Anton Golov
A1: Markel Zubia
Rush Hour is PSPACE-Complete, or "Why you should generously tip parking lot attendants"
Gary William Flake, Eric B. Baum
Theoretical Computer Science 270 (2002)
A Rush Hour puzzle consists of a 6x6 board with an
arrangement of 1x2 and 1x3 cars. One edge of the board
is marked as the exit, and the goal is to reach that exit
with a specific car. Cars may only move along their
axis; that is, a car can drive forward or backwards,
but not sideways, and cannot turn. You can try it out online.
This paper studies the difficulty of Rush Hour when
generalised to an n x n grid. Given a different
puzzle (say, a Sudoku) can we encode it as an instance of
Rush Hour within polynomial time? That is, can we
(efficiently) find a Rush Hour configuration that
has a solution if and only if the puzzle we started with
has a solution?
The paper resolves this question by showing that any problem
that can be solved in polynomial space can be encoded as a
Rush Hour puzzle. The construction involves defining
a model of computation, the lazy reversible dual-rail
(LRD) machine, which can simulate a linear-bounded Turing
machine, and showing that this can be implemented as a
Rush Hour puzzle.
Bas Terwijn
B1: (not assigned)
one of the two following papers:
Extending partial combinatory algebras
Inge Bethke, Jan Willem Klop, Roel de Vrijer
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 9(4), June 1999
Completion of partial combinatory algebras
A partial combinatory algebra (pca) is a set A with an partial
application operator, satisfying a property called combinatory
completeness. An equivalent definition is that an applicative
structure is a combinatory complete if and only if it has
Curry combinators k and s, as in combinatory algebra.
For example,
Kleene's first model K_1 defines application on the natural numbers
by nm = phi_n(m), where phi_n is the n-th partial computable function.
K_1 is a pca by the S-m-n-theorem. In fact, the property of
combinatory completeness is the formal analogue of the S-m-n-theorem.
A pca may be embedded in another pca in which more applications are
defined. A general question is whether every pca has a completion,
i.e. an embedding into a total combinatory algebra. A negative answer
to this was given by Klop in 1983, cf. [1]. The goal of this project
is to understand the problem, and to get an idea of the proof as much
as possible. There is also other work related to this (e.g. by Asperti),
that might be considered as well.
Hardness vs randomness
Noam Nisan, Avi Wigderson
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 49(2), October 1994
Random oracles and pseudorandom generators
For an arbitrary set A, we can ask what can be computed from A
when we consider A as an oracle, i.e. when given free access to
membership queries about A. This gives the notion of computation
relative to A.
For a complexity class C, we denote by C^A the class relativized to
oracle A. Now define
almost-C = { B | B is in C^A for almost every A }
We have the following results:
COMP = almost-COMP (Sacks)
BPP = almost-P (Bennett and Gill)
PH = almost-PH (Nisan and Wigderson)
The latter result uses the theory of pseudorandom generators,
which is the most challenging part of this topic. The existence
of this prg has many other consequences, and has led to the
speculation that BPP = P.
Cynthia Kop
C1: (not assigned)
Proving Non-Looping Non-Termination Automatically
Fabian Emmes, Tim Enger, Jürgen Giesl
IJCAR 2012
This paper discusses a method to automatically prove non-termination
of term rewriting systems. It particularly considers systems where
traditional methods fail, because there isn't an obvious "loop".
C2: Suzan Erven
Higher-Order Critical Pairs
Tobias Nipkow
This paper introduces a method of higher-order term rewriting: term
rewriting systems with simple types and lambda-abstractions. It also
extends the critical pair lemma (from traditional term rewriting) to
this setting.
Freek Wiedijk
F1: (not assigned)
Relaxing Safely: Verified On-the-Fly Garbage Collection for x86-TSO
Peter Gammie, Antony L. Hosking, Kai Engelhardt
PLDI 2015
This paper describes a formalization of the correctness
of a state-of-the-art garbage collector using the proof
assistant Isabelle/HOL. The garbage collector is concurrent,
and is designed for multi-core archtitectures with weak
memory consistency, the x86-TSO memory model that has a
"relaxed" memory semantics. The paper consists of two
parts: the first half describes the garbage collector,
and the second describes the formalization.
F2: Márk Széles
Bindings as Bounded Natural Functors
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Lorenzo Gheri, Andrei Popescu, Dmitriy Traytel
POPL 2019
[extended version]
[slides of a related talk]
In the Isabelle proof assistant, inductive and coinductive
datatypes are not primitive in the logic (like in Coq and
Lean), but are defined as fixpoints of bounded natural
functors. This paper applies this technology to datatypes
that contain binders.
