rtdm_device Struct Reference
[Device Registration Services]

Collaboration diagram for rtdm_device:

Collaboration graph

Detailed Description

RTDM device This structure specifies a RTDM device. As some fields, especially the reserved area, will be modified by RTDM during runtime, the structure must not reside in write-protected memory.

Data Fields

int struct_version
 Revision number of this structure, see Driver Versioning defines.
int device_flags
 Device flags, see Device Flags for details.
size_t context_size
 Size of driver defined appendix to struct rtdm_dev_context.
char device_name [RTDM_MAX_DEVNAME_LEN+1]
 Named device identification (orthogonal to Linux device name space).
int protocol_family
 Protocol device identification: protocol family (PF_xxx).
int socket_type
 Protocol device identification: socket type (SOCK_xxx).
rtdm_open_handler_t open_rt
 Named device instance creation for real-time contexts, optional if open_nrt is non-NULL, ignored for protocol devices.
rtdm_open_handler_t open_nrt
 Named device instance creation for non-real-time contexts, optional if open_rt is non-NULL, ignored for protocol devices.
rtdm_socket_handler_t socket_rt
 Protocol socket creation for real-time contexts, optional if socket_nrt is non-NULL, ignored for named devices.
rtdm_socket_handler_t socket_nrt
 Protocol socket creation for non-real-time contexts, optional if socket_rt is non-NULL, ignored for named devices.
struct rtdm_operations ops
 Default operations on newly opened device instance.
int device_class
 Device class ID, see RTDM_CLASS_xxx.
int device_sub_class
 Device sub-class, see RTDM_SUBCLASS_xxx definition in the Device Profiles.
int profile_version
 Supported device profile version.
const char * driver_name
 Informational driver name (reported via /proc).
int driver_version
 Driver version, see Driver Versioning defines.
const char * peripheral_name
 Informational peripheral name the device is attached to (reported via /proc).
const char * provider_name
 Informational driver provider name (reported via /proc).
const char * proc_name
 Name of /proc entry for the device, must not be NULL.
struct proc_dir_entry * proc_entry
 Set to device's /proc root entry after registration, do not modify.
int device_id
 Driver definable device ID.
void * device_data
 Driver definable device data.
struct rtdm_dev_reserved reserved
 Data stored by RTDM inside a registered device (internal use only).

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Generated on Mon Mar 24 18:02:44 2008 for Xenomai API by  doxygen 1.5.3