xnpod Struct Reference
[Real-time pod services.]

Collaboration diagram for xnpod:

Collaboration graph

Detailed Description

Real-time pod descriptor.

The source of all Xenomai magic.

Data Fields

xnflags_t status
xnsched_t sched [XNARCH_NR_CPUS]
xnqueue_t threadq
int threadq_rev
xnqueue_t tstartq
xnqueue_t tswitchq
xnqueue_t tdeleteq
int refcnt
atomic_counter_t timerlck

Field Documentation

xnflags_t xnpod::status

Status bitmask.

xnsched_t xnpod::sched[XNARCH_NR_CPUS]

Per-cpu scheduler slots.

xnqueue_t xnpod::threadq

All existing threads.

int xnpod::threadq_rev

Modification counter of threadq.

xnqueue_t xnpod::tstartq

Thread start hook queue.

xnqueue_t xnpod::tswitchq

Thread switch hook queue.

xnqueue_t xnpod::tdeleteq

Thread delete hook queue.

int xnpod::refcnt

Reference count.

atomic_counter_t xnpod::timerlck

Timer lock depth.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon Mar 24 18:02:44 2008 for Xenomai API by  doxygen 1.5.3