Thread information flags.
[Xenomai nucleus.]

Collaboration diagram for Thread information flags.:

Detailed Description

Bits reporting events notified to the thread.


#define XNTIMEO   0x00000001
 Woken up due to a timeout condition.
#define XNRMID   0x00000002
 Pending on a removed resource.
#define XNBREAK   0x00000004
 Forcibly awaken from a wait state.
#define XNKICKED   0x00000008
 Kicked upon Linux signal (shadow only).
#define XNWAKEN   0x00000010
 Thread waken up upon resource availability.
#define XNROBBED   0x00000020
 Robbed from resource ownership.
#define XNATOMIC   0x00000040
 In atomic switch from secondary to primary mode.
#define XNAFFSET   0x00000080
 CPU affinity changed from primary mode.

Generated on Mon Mar 24 18:02:41 2008 for Xenomai API by  doxygen 1.5.3