F3: (not assigned)
Generalizing Automath by means of a lambda-typed lambda calculus
N.G. de Bruijn
Mathematical logic and theoretical computer science, 1994
De Bruijn was with his Automath language one of the founders
of the field of type theory. He developed a variant of
type theory called ΔΛ, in which the distinction between
functions (λ) and function types (Π) does not exist. This
variant is very interesting, but not very well known.
In this paper he introduces the ΔΛ calculus, and describes
a way to typecheck it.
Herman Geuvers
H1: Menno Bartels
Martin Hofmann's Case for Non-Strictly Positive Data Types
Ulrich Berger, Ralph Matthes, Anton Setzer
In: 24th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES
2018), Editors Peter Dybjer, José Espírito Santo, and Luís Pinto; Article No.
1; pp. 1:1-1:22
The authors describe the breadth-first traversal algorithm by Martin Hofmann
that uses a non-strictly positive data type.
Known data types are strictly positive; a type theory like Coq only accepts
strictly positive dataa types, because for those a termination recursive
function definition scheme and an induction principle can be derived on
syntactic grounds.
The breadth-first traversal algorithm is interesting by itself and
termination of the algorithm is shown by implementing it in the strongly
normalising extension of system F by Mendler-style recursion. The authors
analyze the same algorithm by alternative verifications first in an
intensional setting using a non-strictly positive inductive definition (not
just a non-strictly positive data type), and subsequently by two different
algebraic reductions.
Jurriaan Rot
J1: Steven Bronsveld
Residual Nominal Automata
Joshua Moerman, Matteo Sammartino
Nominal automata are elegant formalism for accepting
languages over infinite alphabets. Contrary to classical
finite automata, in the nominal case, non-deterministic
automata are strictly more expressive than deterministic
automata. The paper refines this further, into a little
hierarchy with different forms of non-determinism. In
particular they talk about residual nominal automata,
through a nice combination of the theory of nominal sets
and lattices.
J2: (not assigned)
Guarded Kleene Algebra with Tests: Verification of Uninterpreted Programs in Nearly Linear Time
Steffen Smolka, Nate Foster, Justin Hsu, Tobias Kappé, Dexter Kozen, Alexandra Silva
The authors present GKAT, an extension of regular
expressions, that can be used to reason about basic
imperative programs. It comes with a complete axiomatisation
and an efficient decision procedure; the project is to get
the global of the calculus and its use, and get into the
details of some of the theoretical results.
Robbert Krebbers (with Ike Mulder)
K1: Bálint Kocsis
GhostCell: Separating Permissions from Data in Rust
Joshua Yanovski, Hoang-Hai Dang, Ralf Jung, Derek Dreyer
In ICFP 2021: ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
Rust is a the first industry-supported programming language that combines
safety and control. It uses a "permission based" type system to rule out large
classes of bugs at compile time (such as buffer overflows and use-after-free),
while providing low-level control over data representation and avoiding the
need for a garbage collector. Unfortunately, Rust's type system is currently
not able to support data structures with complex pointer sharing such as
doubly-linked lists or graphs.
The paper presents a new API for Rust, called GhostCell, that allows for safe
and efficient implementations of such data structures, and provides a proof
(mechanized using separation logic in Coq) that the proposed API is indeed
sound. The paper combines programming language design with programming
language theory, and thus allows for a wide range of follow up projects.
Jules Jacobs (with Robbert Krebbers)
K2: (not assigned)
Perceus: Garbage Free Reference Counting with Reuse
Alex Reinking, Ningning Xie, Leonardo de Moura, Daan Leijen
In PLDI 2021: Programming Language Design and Implementation
This paper introduces Perceus, an algorithm for reference counting with reuse.
Reuse enables a functional-but-in-place paradigm, which allows writing
in-place mutating algorithms in a purely functional style. The paper also
introduces a method to decrement the reference count as soon as possible,
inspired by ownership and borrowing (a la Rust), so that data is deallocated
as soon as it is no longer needed (unlike standard scope-based reference
counting implementations). At first, this seems to be more expensive than
standard scope-based reference counting, but the authors show that this
enables optimizations that often remove almost all reference count operations
from the fast paths.
Possible follow-up projects are, but not limited to: looking into how this
enables the Lean 4 theorem prover to be written in Lean itself, looking into
the Koka language with effect handlers, or looking into the mimalloc memory
Nils Jansen
N1: Roy Willems
Robust MDPs with k-rectangular uncertainty
Shie Mannor, Ofir Mebel, Huan Xu
Mathematics of Operations Research, 2016.
