Library misc.ordered

If A has a total order, then we can pick the minimum of finite sets.
Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import kuratowski.kuratowski_sets kuratowski.operations

Definition relation A := A A Type.

Section TotalOrder.
  Class IsTop (A : Type) (R : relation A) (a : A) :=
    top_max : x, R x a.

  Class LessThan (A : Type) :=
    leq : relation A.

  Class Antisymmetric {A} (R : relation A) :=
    antisymmetry : x y, R x y R y x x = y.

  Class Total {A} (R : relation A) :=
    total : x y, x = y R x y R y x.

  Class TotalOrder (A : Type) {R : LessThan A} :=
    { TotalOrder_Reflexive :> Reflexive R | 2 ;
      TotalOrder_Antisymmetric :> Antisymmetric R | 2;
      TotalOrder_Transitive :> Transitive R | 2;
      TotalOrder_Total :> Total R | 2; }.
End TotalOrder.

Section minimum.
  Context {A : Type}.
  Context `{TotalOrder A}.

  Definition min (x y : A) : A.
    destruct (@total _ R _ x y).
    - apply x.
    - destruct s as [s | s].
      × apply x.
      × apply y.

  Lemma min_spec1 x y : R (min x y) x.
    unfold min.
    destruct (total x y) ; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct s as [ | t].
      × reflexivity.
      × apply t.

  Lemma min_spec2 x y z : R z x R z y R z (min x y).
    unfold min.
    destruct (total x y) as [ | s].
    × assumption.
    × try (destruct s) ; assumption.

  Lemma min_comm x y : min x y = min y x.
    unfold min.
    destruct (total x y) ; destruct (total y x) ; simpl.
    - assumption.
    - destruct s as [s | s] ; auto.
    - destruct s as [s | s] ; symmetry ; auto.
    - destruct s as [s | s] ; destruct s0 as [s0 | s0] ; try reflexivity.
      × apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _) ; assumption.
      × apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _) ; assumption.

  Lemma min_idem x : min x x = x.
    unfold min.
    destruct (total x x) ; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct s ; reflexivity.

  Lemma min_assoc x y z : min (min x y) z = min x (min y z).
    apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _).
    - apply min_spec2.
      × etransitivity ; apply min_spec1.
      × apply min_spec2.
        ** etransitivity ; try (apply min_spec1).
           rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1.
        ** rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1.
    - apply min_spec2.
      × apply min_spec2.
        ** apply min_spec1.
        ** etransitivity.
           { rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. }
           apply min_spec1.
      × transitivity (min y z); simpl
        ; rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1.

  Variable (top : A).
  Context `{IsTop A R top}.

  Lemma min_nr x : min x top = x.
    unfold min.
    destruct (total x top).
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct s.
      × reflexivity.
      × apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _).
        ** assumption.
        ** refine (top_max _). apply _.

  Lemma min_nl x : min top x = x.
    rewrite min_comm.
    apply min_nr.

  Lemma min_top_l x y : min x y = top x = top.
    unfold min.
    destruct (total x y).
    - apply idmap.
    - destruct s as [s | s].
      × apply idmap.
      × intros X.
        rewrite X in s.
        apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _).
        ** apply top_max.
        ** assumption.

  Lemma min_top_r x y : min x y = top y = top.
    rewrite min_comm.
    apply min_top_l.

End minimum.

Section add_top.
  Variable (A : Type).
  Context `{TotalOrder A}.

  Definition Top := A + Unit.
  Definition top : Top := inr tt.

  Global Instance RTop : LessThan Top.
    unfold relation.
    induction 1 as [a1 | ] ; induction 1 as [a2 | ].
    - apply (R a1 a2).
    - apply Unit_hp.
    - apply False_hp.
    - apply Unit_hp.

  Global Instance rtop_hprop :
    is_mere_relation A R is_mere_relation Top RTop.
    intros P a b.
    destruct a ; destruct b ; apply _.

  Global Instance RTopOrder : TotalOrder Top.
    - intros x ; induction x ; unfold RTop ; simpl.
      × reflexivity.
      × apply tt.
    - intros x y ; induction x as [a1 | ] ; induction y as [a2 | ] ; unfold RTop ; simpl
      ; try contradiction.
      × intros ; f_ap.
        apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _) ; assumption.
      × intros ; induction b ; induction b0.
    - intros x y z ; induction x as [a1 | b1] ; induction y as [a2 | b2]
      ; induction z as [a3 | b3] ; unfold RTop ; simpl
      ; try contradiction ; intros ; try (apply tt).
      transitivity a2 ; assumption.
    - intros x y.
      unfold RTop ; simpl.
      induction x as [a1 | b1] ; induction y as [a2 | b2] ; try (apply (inl idpath)).
      × destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a2).
        ** left ; f_ap ; assumption.
        ** right ; assumption.
      × apply (inr(inl tt)).
      × apply (inr(inr tt)).
      × left ; induction b1 ; induction b2 ; reflexivity.

  Global Instance top_a_top : IsTop Top RTop top.
    intro x ; destruct x ; apply tt.
End add_top.

If A has a total order, then a nonempty finite set has a minimum element.
Section min_set.
  Variable (A : Type).
  Context `{TotalOrder A}.
  Context `{is_mere_relation A R}.
  Context `{Univalence} `{IsHSet A}.

  Definition min_set : FSet A Top A.
    - apply (top A).
    - apply inl.
    - apply min.
    - intros ; symmetry ; apply min_assoc.
    - apply min_comm.
    - apply min_nl. apply _.
    - apply min_nr. apply _.
    - intros ; apply min_idem.

  Definition empty_min : (X : FSet A), min_set X = top A X = .
    simple refine (FSet_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
    ; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro q ; apply set_path2)
    ; simpl.
    - intros ; reflexivity.
    - intros.
      unfold top in X.
      enough Empty.
      { contradiction. }
      refine (not_is_inl_and_inr' (inl a) _ _).
      × apply tt.
      × rewrite X ; apply tt.
    - intros.
      assert (min_set x = top A).
        simple refine (min_top_l _ _ (min_set y) _) ; assumption.
      rewrite (X X2).
      rewrite nl.
      assert (min_set y = top A).
      { simple refine (min_top_r _ (min_set x) _ _) ; assumption. }
      rewrite (X0 X3).

  Definition min_set_spec (a : A) : (X : FSet A),
      a X RTop A (min_set X) (inl a).
    simple refine (FSet_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
    ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop)
    ; simpl.
    - contradiction.
    - intros.
      rewrite X.
    - intros.
      unfold member in X, X0.
      destruct X1.
      × specialize (X t).
        assert (RTop A (min (min_set x) (min_set y)) (min_set x)) as X1.
        { apply min_spec1. }
        { apply X1. }
      × specialize (X0 t).
        assert (RTop A (min (min_set x) (min_set y)) (min_set y)) as X1.
        { rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. }
        { apply X1. }
End min_set.