xnsched_t Struct Reference
[Real-time pod services.]

Detailed Description

Scheduling information structure.

Data Fields

xnflags_t status
xnthread_t * runthread
xnarch_cpumask_t resched
xnsched_queue_t readyq
volatile unsigned inesting
xnthread_t rootcb
xntimer_t htimer

Field Documentation

xnflags_t xnsched_t::status

Scheduler specific status bitmask

xnthread_t* xnsched_t::runthread

Current thread (service or user).

xnarch_cpumask_t xnsched_t::resched

Mask of CPUs needing rescheduling.

xnsched_queue_t xnsched_t::readyq

Ready-to-run threads (prioritized).

volatile unsigned xnsched_t::inesting

Interrupt nesting level.

xnthread_t xnsched_t::rootcb

Root thread control block.

xntimer_t xnsched_t::htimer

Host timer.

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Generated on Mon Mar 24 18:02:44 2008 for Xenomai API by  doxygen 1.5.3