By Rianne Kaptein, Oxyme
During IIIX 2012 there was quite some activity on Twitter. We tracked all the messages containing the conference hashtag #iiix2012, that mention the user @iiix2012, and the messages about the EuroHCIR workshop containing the hashtag #eurohcir.
This leads to the following numbers:
- 1219 tweets were sent
- by 71 distinct users
- 574 (47%) of the tweets were retweets
- 167 (14%) of the tweets contain links
The most active user, @gingdottwit sent out 506 tweets, 42% of the total tweets! The top 5 most active users together produced 75% of all tweets. So, if you want a good coverage of your conference on Twitter, be sure to invite some of the super active Twitter users.
The links that are shared contain mostly pictures of the conference, links to presentations, papers and project homepages. People are already looking forward to the next IIIX: the most frequently retweeted tweet is the announcement of the IIIX 2014 in Regensburg with 7 retweets.
From the wordcloud we can see, search is the most mentioned word, followed by now. Many tweets are about the talk that is going on at that moment. Diane Kelly’s keynote generated the largest amount of tweets: 67. Besides seeing ‘Diane’ mentioned in the wordcloud, there is also a clear peak in Tweets during her keynote at 4pm as can be seen in the figure of Twitter volume of August 23.
A quick and dirty sentiment analysis based on keywords shows there is a large amount of neutral tweets, a negligible amount of negative tweets, and a little more than 10% of positive tweets. So, judging by the tweets the conference was very successful!