : TyCtx} {Γ₁ Γ₂ Γ₃ : RawCtx} 
              Raw Θ Γ₁ (Γ₃ ++ Γ₂)  CtxMor Raw Γ₁ Γ₂  Raw Θ Γ₁ Γ₃
instWCtxMor {Θ} {Γ₁} {Ø} {Γ₃} t [] = subst (Raw Θ Γ₁) (proj₂ identity Γ₃) t
instWCtxMor {Θ} {Γ₁} {x  Γ₂} {Γ₃} t (s  f) =
  instRaw (instWCtxMor (subst (Raw Θ Γ₁) (mvVar _ Γ₃ x) t) f) s

-- | Retrieve the term to be substituted for a variable from a context morphism
get : {R : TyCtx  RawCtx  RawCtx  Set} {Γ₁ Γ₂ : RawCtx} {A : U} 
      CtxMor R Γ₂ Γ₁  RawVar Γ₁ A  R Ø Γ₂ Ø
get {R} {Ø}       []     ()
get {R} {_  Γ₁} (M  f) zero        = M
get {R} {_  Γ₁} (M  f) (succ ._ x) = get {R} f x

-- | Extends a context morphism to be the identity on a new variable
extend : {Γ₁ Γ₂ : RawCtx} 
         (A : U)  CtxMor Raw Γ₂ Γ₁  CtxMor Raw (A  Γ₂) (A  Γ₁)
extend {Γ₁} {Γ₂} A f = (objVarRaw {A  Γ₂} {A} zero)  ( (weaken₁ A) f)

-- | Substitution on raw terms
substRaw :  {Θ Γ₁ Γ Γ₂}  Raw Θ Γ₁ Γ  CtxMor Raw Γ₂ Γ₁  Raw Θ Γ₂ Γ
substRaw (instRaw M N)         f = instRaw (substRaw M f) (substRaw N f)
substRaw (unitRaw Γ)           f = unitRaw _
substRaw (objVarRaw x)         f = get {Raw} f x
substRaw (dialgRaw Δ Γ A ρ k)  f = dialgRaw _ Γ A ρ k
substRaw (recRaw Γ Δ gs ρ)     f = recRaw Γ _ gs ρ
substRaw (⊤-Raw Θ Γ)           f = ⊤-Raw Θ _
substRaw (tyVarRaw Γ₁ X)       f = tyVarRaw _ X
substRaw (paramAbstrRaw Γ₁ A)  f = paramAbstrRaw _ (substRaw A (extend _ f))
substRaw (fpRaw Γ₁ ρ D)        f = fpRaw _ ρ D

-- | Context morphism that projects on arbitrary prefix of a context
ctxProjRaw : (Γ₁ Γ₂ : RawCtx)  CtxMor Raw (Γ₂ ++ Γ₁) Γ₁
ctxProjRaw Γ₁ Ø = ctxid Γ₁
ctxProjRaw Γ₁ (A  Γ₂) = (weaken₁ A) (ctxProjRaw Γ₁ Γ₂)

-- | Extend one step weakening to weakening by arbitrary contexts
weaken' :  {Θ Γ₁ Γ₃} 
          (Γ₂ : RawCtx)  Raw Θ Γ₁ Γ₃  Raw Θ (Γ₂ ++ Γ₁) Γ₃
weaken' {Γ₁ = Γ₁} Γ₂ t = substRaw t (ctxProjRaw Γ₁ Γ₂)

--- Examples

_︵_ : {A : Set}  A  A  List A
a  b = a  b  Ø

-- | Binary product type
ProdRaw : (Γ : RawCtx)  Raw (Γ  Γ) Ø Γ
ProdRaw Γ = fpRaw Ø ν D
    Δ = Γ  Γ

    A : TyVar (Γ  Δ) Γ
    A = succ Γ zero

    B : TyVar (Γ  Δ) Γ
    B = succ Γ (succ Γ zero)

    D₁ = (Γ , ctxid Γ , instWCtxMor (tyVarRaw Γ A) (ctxid Γ))

    D₂ = (Γ , ctxid Γ , instWCtxMor (tyVarRaw Γ B) (ctxid Γ))

    D : FpData Raw Δ Γ
    D = D₁  [ D₂ ]