Dan Frumin (home page)


I am currently a postdoc researcher in Jorge Perez’s group Fundamental Computing. I am interested in concurrency, type theory, logic, and program semantics.

Previously I was a PhD student under the supervision of Herman Geuvers, Freek Wiedijk, and Robbert Krebbers. My thesis is in the last editing stage and will be available online soon. The public defense will happen on the 12th of March 2021, at 11:30.

A lot of my research is supported by Coq formalizations, and during my work I have contributed to Iris, std++ and UniMath. Also check out ReLoC and SeLoC!

Contact information

  • Email: d.frumin `at` rug.nl
  • Office: 01.01, Mercator 1 building, Toernooiveld 212, Nijmegen 6525 EC working from home :(


Publications and preprints

