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Privacy Seminar 2024

Introduction Schedule See also: Course organisation

This is the main web site for the Privacy Seminar (course code NWI-I00136).

Previous editions: spring 2023.


In this seminar we will explore the state of the art in privacy enhancing technologies (PET), and discuss theories (technical, legal and societal) of privacy. In this seminar, you collaborate in a group, and give a student lecture and write a student paper. Both determine your final grade. Presence is mandatory.

Detailed information can be found in the Course organisation. Read it carefully!



Announcements will be made through Brightspace.


Lectures take place from 10:30-12:30 in HG00.622. See the schedule below for details.

Physical presence is mandatory. Given the fact that this seminar is highly interactive, no live stream or other ways of participating online is offered.

Slides of presentations that are available are linked from here. The links are released after the lecture.


  • Paper skeleton: April 11, 2024.
  • Final paper: June 6, 2024.

Both deadlines: 23:59 CET

Date Time Topic Deadline
1-2 10:30 Course organisation and Privacy: an overview, by Jaap-Henk Hoepman
8-2 10:30 Basic techniques, by Jaap-Henk Hoepman.
15-2 10:30 (no lecture)
22-2 10:30 (no lecture)
29-2 10:30 (no lecture)
7-3 10:30 Privacy friendly location based services
14-3 10:30 Privacy friendly search
21-3 (no lecture)
28-3 (no lecture)
4-4 (no lecture)
11-4 10:30 Searching in encrypted databases skeleton
18-4 10:30 Privacy in machine learning
25-4 10:30 Polymorhpic encryption
13:30 Revocable privacy
2-5 (no lecture)
9-5 (no lecture)
16-5 10:30 Privacy friendly revocation of credentials
23-5 (no lecture)
30-5 10:30 Privacy in asynchronous messaging
13:30 Privacy friendly identity management
6-6 10:30 Secure multiparty computation final paper
13:30 Anonymous cryptocurrencies

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Maintained by Jaap-Henk Hoepman
Email: jhh@cs.ru.nl