ReLoC: A Mechanised Relational Logic for Fine-Grained Concurrency

ReLoC is a mechanised logic for interactively proving contextual refinements of programs in a language with higher-order state, fine-grained concurrency, polymorphism and existential and recursive types.
ReLoC is built on top of Iris—state of the art concurrent separation logic.
ReLoC ReLoaded
A new version of ReLoC is under development and is available online at Do check it out!
- Read a recent (2020) pre-print describing ReLoC ReLoaded.
- Check out an accompanying Technical appendix (last edited June 24, 2020).
ReLoC Reloaded improves on the logic described in the LICS18 paper in
several ways. In terms of the formalization it works with the latest
version of Iris, and it is build directly on top of heap_lang
– the
programming language that comes directly with Iris.
Guide to the examples
- The “bit” module/simple representation independence example is in
. - The counter refinement and the logically atomic specification for the fine-grained counter are in
. - The specifications for the spin lock are in
. - The HOCAP-style specifications for the counter are in
and the ticket lock refinement is inexperimental/hocap/ticket_lock.v
. - Equivalences between different fixed point combinator are in
. - The coin flip example is in
and the late/early choice example is inexamples/lateearlychoice.v
. - The (in)equational theory of non-deterministic choice is in
. - Treiber stack refinement is in
. - A number of “higher order functions with state” examples from Dreyer, Neis, Birkedal ’10 are in
. - A number of examples from SDRI are in
, andexamples/cell.v
. - The stack with helping example is in
Legacy version
Below you can find the documentation and code associated with the previous version of ReLoC.
- LICS 2018 Preprint
- Technical report, contains some notes on the formalisation, linking the rules, proofs and statements from the paper to those in the Coq source code
- LICS slides
- Slides from the Logic and Semantics seminar in Aarhus
- Slides from the EUTypes meeting in Krakow by Robbert Krebbers
Compiling legacy version
The legacy version of ReLoC that accompanied the LICS18 paper is still available online.
This version compiles only with older versions of Iris (and I’ve only tested it with Coq 8.6). The following libraries are the prerequisites:
- std++ version 6117c3e4a57307fd374780836a130ac86608d8cd
- Iris version c22e7b339288ee006eea1046abb80f65fc169a6f
- autosubst branch coq86-devel (either download a .zip from github or do
git checkout coq86-devel
Once all the dependencies are installed, just run make
in the top-level directory.