Library kuratowski.extensionality

Extensionality of the FSets
Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import kuratowski.kuratowski_sets.

We prove extensionality via a chain of equivalences. We end with proving that equality can be defined with the subset relation. From that we can conclude that FSet A has decidable equality if A has.
Section ext.
  Context {A : Type}.
  Context `{Univalence}.

  Lemma equiv_subset1_l (X Y : FSet A) (H1 : Y X = X) (a : A) (Ya : a Y) : a X.
    apply (transport (fun Za Z) H1 (tr(inl Ya))).

  Lemma equiv_subset1_r X : (Y : FSet A), ( a, a Y a X) Y X = X.
    hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
    - intros.
      apply nl.
    - intros b sub.
      specialize (sub b (tr idpath)).
      revert sub.
      hinduction X ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
      × contradiction.
      × intros.
        rewrite sub.
        apply union_idem.
      × intros X Y subX subY mem.
        destruct mem as [t | t].
        ** rewrite assoc, (subX t).
        ** rewrite (comm X), assoc, (subY t).
    - intros Y1 Y2 H1 H2 H3.
      rewrite <- assoc.
      rewrite (H2 (fun a HYH3 a (tr(inr HY)))).
      apply (H1 (fun a HYH3 a (tr(inl HY)))).

  Lemma eq_subset1 X Y : (Y X = X) × (X Y = Y) <~> (a : A), a X = a Y.
    eapply equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried ; split.
    - intros [H1 H2] a.
      apply path_iff_hprop ; apply equiv_subset1_l ; assumption.
    - intros H1.
      split ; apply equiv_subset1_r ; intros.
      × rewrite H1 ; assumption.
      × rewrite <- H1 ; assumption.

  Lemma eq_subset2 (X Y : FSet A) : X = Y <~> (Y X = X) × (X Y = Y).
    eapply equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried ; split.
    - intro Heq.
      × apply (ap (fun ZZ X) Heq^ @ union_idem X).
      × apply (ap (fun ZZ Y) Heq @ union_idem Y).
    - intros [H1 H2].
      apply (H1^ @ comm Y X @ H2).

  Theorem fset_ext (X Y : FSet A) :
    X = Y <~> (a : A), a X = a Y.
    apply (equiv_compose' (eq_subset1 X Y) (eq_subset2 X Y)).

  Lemma subset_union (X Y : FSet A) :
    X Y X Y = Y.
    hinduction X ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
    - intros.
      apply nl.
    - intros a.
      hinduction Y ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
      + intro.
      + intros b p.
        rewrite p.
        apply idem.
      + intros X1 X2 IH1 IH2 t.
        destruct t as [t | t].
        ++ rewrite assoc, (IH1 t).
        ++ rewrite comm, <- assoc, (comm X2), (IH2 t).
    - intros X1 X2 IH1 IH2 [G1 G2].
      rewrite <- assoc.
      rewrite (IH2 G2).
      apply (IH1 G1).

  Lemma subset_union_l (X : FSet A) :
     Y, X X Y.
    hinduction X ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
    - apply (fun _tt).
    - intros.
      apply (tr(inl(tr idpath))).
    - intros X1 X2 HX1 HX2 Y.
      split ; unfold subset in ×.
      × rewrite <- assoc.
        apply HX1.
      × rewrite (comm X1 X2), <- assoc.
        apply HX2.

  Lemma subset_union_equiv
    : X Y : FSet A, X Y <~> X Y = Y.
    intros X Y.
    eapply equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried.
    - apply subset_union.
    - intro HXY.
      rewrite <- HXY.
      apply subset_union_l.

  Lemma subset_isIn (X Y : FSet A) :
    X Y <~> (a : A), a X a Y.
    - apply subset_union_equiv.
    - eapply equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried ; split.
      × apply equiv_subset1_l.
      × apply equiv_subset1_r.

  Lemma eq_subset (X Y : FSet A) :
    X = Y <~> (Y X × X Y).
    etransitivity ((Y X = X) × (X Y = Y)).
    - apply eq_subset2.
    - symmetry.
      eapply equiv_functor_prod' ; apply subset_union_equiv.
End ext.