Markov decision processes (MDPs) are a standard model
for decision-making under uncertainty. In particular,
for each decision a number of outcomes are possible, and
the actual outcome is chosen probabilistically. A key
assumption on MDPs is that the probabilities are exactly
known. Robust MDPs (or uncertain MDPs) do not require exact
probabilities. Instead, they use so-called uncertainty sets
that capture a range of possible probability distributions.
These uncertainty sets are often assumed to be rectangular,
meaning that at every choice, the worst-case instance of
the uncertainty set is chosen. This assumption does not
always hold in practice. As such, this paper introduces a
new type of uncertainty called k-rectangular uncertainty,
where the worst-case instance is chosen only k times, and
shows how the decision-making problem can be solved under
this type of uncertainty.
Marnix Suilen (with Nils Jansen)
N2: Wietze Koops
The Mathematics of Changing One's Mind, via Jeffrey's or via Pearl's update rule
Bart Jacobs
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2019
Given the probability of a fire occurring Pr(F), and the
probability that an alarm goes off in case of a fire Pr(A |
F), we may ask: 'what is the probability of a fire when we
hear the alarm go off?', i.e., what is Pr(F | A). In this
expression, it is given that the alarm A goes off. There
is no question about it. This is called sharp evidence.
But what if we are only 80% certain we heard alarm A
going off? Then A is given by so-called fuzzy evidence.
In principle, whether A is sharp or fuzzy is no problem,
we can still compute Pr(F | A). However, as it turns out,
in the fuzzy case there are two different ways of doing this
computation, either via Pearl's rule, or via Jeffrey's rule.
And these two rules give different results. This paper uses
channel-based reasoning to look into both rules, examine
their differences, and discusses a number of examples.
Wieb Bosma
W1: Danish Alvi
1x1 Rush Hour with Fixed Blocks is PSPACE-complete
Josh Brunner, Lily Chung, Adam Hesterberg, Erik D. Demaine, Adam Suhl, Dylan Hendrickson, Avi Zeff
arXiv, May 2020
The Rush Hour game, consisting of 1x2 and 1x3 cars on a horizontal
(square) grid that can each slide either horizontally or vertically, provides
a problem (can a given car be moved to the edge?) that was shown to be
PSPACE-complete in 2002. In this paper the (apparently) more difficult
case of 1x1 cars is solved in case of the additional presence of cars
that cannot move (with the same complexity result).
To me the method (of contraint logic programming) is more interesting
than the result itself: how does the method work, and how does one
obtain such PSPACE-completeness results (for many games)?
W2: Robin Holen
On the hardness of knowing busy beaver values BB(15) and BB(5, 4)
Tristan Sterin, Damien Woods
arXiv, July 2021
The (uncomputable) busy beaver function BB gives the maximum number of
steps that any n-state (2 symbol) deterministic halting Turing machine can
make (starting from a blank tape).
BB(4) is known to be 107, BB(5) conjectured to be (and least equal
to) 47176870 and BB(7) known to exceed 10^(10^(10^(10^C))), with C>10^7.
There are several interesting questions related to BB, but this paper
caught my interest for the explicit relation it makes with certain conjectures
in elementary number theory (that is: the statements are elementary),
such as: there is an explicit 15-state Turing machine that halts if and only
if the following Conjecture (by Erdos) is false (and thus computing BB(15) is
at least as hard as solving the conjecture).
Conjecture: no power of 2 greater than 256 is the sum of distinct powers of 3.
Also the relation of this with a form of Collatz famous conjecture (that iterating
the function dividing even integers by 2 and replacing odd integers x by
3x+1 eventually reaches 1, for any positive integer input), is of interest, as is
recent computational work on the Erdos Conjecture.
Hans Zantema
Z1: Mirja van de Pol
Mix-Automatic Sequences
Jörg Endrullis, Clemens Grabmayer and Dimitri Hendriks
Proc. Conf. on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2013), LNCS 7810, 262–274, Springer, 2013.
Automatic sequences are the simplest infinite sequences that are
not ultimately periodic. In the seminal book 'Automatic Sequences'
by Allouche and Shallit a lot of theory about this kind of sequences
and many variants is presented. In the standard definition of automatic
sequences a basis k is fixed, where the i-th element of the sequence is
obtained by feeding the k-ary representation of i in an automaton. In
the proposed paper it is investigated how this can be generalized to
mixed number representation.